Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1927: .All out

Thinking of Fu Tingye’s warning to her before, she sat by Fu Tingye’s hand obediently, and then reluctantly talked to Fu Jingting.

He lifted his lips and said, "Second Uncle, I'll just sit here."

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows, then looked at Fu Tingye and snorted coldly, "It seems that you really have a way of training people.

Once this is done, it can still be fastened firmly. "

Tang Moran was afraid to speak alive, even though she obviously felt that what Fu Jingting said seemed to be vaguely dark.

Pointed to an animal, but at this time, she was afraid to ask if she was killed.

Fu Tingye glanced at her, and then responded indifferently: "This is the last time I warned you.

For my things, you better not touch them. "

"She is a human being, but not an object. Is it possible that she can't even say a word?" Fu Jingting said in a leisurely tone.

To the point where he won't stop if he doesn't get angry with his brother.

However, his own character is quite bad, and Tang Moran has learned about this.

"Steward!" Fu Tingye suddenly called the steward Qi.

The steward Qi immediately yelled and walked into the restaurant from outside: "Sir, what do you want?"

"Send him out for me!" Fu Tingye narrowed his eyes and stared at Fu Jingting on the opposite side, meaning it was self-evident.

Suddenly, the steward Qi was a little difficult to handle.

They are all masters, and it’s not right to offend anyone. Although he is Fu Tingye’s housekeeper, Fu Jingting is also the house after all.

Master, he can't really invite people out.

Even Tang Moran held up tears of sympathy for the steward Qi.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the restaurant was a touch of a touch.

No one spoke, and the steward Qi did not move.

At the door, there was a movement again. It was the person next to the old lady in the old house next door: "Young Master, Young Master, Old Master

Madam invites you to come over. "

However, Fu Jingting, who was sitting there still, suddenly stood up, and walked towards the door.

Said: "Tell the old lady, I'm not free. I've been doing everything all day. One or two will bother me."

After speaking, he staggered out of the restaurant.

Tang Moran set his sights on Fu Tingye who was aside, and at the same time minimized his sense of existence, only hoping

Don't notice her before the other party leaves.

Fu Tingye did not stand up immediately, but said to the person who came to pass the message: "I see, go back first."

The man responded and turned and left the restaurant.

When Tang Moran saw this, she hurriedly lowered her head. When Fu Jingting was absent, she became the focus. Therefore, she lowered her head.

The low voice, without a word, began to pick up rice without saying a word.

"Why, don't you think rice suits your appetite?" The voice was cold and indifferent.

"" Tang Moran even stammered, she didn't dare to look up, her eyes fluttered, her whole body was tight.

"Sit here a little bit."

When Tang Moran heard these words, his scalp was numb.

Therefore, she raised her head tremblingly, and then looked at Fu Tingye who was sitting next to her: "Isn't she already sitting next to her?"

They are obviously already sitting together, how can they get there?

Fu Tingye's brows almost wrinkled into the word "Chuan", as if he felt that Tang Moran was already stupid to a certain extent.

"I need to repeat it, right?" Fu Tingye raised her eyes, her eyes slightly sharp.

Tang Moran got up from the chair almost immediately, then stood beside him, and asked timidly: "This

Is it all right? "

Fu Tingye looked at her, stretched out his hand directly, pulled her into his arms, circled her, let her sit on her lap, hot

Breathing thinly beside her ear bones: "Didn't you prevent you from getting too close to him?"

Tang Moran suffered a cardiac arrest: "You are also...not privately..."

"At any time, I don't want to see you walking too close to other men, understand?"

Tang Moran nodded immediately like smashing garlic. Almost her whole body was petrified. Fu Tingye's hands were not honest, and from time to time

Will follow her waistline down.

And she wanted to reach out, but she didn't dare.

"Didn't you hear me?" He just nodded when he saw her, and seemed dissatisfied.

Tang Moran immediately said again: "I heard it, I heard it, I will stay away from him in the future, Uncle Fu, don't worry.

I won't be near him anymore. "

At the same time, I also hope that the other party will not come close to me, otherwise, according to Fu Jingting’s bad temper, she is afraid

What a good fruit to eat.

The little girl in his arms not only has a soft voice, but also has a soft and fragrant body. He approached her, but Tang Moran

But immediately said: "Uncle Fu, didn't you just say that you still have things to deal with? Are you sure it's not over now?"

She took a breath, she knew that Fu Tingye wanted to kiss her.

But this is really weird!

His movements stopped abruptly. The little girl in front of him had her prehnite eyes like black pearls, dark

And bright, watery, like an elk.

Especially when those eyes looked over, he clearly felt the slight changes in his body.

With his throat rolling slightly, he stretched out his hand to cover the innocent eyes she was looking at, and then said, "Don’t use such eyes in the future.

God looked at me. "

Tang Moran felt that her eyes suddenly turned black. She didn't understand, what was wrong with her eyes?

Didn’t you always look at him like this before? Why was there no problem before, but now?

However, she responded in an obedient manner: "Okay, I see, Uncle Fu."

Fu Tingye was very satisfied with the meekness of the little girl in his arms, and he hugged her tightly.

Tang Moran saw that Fu Tingye had been holding herself and not letting go, so he asked cautiously: "Uncle Fu, the rain is good outside.

It looks a little smaller, so you can go now without getting caught in the rain. "

In fact, it was just an excuse, she wouldn't care if he would get caught in the rain.

It was indeed time consuming. Fu Tingye let go of her, and then stood up: "I have eaten well, no

Be picky, you know? "

Tang Moran has a small amount of food, so there are many things he doesn't like to eat, so he will always grow thin and small.

Tang Moran only wants to send away the plague god, so he is very cooperative with everything he says: "Okay, I see."

After that, Fu Tingye didn't say any more, but walked out from the door of the restaurant.

When the people left, Tang Moran was really relieved, and then collapsed on the chair.

In an instant, the world is clean!

When Fu Tingye went out, the rain outside was indeed much smaller than before. He walked into the rain curtain under the umbrella.

Soon, he walked to the main house. Mrs. Fu believed in Buddhism, so as soon as he entered the door, Fu Tingye asked Tan


Guided by the servant’s forehead, he walked into the inner room and saw the old lady kneeling in front of the Buddha statue, holding the Buddha beads in her hands, closed

Eyes, righteous thoughts have words.

The servant walked behind her and said softly: "Madam, the eldest master is here."

Hearing this, Old Lady Fu paused slightly by turning the hand of the Buddhist beads, then opened her eyes and stood up from the cushion.

"Ting Ye, come over." Old lady Fu waved at him.

Fu Tingye came closer, and the old lady sat down on the carved mahogany chair and looked at Fu Tingye as she walked up to her.

Said: "That little girl, are you planning to be serious?"

In response, Fu Tingye nodded with a calm expression on her face: "That's right."

This is not the first time that the grandparents and grandchildren have brought this topic to the table, so Fu Tingye did not hide it at all.

The whole story.

But the expression on Mrs. Fu's face was always a little serious: "You should know that our family background,

Even if you want to marry, you should marry the right one, not looking for an underage girl, you

Do you know, if this matter is known to outsiders, what would they think of our Fu family? "

However, Fu Tingye didn't seem to care about the things that Mrs. Fu worried at all, and she still looked calmly:

"What about our Fu family, when is it the turn of outsiders to put the beak? Grandma, you are worried about this. It is really unnecessary.

Yes, but even if you want to worry, you should worry about other people first. "

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