Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2058: .Can't make her wronged

Liu Fuya completely died, picked up the file and got up, and finally glanced at Feng Liting: "You said that today.

Feng Liting, you remember. "

"No." Feng Liting still looked at Ye Zhixia'affectionately', and secretly competed with her, just not letting her get up.

Liu Fuya left the meeting room, and Feng Liting let go in the next second, so that Ye Zhixia tried too hard and got up

I almost fell down with inertia.

She turned her head and faced Feng Liting angrily: "Did you have a problem with your brain? Why did you treat Liu Fu Yana just now?

What to say? "

"Am I wrong?" Feng Liting squinted slightly with a sharp light.

She couldn't find what she wanted to say for a while: "No, I didn't say you were wrong, but why did you say that to her?

She wanted to marry you but didn't get married. The more you love me, the more she hates me in front of her. "Like this

After three years, she and Feng Liting divorced, and they were all her enemies when they came out.

"I heard that Liu Fuya didn't respect you even if she knew you were Feng Jia's young lady. I did this to let her understand.

Fengjia's young lady is not someone who can show her face. With me, you will always be Fengjia's young lady. "he

The words were low and dull, with serious determination.

The clear lines on his face became more apparent when he spoke.

Ye Zhixia blinked and looked at him obsessively. When he said this, she felt warm in her heart, just fine.

Like... he would really protect himself for the rest of his life.

She lowered her head unconsciously, her cheeks slightly hot: "I see."

"After all, you can lose people, but Feng Jia can't afford to lose them." Feng Liting left this sentence before standing up and leaving the living room.

Ye Zhixia originally felt that Nuan Nuan's heart was instantly frozen, as if being placed in ice in a fire.

Closing the house is always more important to the face of the family. If there is no face blessing, I am afraid she will die.

He wouldn't even take a look anymore?

Angrily followed Feng Liting back to the office, her face was ugly and scary: "Are you going to eat at my house?"

"Can't I say it?" Feng Liting didn't understand why she suddenly became so angry.

"Go and go, and get down if you don't go. Don't come to this set, I won't eat it." She has already suffered from his set.

Feng Liting laughed: "Didn't it taste good just now? Why do you stop eating now?"

"Feng Liting, are you kidding me?" Ye Zhixia was really angry.

Feng Liting closed the computer that had been turned on: "I will do everything I promised you. Since I said I will go.

Go, let's go. "

Before Ye Zhixia's fire started, he was suppressed by his words: "Where to go?"

"You can't go empty-handed when you go to your house. Let's go pick some gifts for your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Feng Liting pulled Ye Zhixia, who was still a little stunned, out of the company, even though it was not time for him to get off work.

The two went to a large shopping mall and bought a lot of nourishing foods. Feng Liting and Ye Zhixia arrived before the meal.

Ye family.

Su Xiangya looked at the two people as if smiling, and when she looked at Feng Li Ting, she became more and more happy as she looked at them: "It is rare today.

You two, I asked the kitchen to add two more dishes, which will be ready to fry in a while. Come in and sit down soon. "

She never saw her mother so happy when she came back.

Ye Renguo rarely waited at home. He must have heard that Feng Liting was coming, so he waited at home specially.

Because they didn’t cook the food, the family sat in the living room and chatted without a word. They were all boring topics, Ye Zhixia.

I don't want to open my mouth.

Just listened to the side until the maid at home called out that the food was ready and it was time to eat. Ye Zhixia was already hungry.

Growing, when I heard that eating was the fastest one.

The family sat together, originally they had nothing to talk to, but Ye Zhixia didn’t speak, what Su Xiangya could do

Give Feng Liting some food and let him eat more.

After waiting for a while, Su Xiangya seemed to have thought of something, and asked Ye Zhixia: "Zhixia, you came back to get yours two days ago.

Why did the bags and jewelry forget your diamond necklace? "

"I didn't see it." Ye Zhixia replied perfunctorily. She could not sell those worthless ones, that diamond necklace

It is estimated that it can only be kept as a family heirloom.

