Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1947: .Watch the fireworks together

Rolled up his sleeves, threw away all the things that should be thrown away, and found rags, mops, and hit the room inside and out.

Scan it again.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the whole house finally seemed to be able to live in.

Tang Moran opened all the doors and windows for ventilation, and then went out to buy some daily necessities.

Several bodyguards were waiting at the door.

Tang Moran said, "I want to go out and buy some things..."

These bodyguards were fresh faces, and they didn't say anything, just silently following Tang Moran's back.


In the villa.

Manager Qi walked to Fu Tingye who was reading the newspaper.

"Mr. Fu, Miss Tang and the bodyguard are out."

"doing what?"

Fu Ting had a meal at night.

"I heard from the bodyguard that Miss Tang was going to buy some things. The room was too humid. Tang Xiao

Sister threw it away. "

"Yeah, I see. Let the bodyguard follow her and let me know if there is anything."

"Okay." Steward Qi nodded, then picked up a stack of paper on the coffee table.

"what is this?"

Steward Qi replied: "Miss Tang copied the house rules, I am about to throw them away."

"give it to me."

Fu Tingye frowned.

The housekeeper Qi quickly handed the house rules to Fu Tingye.

The house rules were copied neatly and delicately by beautiful lower letters.

Fu Tingye looked at one by one, as if he could already see the little girl sitting at the table, frowning and pursing her lips, and stopped.

Back, it looks like a serious copy.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised a faint arc, and after a few seconds, it returned to chill again.

"Now that I was wrong, what were you doing at that time?"


Tang Moran went to the city.

I don't know if it's a blessing in disguise. Although there are bodyguards behind him, they all keep a distance from him.

Tang Moran also rarely felt a little relaxed.

She bought quilts and some basic daily necessities, and then sent them to the villa. Seeing that it was still early, she went shopping nearby

After shopping, I want to see if I have a job that suits me.

Today is her eighteenth birthday. If there is no accident in the Tang family, she should be able to eat the food prepared by her father for herself.

It’s a day cake instead of eager to find a job to pay off debts.

Although she was an adult, the owners of those stores refused her after hearing about Tang Moran's age.

Tang Moran walked along the side of the road from the street to the end, and finally found a job washing dishes in a restaurant.

The salary is two thousand and five.

It is required to go to work at nine in the morning and leave at nine in the evening.

Although the salary was very low, Tang Moran was very pleased, especially after she was rejected so many times.

When Tang Moran returned to his old house, it was already dark.

She went to the villa subconsciously, and stopped suddenly when she reached the gate.

Oh. Yes, she forgot, she doesn't live here anymore.

"Housekeeper Qi." Tang Moran found the housekeeper Qi: "Did someone bring me the things I bought?"

"Well, they are all here, they have already been sent to your room."

"Thank you, manager Qi."

Tang Moran smiled sweetly.

Back to his room, he saw a few cardboard boxes on the floor.

After opening it, Tang Moran was shocked.

Ok? Is this the quilt she bought?

She stared at the blue quilt in a daze.

She clearly remembered that the quilt she chose didn't seem so comfortable to the touch...

Although he had doubts, Tang Moran didn't think too much, holding the quilt and sheets to make the bed.

After making the bed, Tang Moran was so tired that he lay down on the bed and began to lie down.

Without knowing it, she fell asleep.

Don't know how long it took, Tang Moran was awakened by a burst of laughter.

She opened her eyes and saw that in the night sky, one beautiful firework after another was blooming.

"so beautiful……"

Tang Moran couldn't help but ran out to see.

When she ran to the front of the villa, she suddenly saw Fu Tingye.

He is wearing a slim white suit with a long figure, standing beside him is Zhao Xiao in a white dress

Xiao, two people are holding this hand, watching the fireworks in the sky together.

Gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky above the two people’s heads, reflecting the smile at the corner of Fu Tingye’s mouth, shining brightly, each

The frames are like the freeze frame in a love movie, which is heart-stirring.

Also heartache.

Tang Moran stood quietly under a tree not far away, silently clenching his fists.

"Miss Tang, why are you standing here?"

