Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2050: .Calculate the general ledger

"Just blocked you at the door of the company, little star, warm." Ye Zhixia reminded.

"I advise you not to take care of her affairs, that is not what you need to take care of." Feng Liting was not interested in listening any more, and changed hands again.

Look through the contract.

"Why can't I take care of it? Everyone has come to ask for help. If we don't help, it seems we are not good

what. "Ye Zhixia wanted to persuade Feng Liting, even if she thought it was not easy.

In fact, it is too easy.

Feng Liting didn’t even give her a straight eye, and replied indifferently: “The company I opened is not a charity organization.

If you ask for help, you have to help. People like her will be abandoned by the current brokerage company only if they are worthless.

People, my entertainment company won't want it either. "

"That's because she refuses to be unspoken. She is so beautiful and so innocent. I believe that with your strength,

In time, she will definitely be popular. "Ye Zhixia said vigorously, walked to his desk and put her hands on the desk.

Feng Liting looked up and could see her eyes that were close at hand, bright and clear.

He rolled his throat, still indifferent: "The entertainment industry is much deeper than you think. Don’t mix it up.

Because of that warmth, there are many entertainers in my entertainment company who are more beautiful than her and have not become popular. "

"She is different. As long as you are willing to support her and help her, she will definitely be red." Ye Zhixia firmly believed in this.

Feng Liting just smiled: "Do you know how many first-line stars my entertainment company has? Even old idols?

My company is not lacking, why should I bother and waste resources to support a person who doesn’t even understand the most basic unspoken rules

Little artist? Again, I don’t have such idle time, and my entertainment company is not a charity. "

"You! Feng Liting, how can you say such a thing? Do you even think she should go under the unspoken rules? She just

It's a little girl who wants to act well. "

"I don’t think she should be subjected to unspoken rules, but she doesn’t even know how to work around. If it’s as you say, she wants

Acting well, you won’t have to spend your time trying to stop me in the company today. "

"You are so gloomy. She did this because she was desperate. She didn't want to have no future.

Will come to you, you actually look at her that way. "Ye Zhixia spoke warmly.

This made Feng Liting very unhappy. She didn't even know who she was close to. She was whimsical: "So you

The only things I learned in the Ye family. "

"You say me just say me, what do you say my house does?"

"At any rate, I'm also the daughter of the Ye family. I thought that you were spoiled, but I didn't expect to spoil you so ignorantly.

I don't understand this, but I'm still explaining the truth to me here. "Feng Li Ting closed the contract angrily and started

Turned around and walked to the French window on the side, no longer looking at her.

Ye Zhixia didn’t know which sentence was wrong, maybe she didn’t say a word in his eyes, but why did he want

Talk about her family, talk about her parents?

This was what she could not tolerate most. She slapped the table vigorously, causing Feng Li Ting to look back.

"If you don't help, don't help. Whatever you talk about so much nonsense, you can do it without helping me."

Feng Li Tinggang wanted to tell her not to let her take care of this matter. Looking back, Ye Zhixia had already left the office.

Out of Feng Liting's office valiantly, she wilted when she got off the elevator.

It’s a good guarantee in Warmth, but I got a bad nose in Feng Liting's place. How can she explain to Warmth?

As soon as she left the company, she was blocked by warmth. She didn't expect that warmth did not leave at all, but was waiting for her.

Seeing her come out, he greeted her with a warm and joyful face: "How about it? Has Mr. Feng agreed?"

"I..." Ye Zhixia looked at her warm and happy face, not only was there happiness, but also hope.

She didn't want to cut off her warm hope in this way: "Let's find a place to talk about it. It's not good to stand here."

The two went to the nearest coffee shop. There were no customers in this shop, only two of them.

Warmth continued to ask: "What did Mr. Feng say? At what level did I start when I joined the entertainment company? New

Entertainer? I'm not new, am I? Three females and four females who have appeared in several popular TV series, but as long as Feng Zongken

You can hold me from scratch, I am willing. "

Listening to the warmth of a person talking to himself, Ye Zhixia is a head and two big people.

It is not whether she is willing or not, but Feng Liting is willing or not.

Thinking of Feng Liting's words, he felt heartbroken, and even attacked her parents.

It's really hot.

Look at the warm look and wait for his own answer.

Ye Zhixia made a bold decision, holding her head up tall and saying: "Don't worry, I will be popular."

"What do you mean..." The warmth faded away, leaning on the table and chair, his face gray: "I knew it was me

I was delusional, how could the dignified president Fengshi be willing to praise me an unknown star. "

The last thing Ye Zhixia wants to see is the warmth like this, and the most can't stand this, so she lied to cover up:

"No, no, he wants to see how my abilities are. You know, our relationship, he must also want to

Let me make a difference, I said that I want to enter the entertainment industry, he was very supportive, so I made me popular

You try it, if not, he will take over. "

"Really? Mr. Feng really said that?" He stretched out his hand warmly and excitedly and took Ye Zhixia's hand.

Ye Zhixia was taken aback, then nodded: "You believe me, I can definitely make you popular."

"Then... how are you going to praise me? Do you have an entertainment company?"

"This does not."

"Do your friends have?"

"Yes, Feng Liting."

"There is no entertainment company, and friends do not have an entertainment company, so how can you praise me?"

Facing the warm and sincere questioning, Ye Zhixia was in trouble. Yeah, how could she praise her?

Ye Zhixia thought and thought, and thought of a good idea: "We can find others to praise you, we can bring

In the junior group, although I don’t have more, I can buy you a female number two. Choose a good script and play a good female role.

Second, it might be an instant hit. "

"This is also a good idea, but... the second woman needs a lot of money, right?" Warmth made it difficult, she was originally not rich, because

The unspoken rule of refusal was even hidden by the brokerage company, and there was not much money in him.

"Don't worry about this, let me figure out a way." Does she have more, but her new year's money pocket money does not add up

It’s a small amount, and her parents once bought her shares in several small companies. At that time, she felt that she could not use it.

It's useful to think so soon.

Immediately Ye Zhixia took out all of her money and invested it in Warmth, and Warmth took the money smoothly and became a belt.

The female number two in the Zijin group.

Ye Zhixia looked at the makeup photo that Warm sent herself, and said that she would join the group next week, and she would be fine after joining the group.

Work hard, I hope Ye Zhixia can visit her in the class when he is free.

Ye Zhixia smiled happily, she was considered to have accomplished a major event, huh, look at Feng Liting, dare not to underestimate her.

When the warmth of the drama was over, she took the warmth to make an appointment with Li Ting for dinner, and slapped him in the face fiercely.

Ye Zhixia imagined the beauty at that time, imagined the regret on Feng Liting’s face, regretting that she should not miss Wen

Warm the star of such a good potential stock.

Hahaha, she just wanted to laugh at the sky.

A firm slap on the head, a contemptuous voice came from above: "What is the smirk? The head was squeezed by the door?"

Ye Zhixia rubbed her beaten head and retorted unconvincedly: "You can't expect me to be better."

Feng Liting took off his suit jacket and hung it aside: "Your silly smile has increased significantly in the past two days.

If you do, follow me to the hospital. "

"Why are you going to the hospital? Are you sick?" Ye Zhixia looked at him.

He turned his head and looked at her helplessly: "See if your brain is really sick."

Sure enough, there were no good things that came out of his mouth, Ye Zhixia wanted to have an attack, and thought about warm things.

Forget it, the adults don't remember the villain, and she will settle the ledger with him until that time.

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