Fu Tingye stared at Tang Moran, his lips curled.

After all, the little girl has grown up, knowing that she needs face.

When the Tang family sent Tang Moran, this little girl was only fourteen years old. She was crying and clamoring to go home.

Now that I shed two tears quietly, I feel embarrassed.

Fu Tingye didn't know what was going on, but he was a little confused, said nothing, and went out with his bodyguard.

As soon as he left the house, he asked: "How did the young lady get injured? She is not a child anymore, and she can fall even after running?"

One of the bodyguards explained to Fu Tingye: "It was a classmate in Miss Tang's class. He bumped into Miss Tang."

"on purpose?"

"It was intentional."

Fu Tingye's eyes sank.

"I have found out that it is the daughter of the boss of Huaiyang Shipping, named Jiang Feifei."

Fu Tingye had never heard of this company, and looked disdainful: "Then what company?"

"A small company affiliated with Yunfeng."

Fu Tingye understood now.

He and Xia He, the chairman of Yunfeng Group, have eaten several times, and the relationship is pretty good.

Fu Tingye called his assistant Bai Zheng: "Tomorrow Xia Dong will be out for dinner, remember to call the one from Huaiyang Shipping.

President Jiang, oh, let him bring his daughter. "

He has been raising a little girl for more than three years, how could he be bullied outside.

When you are an uncle, you have to earn it back.

After Fu Tingye finished the phone call here, he estimated that Tang Moran's wound was almost treated there, and turned back to the ward.

Tang Moran was supporting the wall and slowly getting up.

Seeing Tang Moran's trembling appearance, Fu Tingye's pupils tightened: "Be careful."

Tang Moran was startled, his body shook, and his knee hurt.

She didn't fall, but plunged directly into a firm embrace.

The masculine breath rushed into her face, and the man’s good smell of perfume and eyes crazily drilled into Tang Moran’s nose.

Tang Moran was hot in his breath, embarrassed, "Uncle Fu, you let me go."

Fu Tingye raised her eyebrows with a joking expression: "Let go of you, what if you fall again?"

Tang Moran only felt dry and dry: "How is it possible, Uncle Fu, I am not a kid anymore, you let me go,

I promise not to fall. "

"I dare not take your guarantee seriously,"

Fu Tingye threw such a sentence so coldly, and raised his hand to hug Tang Moran sideways.

"Ah." Tang Moran screamed subconsciously.

Fu Tingye's voice was very low, as if only Tang Moran could hear him, "Don't move, are you responsible if something goes wrong?"

Tang Moran is confused, what can happen?

At most, she fell from Fu Tingye's hands.

Just wondering, Fu Tingye's voice became even lower. He seemed to have understood Tang Moran's incomprehension and answered her:

"A matter of men and women."

Tang Moran's body froze instantly.

Shrunk in Fu Tingye's arms, he really didn't move.

She is no longer a child who knows nothing. In the past few years when she was raised by Fu Tingye, Fu Tingye restricted her very much.

With great freedom, she can’t go out, and she can’t often go to friends to play~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has become her most pastime to pass the time


Fortunately, Fu Tingye didn’t have so many demands on the books she read. Tang Moran learned from those love novels early on

What is a matter of men and women.

But books are books, and no matter how many they read, they are not as good as what Fu Tingye said softly in his ear.

Tang Moran felt that he was about to explode, and he was so hot.

Secretly scolded Fu Tingye, an old and unscrupulous pervert.

Tang Moran was carried back to the car by Fu Tingye and sent back to Fu's house.

Fu Tingye rushed to the hospital after receiving her injury temporarily. After sending Tang Moran back, he just asked the family to take good pictures.

Gu Tang Moran hurried away.

Tang Moran was originally restricted to his personal freedom, and now he hurt his foot, let alone going out.

Drilled into the quilt and picked up the Dream of Red Mansions on the bedside.

After watching for more than half an hour, someone knocked on the door, and then came the voice of a servant.

"Miss Tang, the second young master is looking for you."

Tang Moran was startled.

Fu Jingting?

Why did he come here?

Didn't Fu Tingye prevent him from coming to this house?

