Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2044: .Do you also like me?

Ye Zhixia was frightened by him, "Feng Liting, you are crazy!"

"You are the one who is crazy, and you are the one who is tired of life!" Feng Liting squeezed her face vigorously, "You see

Now it’s my wife, Fengjia’s young grandmother, and Fengshi Group’s wife, don’t be like a **** all the time, you

Lost is not only your face, but also my face. "

His breath is heavy, and his sword eyebrows are like two sharp blades.

At first glance, it is angry.

Seeing him, Ye Zhixia stared at his handsome face for a while, chuckled and poked him mischievously.

The handsome face said, "Feng Liting, you won't be jealous anymore!"

Feng Liting's brows furrowed tighter, "Use your mind to think about it, do you think it's possible?"

"Oh my God, you wouldn't have fallen in love with me so soon!" Ye Zhixia had an expression of disbelief.

"Think too much, one day you will become an idiot!" Feng Liting mocked her.

Ye Zhixia pretended not to hear him, and continued to talk to herself, "I didn't expect you to be so fascinated by me. It hurts.

Brains, but I tell you, I will definitely not like you, because I like something..."

She was happy when she said that her lips were suddenly blocked.

The man's tongue entered her mouth arbitrarily, she couldn't resist, it was a strong invasion.

"Hmm--" Ye Zhixia struggled.

Pushing him hard, but not moving at all, as if she was pushing a stone.

Her mouth is full of his taste.

Gradually, she began to be a little less repulsive, and her body also softened, and his movements did not seem to be so rough.

Intense, but also softened.

Ye Zhixia's brain was dizzy.

There is no way to think.

Is this soft and sticky feeling that makes people breathing hard, just kissing?

Not far away, a figure was standing leisurely and admiring them kissing. His mouth always had a meaningful smile and said

Not so vicious, but by no means kind.

I don't know how long it took, Feng Liting let her go.

Ye Zhixia's eyes were dull, her face flushed, her pink lips were swollen by the kiss.

His forehead touched her forehead, "Didn’t I say that I am in love with you, then you have to walk well and bear the lead of my love

Benefits coming! Tonight, we sleep on a quilt! "

The voice became lower and more ambiguous.

Finally, he bit her ear.

Ye Zhixia closed her eyes in fright, repeatedly begging for mercy, "I was joking with you, don't take it seriously, how can you fall in love with me?

Certainly not. "

"That's not the same."

"Don't be different, according to your taste, you are not good for me."

"Recently, the taste has indeed fallen a lot."



Also scolded her insinuatingly!

Ye Zhixia was upset in her heart, but she didn't dare to curse, she could only hit haha, "Then you should go and improve yourself.

It’s our own taste, we are really not suitable. "

"I think it's very suitable. Go back to the room. Let's go to the bed and run the same relationship."

She was passed over.

What can be cultivated by going to bed...

Why is there nothing but 100 bans in her mind!

"Can I say no?" Ye Zhixia knew that the necklace she gave him was really offending him, but it was a black belly.

The guy changed her way to punish her.

"What do you mean?" Feng Liting narrowed his eyes coldly.

"Big brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, give another chance, the last time!" Ye Zhixia raised a finger,

Sad face.

"Ye Zhixia, do you think your words are credible?"

"Just believe it again!"

"I believe you can, but in order to give her a warning, from today onwards, she will sleep with me. If you are not obedient,

I will torture you severely," Feng Liting said, squeezing her face, "It just so happens that you can also be pregnant with a baby.

Give two examples. "


I **** you fucking!

Ye Zhixia exploded in her heart.

In order to escape the catastrophe before her eyes, she compromised and made another small request, "Can it be separated into two beds?

child? I'm afraid... I'm afraid I can't control it! "

Feng Liting didn't speak.


Late at night, Ye Zhixia was lying on the soft bed.

She wrapped herself up as a caterpillar.

Twenty centimeters away, is someone's male body.

After a while, she felt that he was asleep, and she was willing to relax and enter her dream.

