Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2017: Mr. Fu is in a bad mood

In the middle of the night, Tang Moran sneaked back along the root of the wall. At this time, even the housekeeper Qi was asleep.

As she wished, no one saw it. She went back to her room and fell asleep till dawn.

The quality of sleep is good. Tang Moran naturally wakes up early because he was angry last night and didn’t even eat much food. Now he’s hungry.

Cooing, went downstairs to the kitchen to find food.

The servant made breakfast, and she sat in the dining room waiting to eat.

During that time, Fu Ting got up at night and went downstairs, seeing her sitting on the dining table, her face gloomy for more than one degree.

Tang Moran originally thought that if he apologized to him, he would forgive him reluctantly, but he didn't expect him to see

He was actually such a face.

Steward Qi came out of the kitchen carrying bacon, and instantly felt the quietness in the air a little unusual.

These two people have never been so quiet on weekdays.

The housekeeper Qi put a copy of Tang Moran in front of her: "Miss Tang, for you."

"Thank you." Tang Moran took a bite.

Steward Qi did not hand Fu Tingye's share to him immediately, but asked Tang Moran: "Miss Tang, are you eating salty?"

"No." Tang Moran took another bite and chewed: "It's very fragrant, and it's fried very well."

"Well, I just watched the chef put a lot of salt in the kitchen, and I wondered if it would be salty. It's right to eat too much salt.

Poor health. "

Tang Moran nodded clearly, "I see, thank you Manager Qi." He said, showing a bright smile.

Fu Tingye put down his chopsticks at the other end of the table and said, "Take the bacon down."

"Yes, young master." The steward Qi was about to go and was protected by Tang Moran's hands.

"Why? I eat very well, don't have to serve mine, just serve him." Tang Moran protected it as if to protect something.

Pan bacon.

Fu Tingye just gave a faint look: "Take it down."

"Miss Tang, Master, I heard that there was too much bacon salt. I was afraid that you might not be healthy after eating it, so I let me carry it down.

Yes, I care about you. I just let the chef fry one more. "Originally, the bacon didn’t put too much salt.

It’s just because the two people quarreled, and Miss Tang never came back last night, thinking of using this method to ease her

Under the relationship between the two.

The young master cares about Miss Tang, and Miss Tang also needs to know and understand.

Unexpectedly, Tang Moran stood up from the dining chair, with an angry and aggrieved look: "He doesn't care about me.

Well, he just has a strong desire to control, he just thinks that all people and everything must listen to him.

OK? "

Tang Moran turned around and ran upstairs.

"Miss Tang..." Steward Qi knew that he had done something bad with good intentions.

As soon as I was about to go up to explain, I heard Fu Tingye say: "Forget it, let her go, she will naturally come down to eat when she is hungry."

"Young Master..." Steward Qi wanted to explain.

"I know." Fu Tingye stuffed Bacon into his mouth, got up, and walked out with his coat.

Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the steward Qi: "The food is ready, so that she can eat anytime she is hungry."

Manager Qi watched Fu Tingye leave from behind, then looked back at the direction of the second floor room, sighed helplessly, and shook his head.


Tang Moran stayed upstairs all day, squatting in the room, stunned. During the period, Fan Yingying called her several times.

No answer.

In the end, I was so hungry that I planned to find something to eat in the kitchen.

When I went downstairs, I saw Fu Tingye lying on the sofa in the living room.

He closed his eyes, furrowed his brows deeply, and sank deeply on the sofa. He smelled scattered on him before he got even closer.

The strong smell of alcohol.

Did he drink? Drink a lot?

Fu Tingye stretched out his hand and pulled on his tie, then twisted away the two buttons on his shirt, revealing the collarbone on his chest.

Yelled impatiently: "Qi Butler, give me a glass of water."


Tang Moran stood by, waiting for a while and didn't see the steward Qi pouring over.

He couldn't bear to see him uncomfortable, so he went to the kitchen and poured him a glass of warm water, and handed it to his hand.

Fu Tingye raised his head and drank all the warm water, then opened his eyes and closed his eyes again when he saw that it was her.

"Why haven't you rested yet?" His throat after drinking was soaked hoarse, with a trace of strain, inexplicably

Makes her a little distressed.

"Why do you drink so much alcohol? It's bad for your health." Tang Moran couldn't help but care.

"Isn't it normal?" He said.

Fu Tingye tilted his body, trying to use his arms as a support to prop up his whole body, but he overestimated his drunk balance

Li, only to stand up, he was dizzy again and fell back to the sofa.

Tang Moran stretched out his hand to support him: "He obviously gets drunk, why drink so much?"

Fu Tingye looked at her with obsidian eyes, with a deep mystery: "Are you caring about me?"

"Nothing." Tang Moran retorted subconsciously.

There was a brief silence after the rebuttal.

The warm water worked, Fu Tingye woke up some wine, and took his hand out of her arms: "In this case, you

Shouldn't come to help me, should go to Fu Jingting. "

"What do you mean?" She kindly wanted to take care of him. Is he mocking himself?

"Don't you like to live with Fu Jingting? Naturally, you care about him." Fu Tingye shook his face and shook his body.

Go upstairs.

Tang Moran's chest was up and down, and even his breathing became rapid: "Fu Tingye, you are too much, how can you

So say me. "

"Isn't it? You would rather live with Fu Jingting than come back with me, Tang Moran, what on earth are you doing?

Thought? Who do you think of me? "He stopped, and didn't look back. It was originally a questioning voice.

In the end, it revealed weakness.

What does she think of him?

From the beginning, she was the creditor, and then her uncle. Now, although the two have confirmed their relationship, she has never been afraid of him.

It is alienation.

As her boyfriend, she called her to come back, but she would rather stay at his brother’s house than come back. This is taking her as


"Perhaps you are too young to understand what love is." I don't understand how strong his possessiveness is.

Tang Moran's eyes were reddened, and she shed tears in front of him, but he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Don't know what love is? So he thinks she doesn't love him in everything she does now?

"Fu Tingye, you are so sad." Tang Moran wiped away the disappointing tears with the back of his hand, and ran past him.

Rubbing his shoulders, he ran up to the second floor.

Fu Tingye stood there for a long time, and the cool night made him regain his senses and calm down a lot.

Extending his index finger and thumb, he rubbed his temples, he was really confused, how could he say such hurtful things to Mo'er.

Going upstairs, I originally wanted to knock on her door to explain, but no one responded after a few knocks.


"Don't come in, I don't want to see you, let alone hear you." Across the door, Tang Moran's voice was also full.

Got angry.

"..." After staying for a while, Fu Tingye turned and left.


Fu Tingye has always wanted to find a chance to talk to Tang Moran in the past two days.

But Tang Moran seemed to avoid him deliberately. She was absent every time he appeared, and she would only come out when he went to work.

Even if she meets occasionally, she will never see him.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

For the first time in his life, Fu Tingye knew how uncomfortable the Cold War was.

Secretary Zhao’s recent work has not been smooth.

There was no reason, because her boss was so dark that ink was almost dripping out.

"Do you dare to get this kind of flawed plan in front of me? If you don't want to do it, just go to the Finance Department to settle your salary!"

Secretary Zhao, listening to the scolding from the office, felt chills in her heart, and put the iced coffee ready to be delivered again.

go back,

Forget it, Mr. Fu has been in a bad mood these few days, so she didn't take the risk in order not to harm Chi Yu.

The department manager who had been scolded came out of the office in disgrace.

Secretary Zhao moved the document with a sympathetic expression on his face, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry about it, President Fu is in a bad mood recently."

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