Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1987: A man who everyone likes

The servant saw that she hadn't moved for a long time and didn't appear to be making a call, so he cautiously asked: "Miss Tang, you

Don't you fight now? "

Tang Moran said without thinking, "I'll call again later."

Seeing that Tang Moran seemed to be in a bad mood, the servant didn't dare to say anything, so he hurriedly left.

But after the servant left, Tang Moran didn't mean to make a call. She looked at the black screen of the mobile phone and sneered.

Sheng, he threw the phone back, and then ignored him.

People want to be together for business, what can she do?

If you don’t see your heart and don’t bother, what else can you do besides wanting to start?

Therefore, she didn't want to call herself to block up. She was afraid that she could not help asking why Fu Tingye would

With Annie, why didn't I receive any news before?

What's the use after asking? Anyway, the final result cannot be changed.

She didn't ask or think about it at all, it would be good for everyone.

"When it's overcast, should you bask in the sun or your brain?" Fu Jingting's sudden appearance was early for Tang Moran.

It's not surprising already.

Anyway, he was often fascinated. Tang Moran didn’t even raise his eyelids, but just sat on the swing like that, shaking.

Dangling, don't know what to think.

Seeing that she ignored her, Fu Jingting walked over and pushed Tang Moran who was sitting on the swing.

Lao Gao, who flew right away, scared Tang Moran almost never fell off the swing.

His face turned pale and said to Fu Jingting: "You almost fell to my death!"

Fu Jingting was still in the mood for joking, the expression on his face did not change, and he still had the silly attitude: "Look

Look, this will make you more angry. What you did just now is really boring. "

Tang Moran was in a bad mood now, she still cares if her face is boring?

Therefore, she wanted to get off the swing, and did not intend to continue to swing, but obviously, Fu Jingting did not intend to do this

Thinking, when Tang Moran was about to stop, he pushed again, and all of a sudden, he swings high again.

The frightened Tang Moran screamed loudly in an instant, and then cursed: "Fu Jingting, you are crazy, let me go!"

With a smile on Fu Jingting's face, he raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "What are you talking about, what is it? Why can't I understand?"

Then, he pushed again, and Tang Moran didn't even dare to see how high she was from the ground.

When Fu Jingting saw her eyes closed, the smile on her face became more obvious, and she pushed hard.

Tang Moran felt that he had been messy in the wind for a long time. He only knew that his legs were soft when he came down.

She swears that she will never go on a swing again next time!

Seeing her face pale, Fu Jingting shook his hand, then hammered his arm and said:

"Your hands are sore. Should you consider and thank me?"

What is shameless, the world is invincible.

Fu Jingting is simply a representative! Just look at him and you know it!

Tang Moran stared at him with a pale face: "I didn't want you to push me, you kept pushing me!"

Fu Jingting shrugged and asked, "Really? But when I pushed, you didn't say no!"

Tang Moran's eyes were almost staring: "I didn't say no? Did I tell you to let me down?"

Fu Jingting was quite surprised and continued to ask: "Really? Why didn't I hear it?"

Tang Moran: "..."

You can shut up!

The next second, Tang Moran refused to communicate with him to leave, but when he passed by Fu Jingting, he was tossed him.

Hold your arm, then pull it over and say: "Okay, it's not because you are in a bad mood, so come here to tease you.

Can't help but make you angry? "

Tang Moran really wanted to open Fu Jingting's head to see what his brain circuit was like to tease her? Bad he thinks

Come out, if this is a bad heart, I would have been shocked by him a long time ago!

Seeing that Tang Moran kept silent, Fu Jingting made a big move: "Let’s do this, as compensation, I’ll tell you a secret.

how is it? "

Tang Moran squinted at him, obviously not believing his eyes.

Fu Jingting took her to the bench and sat down, and then said: "Today I am not happy. Will it be possible to see Fu Tingye come out again?

Go with that woman? "

Tang Moran asked immediately, "How do you know?"

Fu Jingting looks like something I don't know.

"What do you want to tell me?" Tang Moran asked, his eyes clearly skeptical.

"Aren't you curious, what is his relationship with that woman?"

Tang Moran frowned upon hearing this and stood up: "Of course I know, I don't need you to remind me!"

After she finished speaking, she was about to leave, but was held by Fu Jingting again: "Wait a minute! I haven't finished speaking yet, even if you know

Talking about the previous relationship between them, why are you not curious, why did they separate? "

At this time, Tang Moran stopped moving.

For this reason, Fu Tingye did not say that for Annie, she only said that she was an ex-girlfriend, but for other things, she was a

I don't know.

Seeing Tang Moran's interest, Fu Jingting's smile became more obvious, and then continued: "About this question

Question, Fu Tingye himself is secretive, but now, I can tell you alone, you must not tell

other people. "

Fu Jingting looked around, then leaned to Tang Moran's ear and said a word.

