Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1926: .small thing

Because in the morning, Fu Jingting came, and she also followed Fu Jingting away, the bodyguards also saw it, is it difficult?

Yes, the bodyguard didn't tell him?

Tang Moran was silent for a long time, causing Fu Tingye to look at her suspiciously, and then lifted her thin lips slightly, with a hint of danger in her tone.

Taste: "Why, don't you remember?"

Tang Moran shook his head immediately: "No no, I remember."

Her heart was lifted.

"I have been sitting here reading a book in the morning, and it has been raining outside." After speaking, she stared carefully in front of her.

Fu Tingye's expression tried to observe a trace of unhappy on his face.

But it’s weird. He has been quiet and there is no excessive expression on his face. However, as long as it is not raw

An angry attitude is good.

He lit a cigarette, then put it to his lips and took a sip. While Tang Moran was still observing him, Fu Tingye

Suddenly he stretched out his hand and pushed her down on the sofa, and then kissed her.

Pass the smoke from his mouth to his own mouth.

Suddenly, Tang Moran only felt a pungent sensation, so she immediately pushed away Fu Tingye who kissed her, but

After coughing violently.

Tears came out of her cough.

Seeing the little girl coughing there, Fu Tingye stared at her with very cold eyes, and then lightly opened his lips: "Today you and

Fu Jingting is leaving. Did you forget that I warned you before to avoid contact with him? "

Tang Moran almost coughed up her liver and gallbladder, she watched as she sat in front of her with teary eyes, always cold.

With the face of Fu Tingye, the fear in his heart reached its peak in an instant.

So, she just shook her head, but didn't know how to explain it.

A frightening thunder suddenly sounded outside, reflecting on Fu Tingye’s face, like Shura in the dark night, the scared little girl was all over

All shivering.

"Uncle Fu...I won't do that again, don't do that." She was really a bit afraid of a serious Fu Tingye, but

Whenever he had a straight face, she would feel that the man in front of him might really destroy her completely.

"How am I?"

Fu Tingye suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch Tang Moran’s chin, his eyes were cold, "First, I told you not to go with him.

You’re too close, you don’t listen. Second, I said that I don’t want to hear you lie to me again, and you don’t listen..."

Tang Moran only felt a chill on his back, swallowed, and actively said, "Uncle Fu, I was really wrong, I...

I'm going to copy the house rules... Will it work a hundred times? "

Fu Tingye's eyes were cold.

Tang Moran was really going to cry: "Then two hundred?"

Seeing her look like she was cautiously pleased herself, Fu Tingye's tight face suddenly appeared with a smile.

He took Tang Moran's wrist and pulled her into his arms.

Before Tang Moran could react, he quickly kissed her lips.

A faint smoke spread, Tang Moran's face instantly reddened.

Just about to struggle, Fu Tingye had already let go of her.

"It may be useless for you to copy the house rules. If you don't listen to me in the future, I will kiss you."

Tang Moran's pupils widened instantly.

"Also, I don't like you being alone with other men. I hope you can remember what I said.

Now, go upstairs, I have to work. "

Tang Moran rushed upstairs flushed as he was about to amnesty.

As soon as he returned to the house, Tang Moran threw himself on the bed.

No, she must find a way to escape!

Fu Tingye is a paranoid and possessive lunatic!

If she stays with Fu Tingye again, something will happen.

It's a pity that she can't go in the morning.

The bodyguard knew that she had been with Fu Jingting, and if she disappeared, Fu Tingye would not let him go.

In the afternoon, Fu Tingye worked in the study. In the morning, except for the kiss, he did not chase too much.

What's the matter, just entered the study with a gloomy face.

Even the lunch was brought in by the servants, but it didn’t take long for the lunch to be brought in and out.


Of course, this was conveyed by the steward Qi to Tang Moran who was shrinking in the room and never dared to come out.

Tang Moran didn't understand that Fu Tingye's refusal to eat had anything to do with him.

"Uncle Qi, he doesn't eat, so you can give him something he likes."

Steward Qi felt that the little girl in front of her seemed to be quite flexible, how could she be so stupid.

However, he didn’t mind to say more clearly, so he stepped forward and continued: "Miss Tang, you should know

Dao, the reason why Mr. Fu is upset is also because of you, so please bring your lunch in and watch Mr. Fu

run out. "

Upon hearing this, Tang Moran almost didn't jump up and asked her to send lunch to Fu Tingye? Just kidding?

He just finished scolding himself, and he can be so angry because of himself, she is too late to hide from him, who

Dare to rush to die?

Therefore, she immediately shook her head and refused: "Uncle Qi, you should find someone else to send it, I can't go."

She may not survive her life.

She didn't even know how she got up from the living room at the time.

Thinking about the scene up to now, she has a tingling scalp.

Sure enough, Fu Tingye's eyeliner was everywhere in this house.

Seeing that Tang Moran disagreed, the steward Qi didn’t persuade him much. He just said: "Miss Tang, Mr. is not happy.

I'm afraid you can't stay out of it. "

After speaking, he turned around and left without much explanation.

Tang Moran just wanted to live a little longer now, she didn't want to face Fu Tingye's face again.

The torrential rain outside continued, and there was no intention to stop at all.

It seems that I can really go down to night.

She sat down again, and then wrapped her coat tightly. It is summer, but she feels all over her body.

Goose bumps.

In the evening, the rain tended to gradually decrease.

But Tang Moran, who was originally asleep, was suddenly awakened by a thunderstorm outside the window. She immediately sat up, her eyes

God looked at him in confusion, only then did he remember where he was.

Before I woke up, a servant knocked on the door and came in. Seeing Tang Moran seemed to wake up from sleep, he said: "Tang Xiao

Sister, sir, please go down for dinner. "

Tang Moran was no longer sleepy in an instant. Fu Tingye asked her to go downstairs to eat?

Wasn't it mad that you couldn't eat before? Why are you asking her to go downstairs for dinner again?

Since she really had no bottom in her heart, she tentatively asked the servant: "Is Uncle Fu still angry now?

how about it? "

The servant just said respectfully: "I don't know about this."

Tang Moran's heart improved all at once.

She lifted the quilt and walked slowly, and then said to the servant: "You go down first, and I will come right away."

"Okay Miss Tang, please as soon as possible. Mr. does not have the habit of waiting for others."

Tang Moran knew about this. Anyway, Fu Tingye must be the first priority in everything. Only others wait for him. Where can he wait for others?

The portion?

Taking a deep breath, Tang Moran immediately rushed into the bathroom to wash his face, and then walked quickly downstairs.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Tang Moran realized something was wrong.

Why is Fu Jingting here? Why is he smiling so brilliantly at himself?

"Little thing, you are here, come here, sit down." Fu Jingting greeted herself with a smile, in a very familiar tone.

"Thank you Second Uncle Fu, you are too polite." Tang Moran tremblingly wanted to sit down at Fu Tingye's hand.

But Fu Jingting suddenly kicked the chair next to him, and said in a meaningful tone: "Little things, since they are called

My second uncle said, don't be so outside, sit here a little bit. "

Tang Moran went to see the expression on Fu Tingye’s face, who was sitting there, still with that extremely cold look.

Her face and her thin lips were pressed tightly, and she was obviously unhappy.

At this juncture, Tang Moran did not dare to challenge Fu Tingye's bottom line.

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