Steward Qi noticed Tang Moran at this time. Seeing that her face was a little pale, he said with concern: "Miss Tang is here too.

Do you watch fireworks? This firework was specially arranged by Mr. Fu from the Japanese firework planning team for Miss Zhao.

Isn't it beautiful? "

"Well, it's really beautiful."

Tang Moran looked up, "This is the best firework I have ever seen."

"There are so many trees here, it's not very clear to see. If Miss Tang walks forward, Mr. Fu's perspective will be much better."

Where is Fu Tingye?

How good is that, she will only disturb people if she goes?

"Miss Tang?\"

Seeing Tang Moran not speaking, the steward Qi asked aloud.

Tang Moran smiled in a panic, and shook his head: "No, I have something to do tomorrow morning. I'm going to sleep, Qi

Good night, butler. "

"Good night, Miss Tang."

Steward Qi watched Tang Moran walk away step by step with his head low, before turning around and walking to Fu Tingye's side.

"Mr. Fu, Miss Tang is back."

Fu Tingye instantly released the hand that was holding Zhao Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

Zhao Xiaoxiao curled his lips, and went back to the house first.

Fu Tingye frowned and asked, "Did she say anything?"

"I didn't say anything, it just meant that there was still something to do and I wanted to go back to bed sooner."

Fu Tingye's eyes sank: "Didn't say anything else?"


Fu Tingye was silent, and said after a moment: "Call me the bodyguard who followed her out today."


Soon, a bodyguard stood in front of Fu Tingye.

Fu Ting lighted a cigarette at night, put it in his mouth, took a deep breath, and spit out the smoke ring before asking, "Take her today.

Tell me where and what was done. "

The bodyguard said all about it.

Fu Tingye's expression was not very good. Hearing that Tang Moran was looking for a job, he interrupted the bodyguard who was still reporting.

Q: "What job?"

"do the washing up."

Fu Tingye was obviously a little unhappy.

"What about the salary?"

"Two thousand five hundred."

Fu Tingye was really upset now, and there was a layer of frost floating between her brows.

The bodyguard looked at Fu Tingye's face, and tentatively asked: "Mr. Fu, we want us..."

Fu Tingye said coldly: "No, she's going to wash the dishes, just let her go. You continue to watch in secret, just don't make any accidents happen."

"Okay, Mr. Fu."

When the bodyguard left, Fu Tingye said tiredly to the housekeeper: "Let the fireworks stop."

The audience who should have come the most did not come. No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, it is meaningless.

Steward Qi knew exactly what Fu Tingye was thinking, and said with a smile, "Actually, Mr. Fu, why should you be angry with Miss Tang? Tang

Miss is young, she is inevitably a little bit immature, and she will owe consideration to things.

Up. "

Fu Tingye chuckled softly, "I'm not enough for her? Which creditor can pamper her with delicious food and drink like me?

I can’t live in a mansion, don’t get my pocket money, but I have to go outside to wash and wash dishes... I just spoil her so much

She became more and more unaware of the heights of the sky. "

Fortunately, she wants to experience the sufferings of life, so he doesn’t stop him, and when she suffers, she knows who will stay with him.

How happy days are.

"Does she have money for a hand injury?"

"Only some cash, not a lot."

Manager Qi frowned: "Do you want to..."

"No." Fu Tingye curled her lips, "I will wait for her to find me personally."

After speaking, Fu Tingye raised his foot and walked towards the gate.

Manager Qi was a little surprised: "Mr. Fu, it's so late, do you want to go out?"

"Ask a friend for a drink."


Fu Tingye arrived in the box and Pei Shengye had arrived.

"Holy Night."

Pei Shengye raised his head, looked away from the phone, and looked at him playfully: "I heard that you are going to give you

My little pet is hosting a birthday party. Why do you have the time to ask me to drink at this point? "

Fu Tingye frowned.

Pei Shengye chuckled, "What's wrong? Did you quarrel?"

Fu Tingye sat down opposite him, called someone to have a drink, and heard Pei Shengye's words, sneered: "It's just a pet, it's worth me

Quarrel with her? "

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