Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2019: .Travel

Fu Tingye asked again: "Band-aid, is the bandage taken? Is the serum taken?"

Tang Moran looked dumbfounded: "Sera?"

"There are a lot of snakes in the wild this season. What if you encounter a poisonous one and get bitten? Did you bring your flare gun?

Have you brought your spare cell phone, map, compass, emergency compressed biscuits and purified water? "

Tang Moran was speechless.

Fu Tingye directly opened Tang Moran's bag.

A pile of clothes fell out.

Fu Tingye took out the clothes one by one.

"What are you doing……"

"You are going camping, not traveling. You will be back in three days. Bringing so many clothes will only increase your burden.

A change of clothes will do. I have read the weather forecast these days. The weather is very sunny.

After washing the clothes, let them hang out, and they can be collected the next day. "

Tang Moran looked at Fu Tingye in a daze.

Fu Tingye continued to take Tang Moran's things from his bag.

"Tablet, camera... don't need to bring these, just bring a music listener with you, if you want to take pictures, you can bring a portable

Little Tang Moran, what are you thinking about? I usually don’t like reading books, but during the three days of camping,

Do you still have time to read? "

Tang Moran's face is red and his ears are red, and he feels that his old bottom 3 has been turned over by Fu Tingye.

Ting Ye's hand prevented him from turning over. "Don't turn it over..."

"I will ask someone to help you re-prepare your luggage."


"Mo'er, this is for your safety."

Tang Moran finally nodded gently.

On the night before departure, Tang Moran went to bed early, and when she thought of going camping immediately, she fell asleep with excitement.


The bed trembled slightly, and it was Fu Tingye who took the bath.

Those arms stretched out in a familiar way, and took her into his arms, and it didn't take long for her to become a little unfaithful.

Tang Moran flushed, struggling a little, "No... I have to go camping tomorrow."

Fu Tingye suddenly leaned over and bit her ear.

"You said if I told you not to get out of bed tomorrow, would you not have to go?"

Tang Moran's frightened breathing stagnated, and the whole voice froze.

He likes to tease her, and every time he sees her being teased by himself, he feels better for no reason.

Hooked her lips and held her in her arms tighter: "Mo'er, you go camping for three days, will you miss me?"

Tang Moran thought about it seriously, and replied with his head to the side: "It shouldn't be possible. We will call each other in the morning and evening. If the signal is good

You can also video, which means you can see it every day, and you are more diligent than you go to work at home. "

Fu Tingye reached out and squeezed her waist.

"Oh, itchy, why." Tang Moran blocked his waist.

"No conscience." Fu Tingye sighed, and finally the cold war between two people ended, and she was going camping for three more days.

Although he still said that he didn't want to own himself, he started to miss her a little before she left.

Tang Moran turned around, actively put his arms in his arms, put his arms around his narrow waist, and buried his head on his chest.

Weng Qi said: "I will miss you, Ah Ye, I am very happy."

"Of course you are happy, you can go camping, and finally you can be free." Fu Tingye didn't know that he said

There were multiple grievances when I said this.

"No." Tang Moran was unhappy: "I am obviously happy. You came to me to apologize, send me flowers, and promise me to go wild.

Camp, help me prepare everything for camping, Ah Ye, thank you. "

Her twinkling eyes are like bright stars in the sky, looking at him with twinkling light.

Fu Tingye's Adam's apple rolled, pressing her down passionately: "Then thank me now."

"Oh, what are you doing, I'm done camping tomorrow, not allowed to do this." The voice turned out to be smaller until it finally disappeared.


Early the next morning, thinking about going camping soon, Tang Moran was a little anxious about eating, and choked in his throat as he went down with a bite of food.

Inside, can't go up, can't come down.

Fu Ting hurriedly handed her the juice.

Tang Moran drank several sips of juice before swallowing the choking meal.

"Eat slowly, and you won't be late. Why are you eating so fast?" Fu Tingye got up and patted her back.

