Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1924: .Muddle through

Little aunt's face was almost bloodless. The body shook twice, almost fainting.

Another uncle of Fu Tingye came out and said, "Tingye, why did you talk to your elders?"

Fu Tingye looked at the old lady directly, "Grandma, am I wrong?"

Mrs. Fu poked the rice in the bowl and frowned, "Let's eat all, what is the noise?"

Although I didn't say it clearly, such an attitude was obviously in favor of Fu Tingye.

Fu Tingye's uncle and aunt touched the dust of her nose, and she didn't have a good face for a meal.

Tang Moran only had to eat all night, and it was uncomfortable that his entire stomach was stuffed after eating.

"Why, uncomfortable?"

Fu Tingye lowered his head and asked gently.

Tang Moran nodded and shook again quickly.

Fu Tingye got up directly and took Tang Moran's hand, "Grandma, Mo'er is a little uncomfortable.

She will go back first, and see you again. "

The old lady can’t control Fu Tingye anymore. Today, he deliberately brought Tang Moran to the main house, which was obviously to show everyone

With a clear attitude, give this little girl a prestige,

What can she say if she is half buried in loess?

Forget it, let him go, there is only a yellow-haired girl left and right, and Fu Tingye can't take it seriously.

When Fu Tingye left with Tang Moran, Fu Tingye's little aunt immediately began to cry.

"Mom, look at him, for an outsider, to embarrass me in front of so many people, and congratulations

He, He He is also your grandson, or your most beloved grandson, and he was kicked by Fu Tingye with just one sentence

Going to the Northwest...what can you do? You must give us He He the master. "

The old lady had a headache from crying and snorted coldly, "He is not young anymore, your son is six months younger than Tingye.

You will treat him as a child all your life, when will he grow up? "

After finishing speaking, the old lady directly reprimanded Fu Hechao: "You should also study like your brother, how can people be so good?

harm? Look at you again, all day without learning! "

The little aunt was not convinced: "He He is no longer learning and skillless, nor has he brought a woman home, Mom..."

"What about women?" The old lady disdain, "It's strange that there are a few women around men of their age.

? Ting Ye can at least bring it back openly, and look at your son again! He has fewer lovers outside? "

The old lady ridiculed Fu Hechao fiercely, put her chopsticks aside, and turned her head away.

The angry little aunt almost broke the chopsticks.


Here, Fu Tingye took Tang Moran back to the house.

Seeing Tang Moran's face turned pale, Fu Tingye asked the housekeeper to go to the family doctor.

"No need, Uncle Fu, I'm fine, I'm just holding on a bit."

Fu Tingye nodded; "Find a doctor to get you some digestive medicine, you will feel better."

"Thank you, Uncle Fu, thank you for helping me out tonight."

Fu Tingye asked her to sit on the sofa with no waves on her face: ‘Your thanks are purely redundant. I will take you to live

House, it is my responsibility to protect you. If you are wronged, it will be my incompetence, Fu Tingye. "

In fact, Tang Moran wanted to say that if you hadn’t taken me to the main house, I wouldn’t need to encounter these, but these

If she was killed, she would not dare to say it.

After all, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

So, for Fu Tingye's words, she still said repeatedly: "Thank you."

Fu Tingye actually doesn't like her being so polite to herself. This is completely because she didn't regard herself as her own.

Feeling makes him feel very unhappy.

Therefore, he had black eyes tightly locked in front of the fair-faced little girl, and his voice did not fluctuate too much: "Today

What did you buy when you went shopping? "

Except for a consumption reminder, his card has no consumption reminder at all, but he remembers

Before I got there, I told her clearly, let her buy some clothes or something.

Hearing this, Tang Moran immediately raised his eyes, and then said: "I didn't buy anything, and I didn't need anything."

She just went shopping with Yingying to ease her mood.

Since she lived here, she really felt that her mood was depressed to a certain level, and she felt that she must be released.

Down, otherwise it will really blow up.

"Really? I remember that I asked you to buy something back, so you didn't buy it before, but in the end only bought the one

Necklace, because, from the beginning to the end, you only treat me as an outsider, don’t you? You feel that you don’t even need a birthday

Remember? "

After this series of questions, the voice was heavy, like a muffled thunder, which hit Tang Moran's heart all at once.

She looked at Fu Tingye's apparently unhappy appearance, immediately buzzed her head and explained immediately;

"'s not like that, Uncle Fu, I's just that I've been shopping with Yingying for a long time, so I am confused

Wake up, it's not that I can't remember your birthday..."

Tang Moran didn't dare to admit that he was killed, he really didn't remember.

I only hope that Fu Tingye can believe in his crappy acting skills, but obviously, it doesn't seem to work.

She cautiously avoided the direct sight of the other person. Seeing Fu Tingye keep pursing her lips and staring at her, she smiled wryly

Then, the tone softened and said in a low voice, "Uncle Fu, please believe me, I really didn't mean it."

She tried to pretend to be pathetic.

Fu Tingye looked at the wet eyes in front of him like a small deer. He frowned slightly, and reached out his hand to touch her cheek.

Then he asked softly: "Is it really on purpose? You know, I don't like you deceiving me very much."

Thinking of the last time she had just one more book, Fu Tingye asked her to copy the house rules a hundred times, but she didn’t give it to her.

After eating, Tang Moran felt sore in his wrists.

Tang Moran frowned for a moment and thought about it, then suddenly he clutched his stomach, his face pale, and then he hummed softly, "I have a good stomach.

It hurts... It hurts, Uncle Fu, I want to go to the bathroom, hiss! "

She acted decently and kept sucking in the air.

Fu Tingye stared at her clumsy acting appearance, a whisper overflowed from the corner of her lips, and then she said in a magnetic voice: "That

The black card will stay with you. You will remember the password. If you forget it next time, I will use another one for life

Unforgettable ways to make you remember, maybe, it’s a good idea to pick it on my birthday. Presumably, you just want

Forget, and can't forget. "

Suddenly, the scared Tang Moran was clever.

Although Fu Tingye didn't say it explicitly, Tang Moran reacted almost immediately, what he meant.

Looking at Tang Moran's pale face, Fu Tingye's lips curled up with satisfaction.

After a while, the family doctor came over and after inquiring about Tang Moran’s situation, he prescribed a little help

The digestion medicine is given to Tang Moran.

Early the next morning, Tang Moran got up early, only to find that he didn't know it was starting to get dark clouds.

Tang Moran finished washing and went downstairs, thinking about how to say hello to Fu Tingye, but found that Fu Tingye did not

not here.

Did you go to the company so early?

She was sitting on the sofa, and it happened that the TV was broadcasting the weather forecast, saying that there would be a heavy rain today, which lasted a long time.

For a long time, maybe it will go down to night.

Tang Moran was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly his eyes rolled, and then ran out of the courtyard, looking at the gloomy sky outside.

Qi, dark clouds are pressing on the top, although it is daytime, but it is as if it is about to enter night.

She stood outside the yard, never moving.

But soon, a bodyguard came over and reminded her: "Miss Tang, it will rain soon outside. You should

Go in. "

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