Su Xiangya was dissatisfied with Ye Zhixia’s perfunctory answer, turned her head to talk to Feng Liting: "Li Ting, Zhixia has been

We are spoiled, you should be considerate. Her bags and jewelry are all on the cabinet at home. I don’t know.

Did she steal the wardrobe with you? "

It was originally a joke, but Ye Renguo cut in his mouth: "Those bags and jewelry cannot be eaten or drink.

What is it for? The clothes in Li Ting’s closet are all for business talks. How can her bags and jewelry

ratio? Li Ting, you can just throw her bags in the corner. Anyway, she has so many bags, don't worry. "

Ye Zhixia looked at the abalone on the chopsticks, and suddenly felt that she was full and didn’t want to eat it anymore.

Have to eat: "I'm full."

"Dad, mom, don't worry, the cabinets in our house are still enough, but I'm afraid that Zhixia's bags are not enough."

Feng Liting resolved the embarrassment with one sentence.

Ye Zhixia knew that he wanted to say that he had sold all the bags and didn't put them on the cabinet, but she didn't care, she could just collect enough money.

The meal was not very satisfying, because Ye Zhixia, who choked with a word, got up when he was full, and Feng Li Ting fell down.

I accompany the two elders to finish the meal cheerfully.

Ye Zhixia went to the cloakroom alone, and the cloakroom that was full of dangdang now looked empty.

The clothes were all packed and taken away, leaving a few things that she didn't like and putting them there was an eye-catcher.

Originally, one of the cabinets on one wall contained her bags and jewelry boxes. In the past, her favorite thing was to enter the cloakroom.

I looked at my bags and jewelry.

Unexpectedly, Dad would look at her bags and jewelry, useless things.

That’s right. When the disaster was approaching, she was short of money, but she couldn’t sell these things immediately.

What is it used?

The diamond necklace was placed in the largest grid in the middle of the cabinet by mother.

Ye Zhixia took it down and opened it. Inside is a large main diamond, six auxiliary diamonds and eighty-eight small diamonds inlaid in series.

Cheng is the most expensive piece of her jewelry, she loves it, but only for formal occasions.

She hadn't thought about how much these things would need to be converted for if they were sold, but now she has begun to convert them.

Mom and Dad want her to marry Feng’s family and stay in Feng’s family for a lifetime. If she divorces Feng Liting in three years, her father will not

Will drive her out of the house? Then, should she ask first to find out who can afford this diamond necklace?

Thinking seriously, she didn't notice another person in the cloakroom at all.

Feng Liting stood behind her, and saw through her shoulder that she looked down at the diamond necklace in her hand seriously.

It's worth seeing.

The mother-in-law said she didn't take it to seal the house.

Is there any important meaning to her?

Why are they all taken away, but not this one?

Ye Zhixia looked up and saw a figure in the front of the full-length mirror, and was startled: "Ah, what are you doing."

She was so scared that she could not hold the diamond necklace firmly. She placed the diamond necklace and patted her chest, her heart

I jumped in fright: "Why did you come in without a sound? Want to scare me to death?"

"The door of the cloakroom is open. It's normal for me to come in, right? You took it too seriously, and you didn't even see me coming in."

"Anyway, everything you say makes sense."

Feng Liting saw her picture on the table inside, and she looked dignified in a purple evening dress, smiling slightly.

Looking at the camera, there is a kind of purity that penetrates the human heart, and I wear the diamond necklace just now on my neck.

Take a closer look, the background is the university celebration.

School celebration? Isn't Feng Zexi the same school with her? So she refused to take this necklace to Fengjia because of this necklace

Is it related to Feng Zexi?

For a moment, anger occupied the reason for no reason, and the photo frame was forced back to its original position.

Feng Liting turned around and took off her diamond necklace behind him.

"What are you doing?" Ye Zhixia stepped forward and grabbed his arm: "What are you doing with my necklace?"

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