"I want to eat quickly so that I can catch the car and not let my classmates wait for me." In fact, she just wants to go camping and see the mountains.

On the scenery.

When she finished eating, she got up, took two napkins and wiped her mouth: "I'm finished, then I'll go."

At the same time, Fu Tingye also put down the tableware and took the car key: "I will send you."

"No, I'll go by myself, the bus is waiting at the gate of our school, and Yingying is also waiting for me, it doesn't matter."

Tang Moran took the backpack Fu Tingye had prepared for him and walked outside.

"I'll take you off. You still carry a backpack at this speed. Even if you get to the bus, you should leave." Fu Tingye answered.

She passed the backpack in her hand, opened the trunk of the car, and put the backpack in.

Tang Moran looked at his car for a while, never said anything, and got into the co-pilot of the car.


From a long distance, you can see the school gate beside the spacious road. There is a bright bus parked. Students in twos and threes are on the bus.

Gather outside to chat.

"Stop parking." Tang Moran hurriedly asked Fu Tingye to pull over to stop.

"What's wrong? I'll take you there."

"I don't want you to send it."

Fu Tingye stepped on the brakes, curled his eyebrows and looked at her: "Why?"

"I don’t want you to send it there. The car you drove was so good. Also, the last time you went to school there were so many lesbians.

Learn to want your contact information. If you can pay it again, just get off here and I will go by myself. "Don

Mo Ran was serious, opened the seat belt and got out of the car, knocking on the trunk.

Fu Tingye opened it reluctantly, got out of the car, took out the backpack for her, and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Tang Moran looked at him inexplicably.

"Am I smiling?" Fu Tingye clenched his fist and put it to his mouth, making a fake cough. He actually laughed in his heart, his little

The girl will be jealous and jealous.

Tang Moran saw Fan Yingying waving his hand at him: "I'll go there first."

She was about to leave with a backpack, Fu Tingye took her arm: "Wait a minute."

"what happened?"

"You have something on your face, come here."

Tang Moran took two steps forward obediently, Fu Tingye lowered his head, and a light kiss was printed on her forehead.

Tang Moran hadn't reacted yet, his eyes widened, looking at him.

"Go, don't forget to call me." He whispered ambiguously in her ear again: "Don't forget to miss me."

Fan Yingying came over to help take her backpack, and the two of them walked by the bus together.

Fan Yingying did not forget to look back at the side of the road where there were no more cars. She looked gossip: "Your uncle Fu will send you here.

of? Why didn't you let him take you to the bus? As far as Uncle Fu’s looks and the car he drove, he must show up

It made waves. At that time, our classmates will probably envy you to death. "

"That's why I don't want him to come over." Tang Moran was not proud of Fan Yingying's words, but had himself

Little abacus.

After hearing this, Fan Yingying was puzzled: "Aren't you supposed to let him over? Then I will introduce to the students."

"I don't. Why should I introduce him to my classmates? He is not in a circle. Besides, he is the president of the company.

It would be embarrassing if all the classmates would look for him to work after graduation. "

"It's not because of this?" Fan Yingying thoughtfully, finally wanted to understand after getting on the bus: "Oh, I know

Yes, you are afraid..."

Fan Yingying's voice was not small, and everyone was almost there at the moment. There were many other classmates on the bus. Tang Moran hurriedly covered it.

Stopped her mouth and hissed.

Fan Yingying nodded clearly and whispered, "Are you afraid that a female classmate might hit your Uncle Fu's idea?"

"A lot of them have ideas." Tang Moran leaned on the bus seat and yawned.

Because the excitement itself is shallow sleep, I was tossed by Fu Tingye for half a night, and now I swayed back and forth in the car twice.


Tilt his head to sleep.

By the time she woke up, she had reached her destination.

The destination this time is Sheshan, a very suitable place for camping.

The car stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the students needed to climb to the top of the mountain together. This time a leader of the student union was leading the team.

There is also a middle-aged male teacher.

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