Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2043: .Gift for the male god

Ye Zhixia pressed for a moment, and suddenly realized that this was in front of Feng Zexi.

"Feng Liting, your uncle!" She twisted her body to come down.

"If you move again, I will kiss you in public!" Feng Liting's voice was light, but it was full of threats.

"You..." Ye Zhixia was so angry that he wanted to beat him to death, no, five horses divided the body! ! !

But even though she was so angry that she had a cerebral hemorrhage, there was no way to go, she stared at him bitterly.

Feeling there was still gaze behind before following, she quietly looked back, only to see Feng Zexi smiling at her innocently like a child.

At the bottom of her eyes, something similar to gentleness seemed to flow, and her heart seemed to melt when she saw it.

Upstairs room.

As soon as Feng Liting entered, he threw Ye Zhixia on the bed, taking off his suit and untied his tie.

"You, what are you doing? Don't come here and I will tell you!" Ye Zhixia hid in a panic while observing the feasible escape.

Run the route.

"Lie down for me obediently!"

"...I would rather die than lie down!"

She guarded her body with an uncompromising look.

Feng Liting put the clothes he took off and took off his watch slowly: "You better lie down by yourself.

Next, if I do it, the scene is probably not very soft! "

Ye Zhixia bit her lip and didn't move.

"I count to three! One, two--" Ye Zhixia's concentration was disintegrated in his slow and threatening tone, "Lie down!

You treat me as afraid of you! "

She lay down.

Feng Liting also lay down afterwards, but he didn't do anything to her, he just closed his eyes, "When I woke up

Before, you were not allowed to get out of bed and let me know that you sneaked out, so don't even think about going back to class. "

what! ! !

Ye Zhixia couldn't believe it.

But it was also very effective. After he said that, she didn't dare to get out of bed.

She stared at the ceiling boredly, not knowing why he didn't let her out, she was a tyrant!


In the evening.

Before eating dinner, Ye Zhixia handed out gifts that Venice brought back.

I also met Feng Zexi's mother who I had never seen before.

A very intellectual and elegant strong woman.

I’m in my forties, but I don’t see the traces of the years at all. I wear a suit and light makeup, no matter my temperament or anger

In the field, they are all very strong women.

Although the wife is now, in the eyes of Ye Zhixia, this woman is more like an aunt.

"I'm sorry, I went on a business trip, and I couldn't meet with you the first time." Chen Huiyu said apologetically.

"It's okay!" Ye Zhixia waved her hand hurriedly, then picked up a big box and handed it to him, "Sister-in-law, this is for you.

hope you'll like it! "

"Thank you!"

Chen Yunhui nodded and smiled decently.

Feng Zexi stood up and accepted the gift for her mother, and at the same time joked with Ye Zhixia, "Do I have a gift?"

"Yes, yes, of course there is!" Ye Zhixia quickly took out a small box that she later carefully packed.

Zi handed it over, "This is for you!"

Feng Liting's expression was originally mild, but after seeing the gift from Ye Zhixia, his expression instantly became gloomy.

"What is it?" Feng Zexi looked curiously.

"I think it's very good-looking and suits you, so I bought it." Ye Zhixia said, enduring the little excitement in her heart.

"You're looking forward to it more." Feng Liting looked at her, staring at him with eyes like Shuibo.

Ye Zhixia was thumped by the heart he saw.

"Take it apart and let everyone see what it is."

"Yeah, having said so much, I am curious about what I said!"

Others booed.

Feng Zexi looked at the box and smiled leisurely, "I think I'll go back to the room and take it apart!"

When Ye Zhixia heard this sentence, she felt a little airy.

He wants to dismantle it separately!

What does this mean?

"Let's open it, it's just a cheap necklace, not a rare thing." Feng Liting said over there, in a plain tone.

The words have a spicy taste.

Ye Zhixia's heart that was still floating a second ago fell to the bottom.

The smile on his little face disappeared instantly.

What cheap, can he speak!

Without changing his face, Feng Zexi looked towards the direction Feng Li Ting was sitting on, his eyes collided, and there seemed to be a brief sharpness in it.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds. Feng Zexi laughed first, "Uncle let it be taken apart, then I will take a look at it!"

