Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2053: .what do you want? !


Ye Zhixia didn’t want Feng Liting to know that she had brought back Ye’s things, so if she sells it later, Feng Liting

Naturally, she knew, so she didn’t choose to put her bags and jewelry in the cloakroom, but directly

The suitcase was put in the closet.

Then I found a second-hand website, edited and posted the photos she took with Warmth today.

She didn't remember the price of many bags, so she searched the price again, and then deducted the depreciation price with heartache.

Fortunately, she hasn't used any of these bags very much, and some of them are almost the same after subtracting one digit.

Ye Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief after posting them all to the website.

Get up and lie down on the bed.

Feng Liting came in from the outside and saw Ye Zhixia lying on the bed, her face gloomy: "Get up, eat."

"No, I've already eaten it, I'm so tired, eat it, I'm going to sleep for a while." Ye Zhixia turned over, holding the quilt

Son, continue to meet Zhou Gong.

In the next second, Feng Liting dragged his body from the middle of the bed to the edge of the bed.

"Feng Liting, what are you doing, let go." Ye Zhixia was so sleepy that he was completely scared.

"Parents are waiting for you to eat downstairs. Even if you are not hungry, you have to go down and sit with them." Feng Liting didn't give up.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? I have said that I have eaten, I am not hungry, I want to sleep now, don't you understand?" Ye Zhi

Xia was angry. She was married to their family and not sold to their family. Why is he so arrogant to herself every day.

It was the first time that Feng Liting saw Ye Zhixia who was so angry with him, and he was really getting bolder.

It seems that she must be rectified today.

Feng Liting locked the bedroom door, and unhurriedly opened the shirt buttons one by one.

"You, what are you doing." Ye Zhixia stood up on the bed with both hands, backing back, and there was always an unknown premonition in her heart.

"Since you won't go down, I can only find a better excuse to explain to my parents." The button of the shirt was unbuttoned to the abdominal muscles.


There is no trace of fat on the lean body, and his six-pack abs can be vaguely seen through the shirt.

With evil charm in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Zhixia over, who wanted to escape, slammed straight on the bed, and leaned over.

And up.

Ye Zhixia was so scared that she stopped breathing.

"I had to tell my parents that you are too tired, so you can't go to eat with them. If you ask, you did it.

What, I said it was for their grandson. "Feng Liting put his hands on both sides of her body, her body suppressed

Hold her so that she can't escape.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zhixia's face suddenly turned red and gritted her teeth: "Feng Liting, are you too shameless?"

"Oh? Shameless? Then I should show you more shameless behavior." As he said, he put his hand on the belt.

Ye Zhixia panicked: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I am suddenly not sleepy, I am not tired, I will go down now

Can you eat with your parents? "

Looking at her flushed cheeks, her dark eyes flickered for fear, like stars shining in the sky,

The impulse came up from under Feng Liting's belly, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped, and two words popped out: "It's late."

"Ah, no, help." Ye Zhixia closed her eyes in fear, and started yelling, kicking and trying.

Feng Liting almost couldn't control her. He pressed her legs with one leg, and shackled her wildly waving hands.

On top of her head.

After doing a series of actions, Feng Liting breathed tightly, not knowing whether she was tossed or tortured by her.

It's just that there is a trace of restless eyes in the originally cold eyes.

"Well, you thought I would be more interested in you." After finishing speaking, she got out before she recovered.

"I'll go to the bathroom, you clean up, go downstairs to eat with parents." Feng Liting entered the bathroom a little anxiously.

Ye Zhixia put her hands on her chest, stretched her neck and watched him enter the bathroom and close the door before he was relieved.

She seemed to have touched his legs just now, and it was a bit horrible, making her really think that she was about to dedicate herself in bed.

Before Feng Liting came out, she arranged her clothes and hurried downstairs.

Feng Bonian and Lu Yunshang were sitting and waiting in the dining room, watching Ye Zhixia come down alone, but they were a little confused.

After Xia's face was flushed and her hair was a bit messy, the two smiled knowingly, but neither of them spoke.

Ye Zhixia was seated in such an awkward manner, and then Feng Liting came up from downstairs and took a deep look at her: "Run so fast

For what? Don't wait for me. "

"I...hungry." Ye Zhixia touched her head, even trying to find a seam to put her head in.

"Hungry? Then eat more." Feng Liting sat down and personally served Ye Zhixia a bowl of rice.

Ye Zhixia took a breath, looked at the bowl of rice that could hold her to death, and then looked at Feng Liting, he obviously wanted to hold on.

To die, she said that she had eaten.

Lu Yunshang smiled happily: "I am really happy to see you so good, it seems that my big fat grandson is not far away."

"Mom, don't worry, Zhixia and I will work hard." After saying that, Feng Liting added two greasy braised pieces to her.

Meat, she was already tired and struggling, but now she saw the greasy braised pork that she felt like vomiting.

However, Feng Li Ting put the meat on the plate in front of her with special consideration: "Eat, didn't you just say you were hungry?"

Seeing Feng Liting smiling at her, she felt that he was a villain, and she was itching to hate but could not respond.

Refute a half sentence.

Under the eager eyes of the three people, Ye Zhixia picked up the chopsticks and put the braised pork into her mouth.

Ting, chewing hard, as if there was a deep hatred.

Feng Liting smiled, turned his head to eat for himself, and ignored her.

Ye Zhixia had a stomachache and didn't finish eating this meal.

Lu Yunshang thought she was uncomfortable and asked for a long time.

Ye Zhixia went back to the bedroom and lay on the bed and groaned. Feng Liting took a shower without even looking at her.

go to bed.

The angry Ye Zhixia was even more uncomfortable.

But what makes her uncomfortable is yet to come.

For three days in a row, the number of views of bags and jewelry she hung on second-hand websites surpassed a thousand, but only people watched them, not

People buy.

There were hundreds of messages, and some people bluntly said that they wanted to come in and see what the rich people’s bags look like.

It's so pretty.

For three days, there was no one who even asked if the bag could bargain.

Actually, if someone really takes a fancy to it, she can be tens of thousands of dollars cheaper.

In the past few days, the sad Ye Zhixia can't eat and sleep, thinking about money every day.

The interest on the money borrowed by Warmth is calculated according to the day, and the interest will double after more than one month.

She must collect enough money before then.

Think about it all.

Ye Zhixia broke down and called ‘Ah Ah’.

It happened that Feng Li Ting came in, took a look at her, and gave the answer: "I'm sick."

"You just got sick." Ye Zhixia was already angry in her heart, so she wouldn't let her a word at this moment.

Feng Liting threw the bag in his hand onto Ye Zhixia's face, and untied his tie.

After being smashed for a moment, Ye Zhixia held the female bag in her hand with a dazed expression: "Why are you throwing this bag to me?"

"Don't you think I didn't give you a bag? I bought it for you. Don't say I haven't bought you a bag in the future."

Ye Zhixia looked at the bag in her hand earnestly. She paid attention to this bag two days ago. This year only ten handcrafted in the world.

The price is ridiculously expensive.

Originally, she was a little moved, but Feng Liting actually bought it for her.

Is it because she said that he never gave him a bag?

But she really doesn't like Bao now.

"Why? I don't like it?" Feng Liting turned to look at her expression of bitterness and hatred, as if he hated this bag.

"Very good, thank you," he said, but the bag was placed on the bedside table.

Feng Liting felt a little unhappy. She said that she had never given her a bag, so he went to buy the global handmade limited edition.

The money was returned to her, and she looked reluctant to accept it.

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