Tang Moran looked at the bodyguard who did not know where he came from behind, and felt a little uncomfortable, even here,

There will still be people watching herself anytime and anywhere. She turned around and looked at the gorgeous house behind her.

No matter how many pairs of eyes are staring at yourself.

Tang Moran said softly, "Even if it's going to rain, isn't it still raining? I want to walk around and come back soon."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to go, but just after taking two steps, she was stopped by the bodyguard reaching out: "Miss Tang, please don't make me embarrassed."

Tang Moran sometimes finds it ridiculous. She is just in the yard and she doesn't want to leave. What is this doing?

"I really just wander around. This is the yard, where can I go." She tried to explain.

But the bodyguard didn't mean to move at all, and his attitude was firm.

Tang Moran stood there, trying to stalemate, but after a stalemate, when she was about to give up, she listened

Seeing a smiling but non-smiling voice behind him, he asked: "What are you standing here for? Are you planning to get caught in the rain?"

When he heard this voice, Tang Moran felt numb in his scalp. The house is really so big that I can see it everywhere.


Didn't Fu Tingye not let him come again? Why does Fu Jingting still appear here?

When the bodyguard saw him, he immediately called respectfully: "Fu Erye."

Fu Jingting did not pay attention to him. Instead, he looked directly at Tang Moran who was standing there silently: "Go

Now, the weather is so nice, suitable for something else. "

Tang Moran knew that Fu Jingting was completely full of bad water. He had an idea after a while, and he still had little contact with him.

Wonderful, after all, Fu Tingye did not teach herself because of Fu Jingting, as long as he got in touch with him, there would be nothing good.

So, she immediately took a step back, shaking her head like a rattle: "No need, no, it will rain later.

Yes, I went in. "

But as soon as she took a step, Fu Jingting's sighing voice came from behind her: "This rain is coming down, the orchard behind

The fruit should be almost ripe. "

With this sentence, Tang Moran stopped immediately.

orchard? Isn't that the back door?

What does Fu Jingting mean? Why did you mention that orchard suddenly?

She raised her eyes to look at him suspiciously, but Fu Jingting rarely gave her a good face, and asked with a smile: "Would you like to go there?

Pick some fruit from an orchard to make jam? "

Tang Moran stood there and didn't move. To be honest, she was shaken.

Heavy rain is the best shelter.

Maybe she will have the opportunity to sneak out. There are still more than two weeks left before her coming-of-age ceremony, Fu Ting

Ye's thoughts about her were too obvious. If she missed this time, maybe she would never escape for the rest of her life.


Run away...

Tang Moran's heart was heavy.

How easy is it? Once it fails, with Fu Tingye's personality, she might be torn on the spot.

When she was fiercely fighting between heaven and man, maybe it was Fu Jingting who saw that she had not moved, so she was instantly unhappy.

The response: "Forget it, I don't know anything good or bad, do you really think anyone can let the master come and run?"

After speaking, he turned away with a cold face.

"Uncle Fu, wait a minute." After speaking, she followed his footsteps in a hurry.

The bodyguard stood behind him and did not dare to stop him. After all, this second master's temper was something that no one dared to offend.

But now, Miss Tang has been taken away. In case something happens, he can’t eat and walk around, and simply bear it.


The bodyguards could only look at each other, and quickly followed, keeping a certain distance from Fu Jingting and Tang Moran in front.

Here, Tang Moran followed Fu Jingting’s footsteps and saw that he strode extremely fast, walking towards his yard, she said

While trotting to follow Fu Jingting, he asked: "Uncle Fu, you go slower..."

Fu Jingting stopped abruptly, and Tang Moran behind him was too late, "Bang--" and ran into it.

When the pain came, Tang Moran held his nose, feeling that the bridge of his nose was about to be broken, tears came out all at once.

Fu Jingting turned around. If her eyebrows were impatient, she would teach her, but when she raised her eyes, she saw the sister in white dress in front of her.

Mother, covering her face, her teary eyes were hazy, and she looked pitiful.

All the blame he wanted to say, he swallowed it all at once, and then it became: "Why are you crying?

What? Did you cry first when you hit me? "

Tang Moran rubbed his sore nose while wiping tears, without time to explain.

Seeing Tang Moran not speaking, Fu Jingting felt quite troublesome. He stretched out his hand to pull her and continued to walk quickly: "Okay.

Now, don’t fudge, or it’s really too late. "

This time, he led her through the door.

The same scene is still the orchard, but what is different than before is that there are many more workers in the orchard.

The bodyguards also came in, and Tang Moran subconsciously hid behind Fu Jingting, "Uncle Fu...they..."

"Who let you in? You can also enter my garden? Get out!"

The bodyguard's complexion changed, after hesitating for a moment, he lowered his head and went out.

When the bodyguard left, Fu Jingting immediately pressed Tang Moran’s shoulders, turned her in one direction, and lightly tapped her chin--

"Did you see the truck on the side of the road? Find a way to get in and hide it. Soon, they will drive.

The car is heading down the mountain. This time, if you can't catch it, it is estimated that the next time, you can only wait until next year. "

Fu Jingting didn't know if he really wanted to help her or what, the plan was quite detailed.

But Tang Moran stood still and didn't move.

She knew this was indeed a good opportunity, but she was afraid, afraid that one of her carelessness would harm their Tang family.

Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Fu Jingting frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?

The fruit growers began to carry boxes and walked towards the side of the road.

Tang Moran stood just like that, with fine beads of sweat oozing out of his forehead, and there were cicadas in his ears, Tang Mo

Ran felt anxious in her heart.

She was at war between heaven and humans, whether to go or not to go.

Soon, there was a thunder in the sky, and the shocked person trembled.


When Fu Tingye entered the door wrapped in wind and rain, she saw Tang Moran holding a book and looking there.

Be well-behaved and very quiet, lying on the sofa, slightly curly hair falling down, like seaweed, like a

Little cat.

He walked over, and then asked, "What are you looking at?"

Hearing his voice, Tang Moran raised her eyes, but when she touched Fu Tingye’s dark eyes, she immediately

He sat up straight, and then stuttered: "Fu...Uncle Fu, it's so heavy outside, why are you back?"

She thought that Fu Tingye would not come back until the evening.

Unexpectedly, he came back just before noon.

Fu Tingye took off her coat, then sat beside her, pulled the tie around her neck, and then opened it like a random

Asked: "It seems to be pretty good today and didn't mess with me."

Tang Moran immediately climbed up the pole, smiling timidly: "I remember what you said, and I won't give it to you again.

You are messing up. "

Fu Tingye didn't look at her, but continued to ask: "Is it true that you have been sitting here and reading today?"

It's not a question, it seems to be just casually asked.

But Tang Moran felt cold sweat all over her back. She felt that this question was a trap.

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