He bowed his head, picked up the box in his hand, and dexterously opened the outer wrapping paper with his slender fingers and took out the inner


He opened the lid, and when he saw the necklace, he smiled, "So pretty!"

"What is it, let grandma take a look!" Lu Yunshang looked curiously.

Chen Yunhui was relatively close to what Feng Zexi did. She leaned over and looked at the necklace. Her eyes moved.

Heart-shaped necklace!


"Let us see! Don't sell it." Feng Bonian also urged.

Feng Zexi lowered the box and showed it to everyone.

The expressions on the faces of several elders all looked a little weird to varying degrees.

Ye Zhixia didn't know the meaning of girls giving boys' necklaces.

Besides, the graphics are so obvious.

Feng Liting's complexion was cold and cold.

The atmosphere in the restaurant also cooled for a minute. Realizing that the atmosphere was not right, Lu Yunshang said hurriedly, "The necklace is very beautiful.

Ah, young people have different visions, they are really picky! This is the style, it seems to be worn by a girl! "

Chen Yunhui was very clever to answer the conversation in time, "Mom, this is what a girl wears, I think, Zhixia must be patronizing

I looked like I liked it, and bought it without much thought. How can a boy of Zexi wear a flower! "


Several elders in the restaurant laughed.

"Zhi Xia is still young and has a simple idea. There will always be something lacking in consideration. Gifts, just like when you have your heart." Feng

Bornian clicked on the box in Feng Zexi's hand, "Take it away!"

"Yes!" Feng Zexi closed the box and put it in his pocket.

Ye Zhixia was silly.

Give a good gift, the meaning is all misunderstood.

She was unhappy with Nu Nu's mouth and couldn't say anything, but she turned her head to see Feng Liting's murderous look.

She shrank her neck, feeling that he would come and break her neck in the next second.

He looked very angry.

Was it discovered that she liked Feng Zexi?


During dinner, Feng Liting said nothing.

Other people looked at his expression and didn't say much. This wife was so ignorant, and no one would be happy.

Ye Zhixia bit the vegetables, thinking about this honeymoon, should she let her go to school.

"That..." She bit her chopsticks and looked at her parents-in-law secretly, "Dad, Mom, I have been on vacation for many days, I

Can I go back to class tomorrow? "

"Yes! Let Li Ting send you to you tomorrow!" Feng Bonian readily agreed, while not creating opportunities for his son.

Ye Zhixia refused without even thinking about it, "No, no, I can go by myself, he is so busy, there must be no time!"

"I'm on the way, or I'll send my aunt there." Feng Zexi raised his head and said.

The male **** gave her! ! !

Ye Zhixia desperately suppressed the excitement that came out of her heart, and opened her mouth and said: "I think it's okay..."

Before she could say this, Feng Liting's voice suddenly appeared, and she was cut off, only to see his tone

He said lightly, "I have time in the morning! I will give it away!"


what! ! !


Ye Zhixia was anxious, "But although you have time, it's not easy!"

"It's not so easy." Feng Liting picked up the napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. His black eyes slowly glanced at her face, and he vomited four times.

The word, "But I love it!"

"You--" Ye Zhixia was so angry that she wanted to scratch the wall.

Lu Yunshang saw their interaction in her eyes, she secretly smiled and said, "Let's do this, it's rare that Li Ting has

With such a heart, we must fulfill him. "

Ye Zhixia was desperate when she heard her mother-in-law say this!

The good wish of going to school with the male **** every day is completely broken, oh oh oh!

In a bad mood, she took a few bites of the meal and then put down her chopsticks.


After dinner, Ye Zhixia didn't want to go back to the room, and ran out into the courtyard.

By the way, soothe your bad mood.

Lu Yunchang motioned with his eyes to let his son follow.

Feng Liting also got up immediately.

The two of them walked unhurriedly at a distance

When he walked under a tree, he pulled her by the arm and pushed her against the tree, "Ye Zhixia, do you want to die?"

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