Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1920: .Heart hot

Fu Tingye's face was very bad.

This little girl actually reads such a mess of books? Still blatantly taken home?

"Who gave you this book?"

Tang Moran didn't want to betray Fu Jingting, so he had no choice but to admit the incident.

"I bought it from outside."

Fu Tingye: "..."

Fu Tingye took back Tang Moran's unfinished dinner: "You are not allowed to eat dinner tonight. It is a punishment.

I have copied the rules of the Fu family a hundred times, and I will check them tomorrow night. "

Tang Moran said, "Huh?"

"I am not the Fu family, why should I copy the Fu family rules?"

Fu Tingye turned to look at Tang Moran coldly.

Tang Moran shrank his neck and said, "I'm copying, can't I copy it?"

Fu Tingye summoned both Li's wife and the housekeeper.

"When will I finish copying, and when will I give her food."

Li's wife took care of Tang Moran for a long time. She actually felt very sorry for the little girl and begged for mercy as soon as she heard this:

"Mr. Fu, Miss Tang made a mistake. Tell her well, how can you not eat?"

The housekeeper said, "Yes, Mr. Fu, Miss Tang still has injuries."

Fu Tingye's eyes cold. The whole person became a bit hostile: "Whether she is in charge of this family or me?"

Li's wife and the housekeeper turned pale and were afraid to speak.


Early the next morning, Tang Moran was awakened by the smell of breakfast.

She lay on the table, copying Fu's house rules feebly.

"One can't bully others, and two can't be arbitrary..."

Tang Moran threw his pen angrily.

Damn, none of it seems like Fu Tingye complied.

Fu Tingye is a big **** who bullies others and acts arbitrarily.

Tang Moran couldn't help but drew a tortoise on the paper and added an arrow next to it. Write the name "Fu Tingye".

Tang Moran didn’t eat anything last night. He was already hungry at this moment. He didn’t know what he did in the kitchen downstairs.

Tang Moran couldn't help it anymore and put down the pen and went downstairs.

"Good morning Miss Tang."

"Sister Li is good." Tang Moran ran to Sister Li. Seeing the mushroom porridge being cooked in the pot, I swallowed subconsciously


"Miss Tang, let's eat."

Tang Moran shook his head embarrassedly: "I haven't finished copying the house rules yet."

Aunt Li smiled: "My husband just scared you, how can I really not let you eat." She said that she delivered a bowl of mushroom porridge.

In front of Tang Moran.

Tang Moran's hungry stomachs were screwed together, and he touched the spoon with his hand, but finally did not eat.

"Forget it, I'll eat after copying it."

Fu Tingye might not embarrass her, but that doesn't mean she won't embarrass Li's wife.

Tang Moran didn't want Sister Li and the bodyguard that day to end.


Fu Tingye has a dinner today.

When he rushed to the box, everyone else was already there.

"Ting Ye, you are here!" Xia Dong of Yunfeng Group got up enthusiastically and went to greet Fu Ting Ye.

Others also stood up for compliments and greetings.

Fu Tingye is the youngest among this group of people. In terms of generation, he is still a junior. The Fu Group is in the hands of Fu Tingye’s father.

When I was here, it was a fairly satisfactory company. Although Fu Tingye’s father had business acumen, he was too

Be cautious. Later, the company was handed over to Fu Tingye, who was in his early twenties. Everyone felt that the Fu Group had fallen.

Unexpectedly, when this young man took office, everyone showed a vigorous and vigorous side that would not lose to anyone.

The decisive and decisive style of action led to the rapid rise of the Fu Group. Now there are two coughs, and the entire business district will follow

The business empire was shaking three times.

Therefore, no one dared to underestimate Fu Tingye.

Fu Tingye was holding a wine glass, smiling and closing a circle of courtesy.

I caught a glimpse of a man with glasses next to Xia Dong, and then I saw a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old standing next to him.

This is Mr. Jiang.

"Mr. Jiang."

Fu Tingye nodded unclearly.

President Jiang was obviously flattered and drank the wine in his glass in a hurry.