Early the next morning.

Ye Zhixia woke up.

However, she found that the quilt had been kicked off by herself a long time ago. She was nesting in his chest, and she still left a pool of halazi on his chest.

I picked it up with my hand and my finger hit a small bump.

Feng Liting moved.

She hurriedly retracted her hand and slipped out of bed.

Sitting on the toilet, thinking that she touched his "Mimi" early in the morning, she wanted to hit her to death.

Coming out of the bathroom, she saw that he was not awake, walked over on tiptoe, glanced at his chest, and found the

That pool didn't mean to disappear at all.

After a while he woke up and saw this.

She could not imagine what vicious words he would use to ridicule her, ridicule her, and mock her.

No way!

Can't wait and die.

So, before he woke up, she quickly changed her clothes and slipped out of the room.

Come downstairs.

"Young grandma!" the maid greeted respectfully.

"Yeah." Ye Zhixia nodded, then walked out the door with a calm expression, and said deliberately: "I'll go out to breathe.

Get some fresh air and come back soon. "

Going out successfully, she was still complacent that it was so easy.

She had known that she would escape the day after being arrested.

Le Dian walked to the iron gate, she couldn't laugh anymore——

This iron gate is electronically induced.

Therefore, she must alert the people in the security room to open it for her, and then they will know that the young lady is going out!

The desire to sneak out was stifled.


Two car horns sounded behind him.

Ye Zhixia turned around and saw a white car driving in front of her.

The driver is Feng Zexi.

When the car window was rolled down, he poked his head out, the side of the breakfast sun shining on his face, it looked very fresh and beautiful.

"Isn't my uncle sending you to school? Why are you standing alone at the door?" He asked, without a special expression on his face, his eyes

There seemed to be a smile in his eyes.

This boy has a temperament that makes girls obsessed.

Obviously it is gentle, but it does not make people feel that he is particularly easy to see through, just like the sun covering the sky


"Oh, before he gets up, I just want to go to the car by myself." Ye Zhixia answered with a smile, the sweetness of the girl in her heart

The boy in Yi showed everything.

Feng Zexi chuckled, "Get in the car, you can't get a car outside at this time."

Upon hearing the invitation of the male god, she quickly opened the door.

However, when she thought that she could only swear Li Ting's oath yesterday evening, she hesitated again.

"What's wrong? Come up quickly, I'll take you to eat delicious food!" Feng Zexi smiled at her.

With that bright and gentle appearance, Ye Zhixia quickly lost the ability to resist and surrendered!

Who makes the male beauty in front of you too alluring!

She sat in happily, fastened her seat belt, "You didn't eat breakfast either!"

"I'm tired of eating at home, I want to eat something fresh outside."

"Then where shall we eat?"

"A small shop next to the school."

"Oh, over there from school—"

Ye Zhixia pretended to be calm, and secretly pinched her thigh with excitement to make sure she was not


When I saw him for the first time in school, her girlish heart fell completely, and she always dreamed of confessing to him and dating


However, before she could put it into practice, she was sold by the family.

This is one of the reasons why her family refused to marry Feng Liting.

"Auntie, are you in the habit of still living in our Fengjia?" Feng Zexi said, looking at the road ahead.

"...Could you not call me auntie!"

Ye Zhixia drooped her head.

This title is really devastating.

Feng Zexi pursed her lips and chuckled softly, "This is not good, I should call it that according to generation!"

"Ah—I'm really going crazy, why should I become an elder for no reason, especially your elder."

Ye Zhixia covered her face with her hands, collapsed, and accidentally missed her mouth.

"Especially me? Why?" Feng Zexi got off the car and turned his head to look at her.

Ye Zhixia was taken aback for a moment.

The reaction came and hurriedly explained, "Oh, I just wanted to say, we are a school, all girls like you, you

I would be embarrassed to call that. "

"All?" Feng Zexi smiled disapprovingly. Suddenly, he asked seriously, "Do you like me too?"

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