Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2051: .We were cheated

Ye Zhixia glared at him, got up and walked to the bedroom upstairs.

The phone rang at this time, and it was warm when I glanced at it.

Ye Zhixia happily picked it up: "Hey, warm, what are you doing? The makeup photo is taken? How do you feel?"

"Zhi Xia, Zhi Xia." A warm crying hysterical voice came from the other end: "We were cheated."

Ye Zhixia was stunned: "What do you mean we were deceived to me?"

"This crew is fake, Zhixia, all of the more than ten million you gave me have been bleached. Today, after the makeup photo is taken

I gave them the balance and they disappeared. Now I am the only one in the shed. The person in charge of the shed wants me

Pay the cost of renting a studio. "Warm and sniffle after talking about the cause and effect.

Ye Zhixia really wanted to faint so she couldn't bear it, and then she fell to the second floor.


"Did you, didn't you know the director or other things at the time?" Ye Zhixia didn't believe it. There were more than ten million, that's it.

It's not a small amount, it's all her assets.

"The director is real, but I didn’t know that he was embarrassed by debt earlier, this time it was him.

Take the lead in defrauding money, but when others are abroad, they have always kept in touch with me through video and phone calls, and I am in contact now

No longer with him, Zhixia, what should I do? "

"I really shouldn't be gullible, Zhixia, I really don't have the face to see you." Warm said to some extreme.

Ye Zhixia was flustered, but she still wanted to comfort her and warm her heart: "You, don't say that, money, you can always earn it back, just

When it's overwhelmed, we can still report the case, maybe we can get it back? "

"When will you wait? Actually...the amount they asked for is one million less than what you gave. I think you have helped

I got a lot of money, so I didn't tell you that I took a loan, and originally thought that I could pay back the remuneration. "

Warmth is crying stupidly by myself.

"What?" Ye Zhixia is almost two big.

Now, not only has she drifted by ten million, but she also owes one million for warmth?

"Zhixia, let me die." Warmth is really desperate. She didn't have any money at first. When the scenery was beautiful, one million was only one.

There is a pay for the TV series with three women and four women.

But now, she was hidden in the snow, she was not famous, one million, it was a huge sum of money.

"Don't say that, I'll find a way for the money." She made the idea of ​​bringing warmth into the group, and it was also because she was not convinced.

The loser has to listen to Feng Li Ting's love and warmth, so that warmth thinks that he is bound to be hot and hesitate to borrow money.

To be wrong, her fault is bigger than warmth.

And warm a little star who wants a background but no background, and wants money but no money, so she now spends one million to repay her debt, no doubt

Just to force her to be unspoken rules.

"Or... just tell Mr. Feng, let him help us, he has a lot of connections, there may be a way." Warm suggestion.

"Can't tell him." Ye Zhixia interrupted her immediately.


"I can't tell him anyway. I'll take care of the money. I'll hang up first." Ye Zhixia saw Feng Li Ting on the second floor, anxious.

Hung up while busy.

Feng Liting saw her actions in his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shot out a cold and piercing light: "Are you cheating?"

Hearing his venomous tongue as always, she breathed a sigh of relief: "What do you think? I'm not so hungry yet." Zai Feng

The family called the lover, isn't it looking for death?

"Then what are you doing in a hurry?" Feng Liting didn't believe that she had nothing to do.

"Don't worry about it." Ye Zhixia brushed past him and ran downstairs.

He drove back to Ye's house.

After she married Feng Liting, a suitcase was sent to Feng's house. She still had a lot of things left at home.

There are many valuable brand-name bags and luxury jewelry in the villa's room.

She liked those things and planned to keep them all the time. Now she is in urgent need of money and she can’t take care of them.

too much.

When he got home, he rushed into his cloakroom without even having time to say hello to his parents.

Her cloakroom is very large, and most of the cabinets in it are filled with bags and jewelry boxes. She looked for a long time to find one.

A large suitcase. After opening, the limited bags and luxury bags on the cabinet are all placed in the suitcase

Inside, the jewelry box is opened, and all the jewelry in it is packed in a suitcase.

Su Xiangya heard the servant say that Ye Zhixia is back, and went upstairs to find the cloakroom before finding her, to see her hurriedly clean up.

Xi asked suspiciously: "Zhixia, what are you doing?"

"Ah? I pack my things." Ye Zhixia opened another jewelry box. Inside it was she was auctioned for charity once.

The diamond necklace that was photographed at the meeting, I remember it was very valuable, many millions, and put it back on the cabinet after tangled up.

She doesn't need that much money for the time being.

"Well, what are you doing to pack these things? Are not these all your favorite bags and jewelry?" Su Xiangya walked in

Come, see that the bag has been stuffed into a suitcase and ask her: "Zhi Xia, tell me, what's wrong with you?

Are these bags in the suitcase? What are you doing with these? "

Ye Zhixia’s suitcase is already full, she zips up the suitcase and lifts it up, she is quite heavy: "No, I just want to put it

They all take it. "

"Aren't these bags your favorite? Tell your mother, have you encountered any difficulties?" Su Xiangya

Holding her daughter's hand, her eyes were full of worry.

Although her daughter is married into Fengjia, it is also her heart, and she should also feel distressed and concerned.

Ye Zhixia's unexpected behavior scared her mother, and she couldn't bear to see her mother worried.

But, it’s better not to tell her mother, otherwise, she will have to worry about herself even more, and Ye Zhixia had to lie: "Mom

Mom, nothing, I just missed them too much in Fengjia, you said that these are my favorites, I should

But I want to take them to Feng’s house, watch them every day, and occasionally carry them out when I go shopping, you say

is not it? "Ye Zhixia took Su Xiangya's arm in turn, comforting her.

Su Xiangya was puzzled: "Really?"

"Really, Mom, I'm the daughter of the Ye family anyway, and I still have some assets in him. Don't worry about me."

Su Xiangya breathed a sigh of relief after hearing her guarantee. She knew that there was nothing wrong with letting her daughter marry into Feng's family.

I'm used to closing the house, it's great to take everything I like with me.

She nodded in satisfaction: "That's good, remember, if you encounter any difficulties outside, you should tell your mother that the family will

Help you, by the way, since I'm back, let's have a meal before leaving. "

"No, I'm not hungry. I have something to do. Let's go." The last time Dad slapped her, although she shouldn't remember

Qiu, but she did remember it in her heart, besides, she really has something to do now.

Su Xiangya didn't hold her back much, but looked at her strenuously pulling the suitcase and helped.

Ye Zhixia pulled the suitcase and came out of the house, and the phone rang again. It was a warm call.

"Zhixia, can you come to the studio? I didn't bring the money. They asked me to pay for the use of the studio.

go. "The warm voice was helpless and scared.

Ye Zhixia glanced at the heavy suitcase in her hand, and comforted: "Don't worry, you send me the location, I find

In the past. "

After being positioned on WeChat, Ye Zhixia pulled the suitcase and drove over.


When Su Xiangya went upstairs to close the cloakroom door, she found that there was a jewelry box on the empty cabinet.

Open, it’s a diamond necklace. She remembers this necklace is considered to be the more expensive jewelry in this cloakroom. Why?

Zhixia didn't take it? He must have forgotten in a hurry, Su Xiangya immediately went downstairs and dialed Feng Liting's number.

Feng Liting was in a meeting, and the phone was in vibrating mode. When it vibrated on the desk, the whole meeting room was silent.

Feng Liting originally wanted to hang up. He glanced at the Ye family's number, got up and went out to pick it up: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Li Ting, did I bother you?" Su Xiangya got through and remembered. It should be working time now.

"No, what do you say."

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