After Tang Moran listened, his face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously said in disbelief: "You said Uncle Fu was dumped..."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Jingting covered her mouth.

"Hush! Don't say it, just know it." After Fu Jingting finished speaking, he stood up, and smiled to Tang Molan.

Say: "Okay, I'm leaving, see you next time."

After speaking, he turned around and left slowly.

Leaving Tang Moran standing in place, he never thought that Fu Tingye would be the one who was dumped.

But now that the ex-girlfriend returns, Fu Tingye is the one who was dumped again. Does it prove that Fu Tingye’s heart

In fact, Annie has always existed?

This recognition made Tang Moran's heart sink suddenly, like falling into an ice cave.

She is actually a little flustered now.

If sitting here was nervous at first, then it was obvious that it was completely panic.

So, she immediately picked up the phone, turned it on, and dialed a number to go out. As soon as the phone was connected, she turned on

Asked: "Secretary Zhao, where did Mr. Fu go on a business trip today?"

Secretary Zhao on the other end of the phone did not expect Tang Moran to call and ask, but he still told her: "Mr. Fu Jin

Tian went to Xixiang to investigate. "

"Okay, thank you Secretary Zhao." After speaking, she cut off the phone.

She felt that she had to fight for many things.

So, holding her mobile phone, she quickly ran into the house, then began to pack her bags, and soon went out.

At the door, the driver Xiao Chen was wiping the car there, while Tang Moran said directly: "Xiao Chen, please go to Xixiang."

Xiao Chen didn't expect this time, Tang Moran was going to Xixiang, so he asked: "Miss Tang, I'm sure to go

Xixiang? At this point, when we arrive, it may be dark. "

Tang Moran said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's dark."

As long as you can find Fu Tingye, even late at night, it doesn't matter.

Xiao Chen didn't say much. After all, where the host said he was going, he, as a driver, had the right to say no.

So soon, Tang Moran got in the car.

Fu Tingye stood in front of the French windows almost all afternoon. By the time of dinner, the rain showed no sign of stopping.

He seemed to react when there was a knock on the door at the door, and then walked to the door of the room to open the door.

When the door opened, Annie was standing, but Annie could smell the smoke coming from Fu Ting’s body at night.

Lie, he should have smoked a lot.

In the past, Fu Tingye rarely smoked, even if he smoked, only one or two occasionally, like this

The pungent smell of smoke is absolutely unpredictable.

So, without any cover, she asked, "Did you smoke?"

Fu Tingye responded calmly: "Yeah."

Something flashed through Annie’s eyes quickly, but only for a moment, she resumed her usual business-like appearance.

Said: "Looking at the rain, it should not stop for a while, so we went to dinner first and stayed here for one night.

Tomorrow, see if the rain will stop, and then make plans? "

Fu Tingye didn't have a better suggestion, so he nodded: "Yes."

Because it was raining outside, they had dinner in the restaurant inside the hotel.

However, during the period, Fu Tingye had been staring at the rain outside, contemplating something, even while dining,

All are a little distracted.

Annie obviously noticed this, and even jokingly said: "You don't seem to be right today, what's the matter?

? Is there something to rush back to deal with? "

Fu Tingye shook his head and said quietly, "No."

Despite this, his attitude is still not enthusiastic.

Annie has never seen such a depressed Fu Tingye, even this year when two people were together.

A calm and introverted one, rarely has such an emotional outburst.

Even so that outsiders can easily detect his emotional changes.

Therefore, Annie sighed inadvertently: "In fact, you have changed a lot."

Fu Tingye paused for a meal, and then replied without expression: "You have said this many times.

As time goes, everyone changes. "

Annie chuckles: "Yes."

The two ran out of dinner in silence. Over there, Annie’s assistant brought a piece of it when they were out of the restaurant.

A document was handed to Annie and said: "Manager An, a document from the headquarters is urgent. Please take a look."

When Annie heard the words, the whole person quickly entered the state, took the file with a serious expression on her face, just opened it and glanced.

His complexion changed slightly and said to the assistant: "I see, these are waiting for me to return to the room."

Then, she said to Fu Tingye: "Mr. Fu, I will go back to my room to deal with the urgent matter first.

I communicate. "

Fu Tingye nodded, then watched Annie take her assistant into the elevator in a hurry.

It is undeniable that after so many years, what Annie wanted, she did get it.

At the beginning, it was because she wanted to have a broader stage, so she left her side.

Seeing her walking all the way and communicating with the assistants around her, Fu Tingye thought, how did he think of it back then,

Want to trap her with feelings?

Such a person is obviously more suitable to ride on the market.

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