Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1928: Abnormal

He pointedly said, after all, just a few days ago, his cousin did enough to make the Fu family embarrassed.

The most extreme thing.

Mrs. Fu didn't expect that Fu Tingye, who had always been obedient, would actually say such things.

Had it not been for the incompetence of his remaining two sons, he would not have given the entire Fu family to Fu Tingye.

Although Fu Tingye is his eldest grandson, she really doesn't like her personality.

She doesn't like people who can't control. Fu Tingye has been taciturn since she was a child. There are things in her eyes that she can't understand at her age.


Facts have proved that her dislike is reasonable, and Fu Tingye is now less and less giving her face.

The old lady's face was a bit ugly suddenly: "Where is that girl? It's worth your hard work to lead people.

come back? Ting Ye, in the future, you are bound to inherit everything from the Fu family, do you really plan to marry a young boy

Girl? "

The old lady really has no good impressions of Tang Moran.

The last time she asked her to recognize her identity, she didn't expect this little girl to ask her for money? This is to save

What is your mind?

Fu Tingye squinted slightly and looked at the old lady Fu in front of him: "She is not good anywhere, but I like it."

When coming out of the old lady's room, Fu Tingye saw the rest of the Fu family sitting under the living room at a glance.

One of them was Fu Hechao, the cousin who was transferred to the Northwest branch.

He sat on the sofa and smiled unwillingly. There was nothing between his eyebrows because he was transferred to a remote company.


When Fu Tingye was about to leave, he was stopped by him: "Cousin, it's so late, and it's raining outside, so come to fight with grandma.

Hello, it's really intentional. "

The little aunt sitting beside him also saw him, and a glimmer of jealousy suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Yes, every

Tiandu came to report with the old lady, condolences to the body, such perseverance, but ordinary people can't do it. "

Fu Tingye didn’t take these cynicisms and harsh words seriously, and even took care of them.

No, just walked towards the hallway without expression.

"Now I'm more and more defiant. Just because the old lady temporarily handed over the Fu's consortium to you temporarily, she opened

Hajime Qiguanwei came, and the family didn't recognize it, but don't let me go on the street and tell you not to agree. "

The little aunt's words became more and more strange.

Hearing this, Fu Tingye paused and stopped just like that, and then his jet-black eyes fell on the sofa.

On the two people: "My aunt is so idle, it’s better to teach my son a little bit more often at work

My brain doesn't even understand a project plan, and even a newcomer is better than him. "

Suddenly, Fu Hechao stood up from the sofa and retorted: "What nonsense are you talking about, you are clearly those rookies.

The writing is not good, it's my shit? "

Fu Tingye’s sharp eyes suddenly sharpened like a falcon, and even his tone sank a little: “Since it’s written

No, when you write something better than them, it’s not too late to go to work. "

After speaking, he no longer gave the other party any chance to make trouble, just walked into the rain curtain under the umbrella.

Suddenly, Fu Hechao behind him jumped up: "What does he think he is? I'm going to find grandma.

Sue, why not let me go to the company? He really thought he was in charge of the entire Fu family? "

His mother pulled him aside: "Well, your voice is quieter. The old lady is still in the house.

I don't like someone making a big noise at home, which is the point. "

Fu Hechao's face was ugly, his chest was up and down, "Mom, you mean, just look at him like this

Bully me, don't care about anything? "

"Don't worry, I have a way."


When Tang Moran was lying on the sofa listening to the sound of rain and flipping through the book, he was suddenly shocked by a loud bang at the door.

For a moment.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Fu Tingye walk in with a gloomy face.

She immediately stood up from the sofa in shock, and then stammered: "Uncle Fu, you...

Are you back? "

Fu Tingye pulled the tie around his neck and sat on the sofa, with a slightly cold tone: "Why? Don't you want me to come back?"

Tang Moran didn't dare to tell the truth after being killed, so she immediately smiled and shook her head: "No, Uncle Fu, I just

I thought you wouldn't come back so soon, I thought you were going to dine there. "

After all, only half of the meal was eaten, and he left.

Looking at Tang Moran standing so far away, Fu Tingye waved at her: "Why are you standing so far away? Afraid that I might eat you?"

She had no choice but to move forward slowly and reluctantly, until she sat next to Fu Tingye, she stopped.

Action, just sit up tightly all over.

Fu Tingye did not speak, but Tang Moran felt very nervous again. Looking at Fu Tingye’s expression, it seemed that he was still in a bad mood.

She was too happy, so she immediately said without words: "Uncle Fu, I'll make you a cup of coffee.

Well, you must handle official business at night, I will go now..."

But as soon as she stood up, her hand was pulled, and then she was pulled into a warm embrace, she raised her eyes,

I saw Fu Tingye's handsome face, his beautiful brows frowned, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction.

She was about to struggle immediately, but she was warned by Fu Tingye as soon as she moved: "Don’t move, if you don’t want to wait a while

If I throw you on the bed. "

This sentence was full of hints. The scared Tang Moran swallowed his saliva almost immediately. The whole person was scared.

OK, don’t even know what to do.

She just wanted to get out of his arms quickly now.

Fu Tingye felt Tang Moran's unusually stiff appearance in his arms, and there was a burst of fire in his heart for no reason.

He stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and the emotions in his eyes were as dark as a deep cold pool: "Are you afraid of me?"

Tang Moran felt the pressure on her chin, and immediately started crying because of the pain. She had to shake her head to try to explain: "I don't.

Fu Tingye’s current appearance is indeed like a lion in anger, tearing people up anytime and anywhere.


Although Tang Moran said no, her timid eyes revealed her innermost thoughts.

Fu Tingye felt more and more irritable, he directly released the hand holding her chin, and then pushed her away: "Go to

I make coffee. "

When Tang Moran heard these words, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, immediately stood up, and said anxiously, "I will

Go, you wait for me. "

When she came out of the room, her legs were soft, and she even had to hold on to the wall to avoid

Yu fell completely.

Oh my god! What happened to Fu Tingye over there, the whole person is abnormally like that.

After Tang Moran finally moved to the restaurant, with the help of the servant, he slowly brewed the coffee, watching

The cup of black coffee in front of me was so rich and sweet, but without any sugar, Tang Moran frowned and asked

The servant in front of you: "I don't add any sugar, isn't it bitter?"

Isn't coffee for refreshing? Why can Fu Tingye drink such bitter coffee?

The servant responded: "Mr. likes to drink without sugar. As for whether it is bitter or not, it is estimated that only Mr. knows."

In response, Tang Moran stuck out his tongue and walked towards her room with coffee, but just walked to the door

I saw the door open and a servant Hou was there. He saw her and said respectfully, "Miss Tang, Mr.

Go to the study. After he asks you to make coffee, go to the study to find him. "

Tang Moran nodded, then obediently walked to the entrance of the study with his coffee.

However, when she walked to the door of the study, her hand just about to knock on the door slowed down like that.

He glanced at the coffee on the plate in front of him, and was a little worried. What if Fu Tingye gets into a beastly attack later?

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