Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1946: . One more second is uncomfortable

"Move out from the room upstairs. That is Xiaoxiao's room."

Fu Tingye's voice was cold, "From today, you are just a person who owes me money, Tang Moran, remember your identity."

Tang Moran's shoulders trembled lightly, without saying anything, and hurried upstairs.

As soon as Tang Moran's back disappeared, Fu Tingye immediately released Zhao Xiaoxiao's hand, and his body moved aside subconsciously.

Moved and kept a distance with her.

Zhao Xiaoxiao is a wise man, and he has already seen what happened in the scene just now.

At first glance, President Fu was angry with Little Girl Tang, and he came to her to make Tang Moran jealous.

"Ms. Fu, Miss Tang, she..."

"Shut your mouth and act your play well. Don't interfere if you shouldn't."

Zhao Xiaoxiao's face stiffened slightly, then she smiled slightly and stopped talking.


After Tang Moran returned to the room, his eyes were red, and tears fell from his eyes.

She has never been so uncomfortable.

Even when she learned that her family was bankrupt and was forcibly sent to Fu Tingye's side, she was just afraid.

But today’s mood is as if someone took a knife, cut her heart open, and then fiercely

A handful of salt was sprinkled on the **** wound.

In pain, she just wanted to cry.

But she understood, what qualifications did she have to cry?

The person she wanted to leave was her, and now Fu Tingye was about to keep her distance from herself. This was not what she wanted.

Want to see it?

Tang Moran kept taking deep breaths, but the paintings of Fu Tingye smiling gently to the girl were turning over and over in his mind.

In the face, the kind of pampering that overflowed the screen was like a lake coming from the sky, engulfing her from beginning to end.

Tang Moran couldn't help but slid on the ground leaning on the door, circled himself into a small ball like an ostrich.

She is so uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it was after crying that Tang Moran's mood became slightly calmer.

She knew that she was going to move away from here.

Fu Tingye's words have always counted. After a long time, she was unlucky after all.

There are very, very few things that really belong to Tang Moran in this room. Most of them are the original decorations of the room and Fu Ting.

I bought it for her at night.

Tang Moran understood that he was not qualified to take it away.

She found a small bag from under the bed, then took a few clothes from the closet that she usually bought and put them in.

Tang Moran put his diary in again. When he was about to close the drawer, he suddenly saw the bottom of the drawer.

On the side, there is a little Pikachu doll.

Tang Moran paused, then reached out and held the doll in his hand.

The eyes are redder.

This doll was personally given to her by Fu Tingye two years ago.

At that time, not long after she came to Fu Tingye, she was far away from her family, and she was terrified all day long.

She was afraid of thunder since she was a child, and it happened that it was a stormy night, and she was shaking in bed with fright.

Fu Tingye came in with this doll.

That night, he has been with herself, and since that day, she spoke to Fu Tingye for the first time, calling

He is "Uncle Fu".

For a time, countless memories flooded up.

Tang Moran's heart tightened tighter.

"Boom boom boom——"

Steward Qi’s voice came from outside: "Miss Tang, are you ready? Mr. Fu urges you to hurry up."


Tang Moran stuffed the doll into the bag, got up and opened the door.

Seeing Tang Moran, the steward Qi carried a small bag, paused, and then led her downstairs.

Fu Tingye and Zhao Xiaoxiao sat together again, and they were talking and laughing.

Seeing Tang Moran coming down, Fu Tingye's smile at the corner of his mouth became cold, and immediately said, "Old Qi."

"Yes, Mr. Fu."

"What is this?" Fu Tingye asked a box in the living room.

The steward Qi said: "It is for Miss Tang's coming-of-age ceremony..."

Fu Tingye smiled even colder, "Mature ceremony? She is just a debt repayment, what mitzvah ceremony do you want? She deserves it too?"

Tang Moran's back almost solidified.

The last trace of blood on his face disappeared.

Steward Qi's gaze swept back and forth on Fu Tingye and Tang Moran several times before hesitated and said:

"Mr. Fu, then I will ask someone to remove all these things, and then... also cancel the coming-of-age banquet?"

Tang Moran held the bag tightly, his heart aching.

She heard Fu Tingye asking Zhao Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, your birthday is coming soon, right?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded softly: "Well,"

"In this case, I'll help you get it in advance."

Zhao Xiaoxiao sweetly took Fu Tingye's arm, "Okay."

Fu Tingye turned his head and told the steward Qi: "Let the person who arranged the banquet change the protagonist to Xiaoxiao, and the plan will not change tonight."

Steward Qi looked calm, as if he was not surprised at all, "Okay. Mr. Fu, I'll ask someone to arrange it."

"Also quickly get rid of the unimportant people, don't dangle in front of me, it will be an eyesore." Fu Tingye finished speaking,

He hugged Zhao Xiaoxiao's waist and went upstairs, without looking at Tang Moran from beginning to end.

When he passed by Tang Moran, he said gently, "Be careful."

She had heard Fu Tingye say this many times.

Tang Moran was stunned for a while.

When Fu Tingye and Zhao Xiaoxiao disappeared, Tang Moran suddenly reacted.

The phrase "be careful" was addressed to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Tang Moran sighed softly in his heart.

Tang Moran, Tang Moran, what are you thinking about you?

Fu Tingye has kept a distance from you. Isn't this what you expected? Next, you have to make good money and pay back

Just pay off your debt...

The housekeeper Qi left the villa with Tang Moran.

He led Tang Moran to a row of bungalows at the back of the villa. The leftmost door was opened.

As soon as I opened the door, there was a strong musty smell on my face.

Tang Moran has had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child. Although the Tang family went bankrupt, Fu Tingye gave her a better and more generous life.

Pieces, where I have seen such a messy and poor environment.

He coughed violently immediately.

"Miss Tang, are you okay?"

The butler quickly stepped forward and patted Tang Moran on the back.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tang Moran waved his hand.

Steward Qi sighed, "Miss Tang, find a chance to apologize to your husband, Mr. Fu didn't really want this

He is angry for what you are doing. "

It was only later that he learned that Tang Moran had been captured, and Fu Tingye also changed all the bodyguards at home.

Even he was warned by Fu Tingye...

"That girl, don't take it to heart. I can see that the husband and him are not serious."

Tang Moran said absently.

"Then Miss Tang, let me ask someone to help you clean up the room."

Tang Moran shook his head quickly, "No, I'll do it myself. Fu Tingye probably won't allow...other people to help me."

She is now just like the other servants in this big house, there is no essential difference...

Oh, no, there is still a difference.

At least the servants here don't owe Fu Tingye any money.

Seeing that Tang Moran insisted, the housekeeper followed her, but still quietly said to Tang Moran: "If you lack anything,

Xi, just find someone to tell me, Miss Tang, you listened to me, don’t lose to yourself, if you endure hardship,

Our life is not easy. "

He has been with Fu Tingye for so many years, how could he not see that little thought of Fu Tingye.

Fu Tingye was reluctant to bear the hardship of this girl.

The steward is gone.

Tang Moran covered his nose and entered the house.

This room may not have sunshine all year round. In summer, it is always gloomy. It was raining a few days ago.

It's all pungent and moldy.

The floor is also full of mud.

Tang Moran walked into the room and touched the quilt on the bed. It was still wet.

The bed sheets are also dark, I don't know what is stained on them.

Tang Moran felt uncomfortable after staying in such a room for an extra minute.

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