Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2052: . Sellers

"It’s okay. Just now Zhixia came back and took away all her favorite bags and jewelry, but she was missing.

Diamond necklace, I want to call and tell you, if you have time, take her back and take it away, just to have a meal together. "

Feng Liting raised his brows, why did Ye Zhixia whiff? How come back to the night house to take away bags and jewelry?

"Okay, I know Mom, you have to pay attention to your body."

"By the way, how are you and Zhixia?" Su Xiangya asked uneasyly. She called Feng Liting because of this.

So, she always vaguely felt that Zhixia came back to take all the bags and jewelry, she was not at ease.

Feng Liting replied wittily: "Of course it's good, otherwise she wouldn't go back and move all her beloved things into the house."

"That's good, that's good, your young couple should be good, well, I won't disturb you at work, remember to bring

Zhixia came back for a meal. Su Xiangya finally felt relieved and hung up the phone.

Feng Liting hung up the phone. I don’t know what Ye Zhixia was doing. It’s a good idea. What kind of bags and jewelry should Ye Zhixia get?

What does packing mean?

Just about to call to inquire, the secretary came out to inform him that the meeting needed to continue, so he had to put away the phone and walked to the meeting room.


When Ye Zhixia went there, the people in the studio were also very polite, but he couldn't leave without paying for the studio.

After being deceived, you can't panic, so you're scared.

When Ye Zhixia arrived, the people in the studio had been comforting her.

"Zhi Xia." Warm raised his head and saw her come in, as if he saw the life-saving straw, and rushed over: "Zhi Xia, I have no

I really have no money anymore. "

"I know, I know." Ye Zhixia rushed over and panted.

The people from the studio came over with a clear meaning: "The one-day usage fee for this shed plus props is 30,000 yuan. We have already

I gave Miss Warmth a discount, just twenty-three thousand, which is already the lowest price. "

"Okay." Ye Zhixia also had no money, but she took out all the bags at home, opened the suitcase, and

One of the limited edition bags was taken out, and I rubbed it with the palm of my hand rather reluctantly. Then it seemed to make up my mind.

Stand up and hand the bag to the staff: "This bag is a limited edition luxury item. There are only a few hundred in the world.

Is there enough money for the studio today? "

"This... is too expensive? We are only 20,000 yuan. Your bag is hundreds of thousands at a glance, miss, you

Stop joking with us, there are so many expensive bags, isn't it 20,000 yuan? "Staff One

The embarrassment of the face.

"You are really right. I have these bags, but I guarantee that these bags are real. You can take them for inspection, but

I really have no cash to pay you. "If it wasn't because they didn't let the warmth go, she would not take out her bag

Come mortgaged.

The staff quickly took the bag to ask the boss, and the answer was that the bag can be used to deduct the money for the studio.

After all, it is so many times more expensive.

Even the warmth feels distressed: "Zhixia, that bag is so expensive, so it’s too much to deduct more than 20,000 studio expenses.

Is it a bargain? "

Ye Zhixia shrugged, "No way, I can already come up with a cheaper bag." Her bag is either

It is limited or limited, and some are purely handmade.

It's all her love.

Ye Zhixia looked back, looked at one of her suitcases and jewelry, and then looked at the studio. There were hundreds of thousands of bags.

It's not appropriate to get in.

So he pulled the warmth and came over: "It just so happens that you also put on makeup, so it's better to be a model and take pictures of my bags.

Can be sold to pay off your debt. "

Warmth did not expect Ye Zhixia to be so good to herself, her nose was sore for a moment, and she kept shaking her head: "No way, no way.

Xia, I have already made you lose so much, I can't, I can't let you sell your bags anymore. "

"Then do you have the money to repay the debt?" Ye Zhixia hit the nail on the head.

Warm lowered his head and shook: "I only have some money for food."

"Wait until you sell it. The bag can be re-purchased. If you don’t pay the debt and get exposed, your acting career will be over.

Up. "Ye Zhixia turned around and picked out a few packages and handed them to Warmth. There are also studio cameras.

Ye Zhixia works as a photographer and Warm as a model. After discussing it, I decided not to take pictures of her face or let the warmth be exposed.

By the way, I took all the jewelry.

Warmth was surprised enough when he saw those bags, look at the jewelry of luxury brands, and some

The diamond bracelets and necklaces were even more exclaimed: "Oh my God, Zhixia, are these real diamonds?"

"Of course, these have certificates." Ye Zhixia took a few photos and checked.

"You are so rich and you are willing to help me like that. You are so kind."

Ye Zhixia was taken aback, looking at the warmth, who was quietly dipping away tears with a tissue.

Ye Zhixia didn't say a word, and she was also heartbroken. These are her favorites: "Wait until you sell it and pay off the debt." She said

Personally, I don't like the feeling of owing others.

"But you have so many, it's enough to sell a few, just one million, you can have two or three bags here." Wen

Nuan reminded her.

Ye Zhixia thought for a while, but that was true, but in her 10 million cash, there were 2,000 shares issued by a small company vice president.

The share is in it. It was said at the time. When she pays back one million more, the vice president will be so generous.

All the votes were transferred to her. Now that she has lost, she will buy back those stocks and give them one million more.

And the shares of her small companies, if father is too close to show off, it is better to sell these things to make up for the shortfall.

After shooting for a long time, the two rushed to have a meal.

Ye Zhixia returned to Feng's house with a heavy suitcase, and felt the atmosphere subtle as soon as he walked in.

Sure enough, Feng Liting had already returned and sat on the sofa in the living room.

She pulled the suitcase and walked upstairs quietly without making a sound.

However, Feng Li Ting seemed to have eyes behind his head: "Where did you go?"

Ye Zhixia stopped helplessly and casually said, "Just go out and stroll around."

Feng Liting put down the magazine in his hand, got up, walked to her, and looked at the suitcase she was pulling: "I picked it up in an instant?"

"No, it's my own." She held the suitcase tighter, for fear that Feng Liting might **** her away.

"Your own? You brought it from the Ye family?"

"How do you know?" Ye Zhixia originally wanted to keep it secret, but she was seen through as soon as she entered the door.

Feng Liting didn't know what to say about her: "Ye Zhixia, are you too idle every day? Go to the Ye family to get it.

What are the bags and jewelry for? "

"Why can't I take my own things? I take them as I want. You can't control it." Ye Zhixia glared at her, he

You are not polite to herself, she naturally does not have to be polite to him.

Ye Zhixia wanted to leave, but Feng Liting grabbed her arm: "Are you missing these bags? You have to go back and get them, making your mother suspect

Our feelings are at odds. "

It turned out that her mother had called, and Ye Zhixia shook her hand away: "I am missing a lot. I dare to ask Mr. Feng, as you

My wife has been around for a while, have you bought a bag for me? Have you given me jewelry? "

Feng Liting frowned: "We are fake, we will get divorced in three years."

"So, don't you know if I don't need it? No one buys it for me. I can't take my own?" Ye Zhixia

Carrying a heavy suitcase, he went upstairs step by step.

Feng Liting shouted downstairs: "You can only occupy half of the cloakroom." The answer was that Ye Zhixia closed the bedroom door forcefully.

the sound of.

Feng Liting took a deep breath and suddenly felt that what she said seemed to be reasonable. Although their marriage was fake,

Shao is now being maintained. As a husband, he really hasn't given her any gifts.

However, she wouldn't let her go back to Ye's house to bring her own bag back, right?

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