Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1986: Think of it together

"I am just a friend, and I just ask a few more words, why are you so angry?"

Fu Tingye pursed his lips.

When Annie saw that he didn't want to talk more, she didn't mention anything, but turned to other topics: "Xixiang

Over there, I heard that the original country wanted to develop into a tourist area with beautiful surrounding scenery. Maybe I can consider a

Next, it should be good to become a movie studio and develop into a filming attraction. "

Fu Tingye didn’t expect that Annie’s thoughts would coincide with him. He had this thought before, but because of

I haven't personally inspected the scenery there, so I didn't show my thoughts in this regard.

But Annie thought of going with herself.

"If the scenery is suitable for shooting, then naturally it can be considered." He replied officially.

Immediately afterwards, the two talked about the future development plan of Xixiang.

Soon, we arrived at the destination.

When I got off the car, I found that the weather outside was gloomy and it seemed that there would be a heavy rain that needs to fall at any time.

Annie did not say much, but handed the luggage to the assistant, and said to Fu Tingye: "Mr. Fu, let's go.

Going right now. "

Fu Tingye didn't expect that Annie didn't feel sleepy or tired. Sure enough, the title of strong woman was not for nothing.

Fu Tingye didn't make sense, so the two of them got in the car again, and the car stopped after about twenty minutes.

Get out of the car together.

Soon, a tour guide came over and introduced himself with a smile: "Hello two, I am your

My tour guide, my last name is Zhou. "

Annie didn't listen to what he meant to continue, but said in a very alienated tone: "Okay, show us

Take a look at the surrounding scenery. "

The tour guide nodded immediately, and then led Fu Tingye and Annie to the front, introducing them as they walked.

Because Xixiang is close to the sea, coupled with the surrounding high mountain scenery, cliffs and the like, it is self-contained, and the station

There, looking at the entire sea, the scenery is very good.

In addition, because of the high terrain in Xixiang, some people have developed sports such as gliding, but they have always been able to

The advantages of attracting young people.

Soon after walking around, Fu Tingye didn't say much.

On the contrary, Annie, after looking around, asked the tour guide a question: "How many hotels are there around you?"

The tour guide was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head and said, "There will be more B&Bs here. For hotels, there is no

How many. "

Annie raised her eyes to look at Fu Tingye, and continued: "If we want to develop projects here, we must first solve

Yes, it should be the hotel accommodation problem. "

Fu Tingye didn’t expect that Annie could have thought that she was ahead of her, and she didn’t even notice the hotel.


However, Fu Tingye nodded, and then asked the tour guide: "Are there often people here to take pictures?"

The tour guide nodded: "There are, but not many."

Fu Tingye nodded, and then continued to say to Annie: "Our propaganda theme also has it."

Annie looked at Fu Tingye with a smile in her eyes: "Xixiang will bring you back to the embrace of nature?"

Fu Tingye nodded in agreement.

Annie is indeed very smart, and she can think of her point just by clicking.

After wandering around, the two of them found a hotel to eat and ran up. They were too hungry. Annie entered

Hotel, casually ordered a pasta and steak.

Fu Tingye did the same, and then handed the menu to the waiter.

While the two of them sat down and waited, Annie said casually: "It seems we haven’t been so light in a long time.

I sat down comfortably and had a good meal. "

Fu Tingye was noncommittal, looked at the quiet environment outside the window, and said quietly: "Indeed."

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone, then opened WeChat and found that there was no message from Tang Moran to him.

Interest, frowned slightly.

Before he went out, Tang Moran occasionally shared pictures of what she was doing to him and shared her


It's strange that I didn't photograph him today.

Seeing Fu Tingye staring at her mobile phone, Annie chuckled lightly: "Mr. Fu, holding a mobile phone while eating, but to others

Impolite. "

Hearing this, Fu Tingye looked up at her, and then put the phone aside.

When Annie saw him put down the phone, she didn't say much, but continued to talk about work.

I think that after seeing it for a while, there is actually quite a lot of room for development in Xixiang. "

It had always been a plan given to her by Andel before, but she herself had never come in person.

Came here today and found it was really good.

Fu Tingye nodded. It is indeed true. It is because Xixiang has a lot of room for development, plus Ander

The company intends to find a domestic partner, this time it is indeed their Fu consortium that has taken a big advantage.

Not only opened the overseas market, but also ate a big meatloaf.

"I should thank you, for persuading me to cooperate." Otherwise, he may not be willing.

In this regard, Annie did not take credit for it, but responded to him in terms of facts: "The Fu's consortium has many years of foundation.

Companies have more potential than those newly established companies, so choosing your cooperation is not

I mean by myself, but behind the high-level executives of Andel. "

Fu Tingye has been immersed in shopping malls for many years, and naturally he understands that there are countless companies that want to cooperate with Andel. Why?

So those high-level executives alone selected them among millions of companies, and among them, Annie’s credit is also indispensable


Therefore, Fu Tingye held up the red wine glass in front of him and raised it in front of Annie: "This time we can reach cooperation, but

Thank you so much. "

Annie chuckled, then clinked glasses with him.

When the two of them were eating, they were still discussing work matters. They waited until they had finished eating and walked to the door to find out.

It started to rain, and the rain was not small.

"It seems that my behavior in watching the weather forecast yesterday was correct. It really rained today." Annie looked outside

The falling rain, curled his lips and said.

It was raining outside, so Fu Tingye called the driver and asked them to pick them up.

Because it was raining outside, the surname in the afternoon was naturally cancelled.

They went back to the hotel first, returned to the hotel room, Fu Tingye opened the curtains, and then dialed Tang on the phone.

Mo Ran found out that the other party had shut down.

He dialed another phone to meet at the villa, and soon the phone from the villa was answered: "Sir."

"Where is Mo'er? Is he at home?"

The servant immediately responded: "At home, but Miss Tang was sitting on the swing in the back garden early in the morning, watching

It seems to be gloomy. "

Fu Tingye suddenly thought of the morning phone call, so he said directly to the servant: "Go tell her and let her give

I make a call. "

The servant answered immediately and then hung up.

Fu Tingye has been holding the phone, standing in front of the French window, looking at the rain curtain outside, frowning slightly.

But he waited ten minutes, twenty minutes, until one hour passed, and he didn't see his phone ringing.

He felt that something was wrong, staring at the phone, pondering slightly.

In the villa.

As soon as the servant finished answering the phone, he ran over and walked to Tang Moran, who was sorrowful and smiling.

Said: "Miss Tang, my husband called you and said that he wanted you to call him."

Sitting there, Tang Moran heard the servant say so, he immediately raised his eyes and glanced at her, then faintly agreed:

"Got it."

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