Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2018: .reconcile

The manager sighed: "What's wrong with Mr. Fu? He has a big temper."

Secretary Zhao didn’t know and didn’t dare to ask. He didn’t use his toes to guess, but he could also think that it was mostly with the Tang

Miss has a relationship.

Fu Tingye was in a bad mood, and it was not pleasing to look at anything, but he was a man with great endurance, and never refused.

Like ordinary people who don’t have a bottom line, they can only hold their anger in their stomachs.

The whole person is like a big volcano that tends to erupt.

I can't calm down anyhow.

Secretary Zhao still went in to deliver coffee.

"Mr. Fu, your iced coffee."

Fu Tingye nodded lightly.

Secretary Zhao saw that he had no other orders and was about to withdraw, but Fu Tingye thought about something, slender fingers.

Gently clicked twice on the table, "Secretary Zhao."

Secretary Zhao was taken aback, and quickly walked back, respectfully: "Mr. Fu, do you have any orders?"

Fu Tingye frowned and was silent for a while. The tips of his ears were slightly red, and he asked unnaturally, "You girl

When Zi is usually angry, how can I coax... to be happy? "


Secretary Zhao was confused by this question.

She has worked with Fu Tingye for so many years, and it is the first time that Fu Tingye has asked her about such private questions.

Also, it's too strange, right?

Does Mr. Fu actually have to coax his girlfriend?

Sure enough, she was right, Mr. Fu’s recent bad mood was related to that Miss Tang...

Secretary Zhao wanted to understand, and began to answer Fu Tingye’s question seriously, "It depends on which kind of specific..."

Fu Tingye raised his eyes: "How do you say?"

"It depends on why she is angry? Is it because someone made her angry, or you... Mr. Fu, you made her angry..."

Secretary Zhao's voice lowered a little bit.

Fu Tingye was silent again, and then said lightly: "It's me."

Secretary Zhao's gossip became stronger, and he quickly said: "It will be easy to handle. In fact, girls are very coaxing, as long as

Let us understand that your men care about us, just have ours in your heart, speak softly and speak nicely

If it is, there is basically no problem. "

"that's it?"

Fu Ting Ye Jian frowned a little bit.

Just like this? Would it be too simple.

"In fact, Mr. Fu, it would be better if you listen to Miss Tang’s thoughts. After all, you are in a relationship, not like in a company

Yes, the boss treats his subordinates like that. "

Fu Tingye nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "I see, you can go out."

"Then President Fu, if you have any instructions, call me again."

Secretary Zhao left.

Fu Tingye didn't like the feeling of the cold war. There were too many things in the company and too busy, and the things at work made him extremely tired.

Tired, the hypocritical interpersonal contacts and relationships in the business field also made him feel extremely bored.

He hoped that as soon as he got home, there would be a warm little person who would wait for him to come back with a smile.

Together, just whisper.

It is not like it is now, when you come home, everything is cold.

After such a long time, Fu Tingye thought about it, and thought it was better to bow his head.

Anyway, the steward Qi was right, he was a big man and what did he care about with such a little girl.

Is it possible that he would be happy watching her soaking up with Fu Jingting all day long?

What if that girl is really taken away by someone else?

Fu Tingye made the decision in his heart, but he felt a lot more relaxed. He asked Secretary Zhao to arrange the afternoon’s itinerary until the next day.

On Sunday, the final work was settled, and then I got off work early.

When passing by the flower shop, he deliberately got off the car and bought a bunch of fresh roses.

Asked the clerk to bandage, Fu Tingye returned home with the bunch of flowers.

Tang Moran was reading a book in the living room, and when Fu Tingye came back, he gave a slight expression on his face and quickly put away his things.

Going upstairs.

Fu Tingye's eyes sank, walked forward quickly, and grabbed Tang Moran's arm.

Tang Moran's face flushed and he struggled immediately.

"You let me go."

Fu Tingye pulled her to prevent her from breaking free, and all the books and pens in Tang Moran's arms fell out of Tang Moran's arms.

On the ground.

Tang Moran's eyes turned red, and he raised his head and looked at Fu Tingye angrily, then bent down to pick up something: "You! You..."

Fu Tingye frowned, directly buckled her wrist, pulled her up, pinched her chin, and kissed fiercely.

Go up-


The book I just picked up fell to the ground again.

Tang Moran is never more skilled than Fu Tingye when it comes to kissing. It was almost an instant.

Mo Ran softened her voice, and fell softly into Fu Tingye's arms.

Fu Tingye held down the back of her head and held her waist tightly with the other hand, deepening the kiss.

It wasn't until Tang Moran was suffocating that Fu Tingye let go of Tang Moran panting.

Slender fingers gently stroked Tang Moran’s red lips, pulling out a few silver threads, Fu Tingye was gentle and dizzy.

Feeling helpless and bowed his head: "When are you...when are you going to be awkward with me, don't you want to reconcile?"

Tang Moran couldn’t listen to soft words. He was so angry and ferocious before. At this moment, his voice was also lowered.

Grieved, "You don't want to be good with me."

She was kind enough to take care of him who was drunk that day, but he still said to himself that kind of yin and yang...

Fu Tingye sighed: "I drank too much that day, and I couldn't speak my mind, so are you serious?"

Tang Moran hesitated for a long time, unable to speak.

Fu Tingye sighed, her deep voice was a bit helpless and compromised: "Mo'er, don't be angry with me, this matter is my

No, I apologize to you. "

"Why do you apologize?"

Fu Tingye was serious, "I should not use my own ideas to define your life, you are right, you are not my child

Rat, I should respect you. "

Tang Moran's eyes lit up, "Then do you agree to my camping trip?"

Fu Tingye was silent for a moment, then nodded gently, "Yeah,"


Tang Moran was skeptical.

"When did I tell a lie?"

Tang Moran smiled: "Then can I go to Yingying to buy things together tomorrow? What kind of tents are needed for camping?


"I can buy a tent for you."

Tang Moran's brows tightened; "You just said not to interfere with me..."

Fu Tingye paused, then nodded: "Okay, don't interfere."

Tang Moran cheered, and was about to drive away, but was picked up by Fu Tingye.

"What are you doing?"

"I have compromised, but I have to make three chapters with you."

Tang Moran cried in an instant: "Three chapters of the agreement?"

"Well, first, the mobile phone must be carried with me to ensure that I can contact you as soon as possible."

Tang Moran nodded; "This is no problem."

"Secondly, when you arrive at the camping place, you must report to me that you are safe. I don’t ask you to report to me at any time, but at least

Make a phone call in the morning and evening. "

Tang Moran thought it was not difficult, and nodded.

"This is fine."

"Third, you are not allowed to act alone, nor are you allowed to walk too close to boys, you know?"



Tang Moran was unhappy: "Didn't you say that you have three chapters? You are fourth..."

Fu Tingye ignored her and said in a strong tone: "Fourth, don't panic when you meet, there is me."

Tang Moran's heart beat quickly several times, and then gave a soft "um".

The two were reconciled, and naturally there were endless whispers. After dinner, Fu Tingye turned Tang Moran into bed.

Okay, out of the fire that has been holding back these days.

The next day, Fu Tingye sent Tang Moran to meet Fan Yingying, and the two of them bought equipment for camping.

Bao's returned home.

The day after tomorrow, Tang Moran packed up his luggage and waited for that day. Who knows Fu Ting

It happened to check Tang Moran's luggage at night.

Tang Moran waved his hand again and again, "I have checked it and there is nothing to miss."

Fu Tingye asked in a deep voice, "Is the medicine taken?"

Tang Moran was taken aback.

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