Tang Moran pulled the quilt, "Let him in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Jingting opened the door and walked in.


Tang Moran blushed: "Don't call me that, where am I young."

I'll be an adult soon, OK?

"You are small, and your voice is also small, isn't it small?"

Fu Jingting sat down beside Tang Moran's bed carelessly, "I heard that you made my brother angry. My brother beat you?"

Tang Moran's eyes widened, and he shook his head quickly: "No!"

Fu Tingye was not so cruel.

How could it be possible to hit someone.

"I accidentally injured myself."

Fu Jingting looked down and saw the book in her hand, stretched out his hand and took it over: "A Dream of Red Mansions? Don’t you think you’re looking at the stuff?

bored? You said that you are young, why do you always read such rigid books. "

"Don't insult the masterpiece."

Fu Jingting curled his lips and pulled out a rolled up picture book from his pants pocket: "I'm afraid you will be bored.

The picture book is much more fun than what you see. "

After speaking, he stuffed the painting book into Tang Moran's hands.

Tang Moran looked down, and didn't know where Fu Jingting came from. He was crumpled.

She turned a page at random while complaining.

Inside, there is a picture of a man and a woman turning over and over.

Tang Moran hummed his head and quickly closed the book.

"You!" She looked at Fu Jingting angrily.

Fu Jingting jumped away and ran towards the door with a smile: "How about it, isn't it particularly interesting? Is it better than you?

Fun? "

"go away!"

Tang Moran threw the book at him fiercely.

"Small, I will see you next time."

Fu Jingting smiled and ran away.

Tang Moran was unclear, and he was not in the mood to read the book. He took up the quilt to cover himself, and simply made up for sleep.

This sleep did not wake up until night.

"Miss Tang, the dinner I sent you is here."

Tang Moran slept in a dazed manner and was not completely awake: "Sister Li, I will not eat today."

"Miss Tang, you will have problems if you don't eat. Eat a little bit."

"Sister Li, don't bother me."

Tang Moran closed his eyes again.

Not long after this time, Tang Moran heard a familiar voice outside the door, "Tang Moran."

This sound was like a curse, instantly awakening all the fear in Tang Moran's body, and Tang Moran woke up all at once.

The voice couldn't stop trembling and called: "Uncle Fu."

"I'm here."

Tang Moran grasped the quilt tightly and saw Fu Tingye push the door and walk in.

He was wearing a neat suit and holding a dinner plate with three dishes and one soup on it, all of which Tang Moran liked to eat.

"why you do not want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry."

Tang Moran swallowed, and smiled uncomfortably in Fu Tingye's cold eyes, "But I'm hungry now."

Fu Tingye didn't say anything, and handed her the dinner plate.

Tang Moran picked up the bowl and started eating with small mouthfuls.

While watching her eating, Fu Tingye said, "I was going to take you to Hawaii, but you have injuries on your leg.

Even if I can go to the beach, I will take you to play next time I have a chance. "


When Fu Tingye saw Tang Moran's head lowered and he was eating like a hamster, his brows couldn't help but gently.


"Mo'er, are you afraid of me?"

Tang Moran only swallowed, not talking.

Fu Tingye sighed helplessly in her heart, was about to leave, but suddenly found this painting book falling on the ground.

"what is this?"

Tang Moran lifted his eyelids and immediately disappeared.

"Don't look!"

However, it was too late. Fu Tingye held the small picture album and looked through it.

It's over.

Tang Moran's eyes went dark, this Fu Jingting really wanted to kill himself.

Fu Tingye walked up to Tang Moran with a ugly expression.

"Mo'er, is this the book you usually read?"

Tang Moran only felt that the food in his mouth suddenly became difficult to swallow, as if it were in his throat.

She bit her head and smiled: "No, Uncle Fu, this is just an accident. I usually watch The Dream of Red Mansions, Romance of the Three Kingdoms..."

Fu Tingye's eyes were sharp and sharp as a knife, and Tang Moran stared at him almost crying.

"I really didn't lie, my Dream of Red Mansions, it was just placed here..."

Tang Moran just wanted to prove it to Fu Tingye.

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