He complimented: "I have been admiring the name of President Fu for a long time. When I saw him today, he was really the dragon among the people, which made people admire."

Fu Tingye smiled and stared at Jiang Feifei's body scorchingly.

"Ling Ai is very beautiful."

Jiang Feifei was stared at by such a good-looking man for the first time, and she was a little dazed for a while, or her father called her

After two sounds, she blushed back to her senses, "Thank you Mr. Fu for the praise."

Fu Tingye still smiled, holding the wine glass and walking forward two steps, staring at Jiang Feifei condescendingly.

The gaze seemed to be looking at one's own prey, with some teasing and three-point play.

Jiang Feifei's heart was about to jump out.

Before she came, she heard that President Fu called her to come.

My father specifically mentioned that this Mr. Fu is young and promising. The key is that after so many years, there has not been a girl around him.

People, even a trace of lace news has never been heard.

This time she was asked to name her, and the meaning of it was self-evident.

Let her think about how she was favored by Fu Tingye.

If you really get into the face of Fu Tingye and enter the door of the Fu family in the future, it will be a lifetime of glory and wealth.

While Jiang Feifei was excited, she racked her brains to think about questions.

Her head was about to break, and she didn't know where she was anxious with this Mr. Fu.

Could it be that she was seen by Fu Tingye while she was singing at school?

As a literary committee, many people in the school will post videos of her performances online.

Maybe Fu Tingye saw those videos.

Jiang Feifei is dressed exquisitely today, in a gentle white strapless dress, and her hair is naturally scattered around her waist.

He looks very gentle and elegant, although he knows that Fu Tingye is handsome, but now he sees it with his own eyes.

The faint pupils stared tightly, Jiang Feifei was still nervous and couldn't breathe.

After savoring what Fu Tingye had just praised himself, I felt very happy.

He is really interested in himself

Mr. Jiang took the hot iron on the sidelines: "Mr. Fu, sit down, Feifei, go and accompany him." He said and winked at his daughter.

Jiang Feifei sat down beside Fu Tingye shyly.

"President Fu, this is the signature wine of this store. It is made from plums. You can try it."

Jiang Feifei poured a glass of wine for Fu Tingye with her delicate hands, and handed it to Fu Tingye with a spring look.

Fu Tingye took it with a slight smile, and his slender fingertips accidentally rubbed the back of Jiang Feifei's hand, and it was cold.

Jiang Feifei's heart was beating again, her mouth was dry and her eyes were about to drip.

Next is the time for men to talk about business. Jiang Feifei doesn’t understand, just staring at Fu Tingye. This man looks more

The movie is obviously good-looking, and I can't watch it enough.

Jiang Feifei's heart is hot.

Even if you can't marry him in the future, if something can happen, it won't hurt.

Jiang Feifei couldn't help but moved her hand under the table, rubbing against Fu Tingye's trousers.

She is still very confident about her looks.

In the past, there were people who were praised for being beautiful and beautiful.

If it weren't for a family member halfway through, how could the school bachelor of the University of N get the **** Tang Moran to do it?

But now, with Fu Tingye, she doesn't have to worry about Tang Moran anymore.

With Fu Tingye's ability and who is behind her, she is not Fu Tingye's opponent.

Fu Tingye was originally listening to someone speaking, only to feel something strange in his legs. I couldn't help but looked down.

A faint of disgust and coolness flashed in his eyes almost instantly, but he was silently covered in a deep darkness.

Mangzhong, disappeared.

Fu Tingye put his leg aside.

Soon the banquet was over, everyone was a little drunk, Fu Tingye got up, Jiang Feifei on the side hurriedly held his arm.

"Mr. Fu."

President Jiang’s eyes were shining, he walked over with a smile, lowered his voice and said to Fu Tingye: "Mr. Fu, the sky is here.

It’s too late and the road conditions are not good. I’m afraid it’s not safe to go back. I asked someone to open a suite upstairs. It’s better than Mr. Fu tonight

Go there and rest. "

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