Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2059: Do good things without leaving a name

"Mother-in-law said that you forgot to be here? Of course it was taken to Fengjia." Feng Liting said with a bad expression.

"No." Absolutely not, she just had this diamond necklace anyway, wouldn't it be impossible for her to be the master after taking it to Fengjia

Up? She must not let Feng Liting take it away.

In Feng Liting's eyes, she cared so much about this diamond necklace with another meaning.

His hand gradually tightened the diamond box, and the strong blue veins emerged, and Feng Liting's expression also showed a fierce expression.

Love: "Let go, don't let me say it again."

"I won't let it. Why do you take my things? Why do you have to take my things to seal the house? I put them in my own house.

Can't it? "Ye Zhixia stubbornly refused to let it go.

"You can figure it out, you have been married into the Feng family, you are the person from the Feng family, and the woman I Feng Li Ting, all your things

We have to move to close the house and move to our room. "

"I'm not, marriage is not what I want to get married, nor is it what I want to go to, why do I have to treat myself to my beloved

Bring your jewelry to Fengjia. "Take it to Feng's house and wait until she leaves, and I don't know if it is still hers.

Ye Zhixia grabbed the other end of the diamond necklace box with his backhand and refused to put it.

"I said that if you want to take it, you have to take it." Feng Liting's strength is more than her, I don't know how many times, and he pulls hard.

The jewelry box was abruptly pulled in the hands of the two of them, and the diamond necklace slipped out from the inside and fell to the ground, making a collision.


Watching her favorite necklace fall to the ground like this, she is willing to wear one on formal occasions.

The diamond necklace I wear.

Feng Liting was also stunned in the local area, unexpectedly this would be the result.

"Okay, take it away. Take everything you like in this house." Ye Zhixia was angry and sad, with a sore nose.

Sour, tears filled his eyes, and all his anger was vented to Feng Liting in an instant.

Before the tears fell, she rushed out of the cloakroom and out of the Ye family. She would never show up with Feng Liting again.

In this picture!

Feng Liting looked at the diamond necklace on the ground, still lying there quietly, bending over and picking it up.

Isn't it just a diamond necklace? It's not that he can't buy her, if she wants, he can buy her ten or eight,

Why does she have to have this one?


Ye Zhixia went back to Feng's house by herself, and had a cold war with Feng Liting for two days, even if he deliberately wanted to talk to her, she would be

Do not see the general walk over.

It made Feng Li Ting quite uncomfortable.

In the past two days, no matter how good the weather was, Ye Zhixia felt like a haze day.

Today’s smog has ushered in good news.

Warmth called and said that the director took the initiative to find her and returned the ten million.

At that time, Ye Zhixia felt that a rainbow appeared on the smoggy sky where objects could not be seen from a hundred meters away.

She was so excited to speak, and she asked whether warmth was true, and the answer was yes.

Warm and excited: "How did you say that this director suddenly had a conscience?"

"Follow him, just pay back the money." She was overwhelmed by these ten million these days, and now she can finally relax.


Warmth is more practical consideration: "But I don’t think that director is that stupid. Others have been abroad.

And the money has been scammed, and then disappeared for a while and waited until the limelight passed, more than a thousand

Wan, he still owes so many debts, how can he pay it back? He also named him by name and asked me to hand over the ten million to you. "

Ye Zhixia was also surprised: "How did he know? Did you talk about me when you gave him money?"

"No, I just said that a sponsor sponsored me, but didn't say who it was."

"That's weird." Ye Zhixia is not a fool, and she did not expect this thing.

How did that director know about himself? Still let the warmth have to return the money to yourself?

Could someone help her?

But who is it?

"Is it your chief Feng?" Warmth can only think of this possibility.

"How is it possible." Ye Zhixia immediately denied. She went to ask others for help and he didn't help.

What kind of good deeds do not leave a name.

"How can it be impossible? If it weren't for your director Feng, then the director's brain is broken, and he will be stupid.

Let us return this million to us. "Warm said, a little annoyed.

She doesn’t understand why Ye Zhixia keeps denying Mr. Feng. Isn’t she nice, although she is cold when she doesn’t help herself

It's a little bit, but it's still very good to his own wife.

Ye Zhixia was speechless, and there was really no way to explain it.

"How about, let me ask?" Ye Zhixia was not embarrassed.

"The side strike is best."


Ye Zhixia rarely enters the kitchen, but she did not know how to cook. She looked around with her hands behind her and asked to cook.

Chef: "What are you eating tonight?"

"Mother Hui, it's chicken in abalone sauce and osmanthus fish. The vegetable is green cabbage and choy sum, thickened with stock, and the other is white.

Soup cabbage, light. "The chef replied sharply.

"Why do I fry four today? Isn't it usually six or eight?"

"Master and Madam will have a banquet tonight. If you don't come back to eat, you and the young master will eat at home."

Just her and Feng Liting? That can be a good side attack.

Nodding, Ye Zhixia retired with satisfaction.

It's foggy outside, maybe because of the cooling, or the air quality is not good.

No matter what, she sacrificed herself and walked out of the warm room, standing at the door and looking out.

Actually standing at the door, the fog was so foggy that she could not even see the door, but she was still standing there.

The lights of two cars shone into the yard through the fog, Ye Zhixia's heart seemed to be touched, and her feet stepped out involuntarily.

Go, ran over the scenery.

Feng Liting drove the car steadily. Suddenly a black figure appeared in the fog, which made him slam the brakes immediately.

It's Ye Zhixia.

He parked the car, opened the door and got off: "Ye Zhixia, are you going to die? It's not good to stay in the house in such a big fog, and come out.

What to do. "

"Wait for you, what else can I do? Come out to enjoy the cold? Look at the fog?" Ye Zhixia was so angry that he came out kindly

Wait for him, what is his attitude?

Feng Liting was stunned: "I won't stay in the house in such a foggy sky, come out and wait for me to do something." As he said, he turned to drive.

Rear door.

Take out a large square jewelry box from the inside, and hand it to her: "For you."

"Give it to me? What?" Ye Zhixia took it smoothly, better than throwing the bag on her last time.

Open it, a sparkling diamond necklace, whether the main diamond or the auxiliary diamond, is much larger than hers, Ye Zhixia

Holding your breath, why is this one worth hundreds of millions?

"You, you, you want to give it to me?" Even if Ye Zhixia has seen the world, she has never had it before, and suddenly there is

Personally, she gave her a diamond necklace worth more than 100 million yuan, and she stuttered for a while.

Seeing her appearance that she had never seen in the world, Feng Liting felt better in her heart: "How is it? Better than your diamond

Is the necklace much stronger? "

Ye Zhixia looked carefully, whether it was cutting or color, the color was much higher than hers, she nodded:

"Well, this necklace is really beautiful, did you really give it to me?" Hundreds of millions of yuan is not a small amount.

After receiving Ye Zhixia's affirmative answer, Feng Liting's eyes became smug: "If you like it, take it, I don't care about it.

Small money. "

Ye Zhixia stared at the diamond necklace in her hand, why did she feel that it suddenly stopped flashing?

Sure enough, Feng Li Ting was poisonous.

But this diamond necklace is really beautiful, she likes it, let it go, even if you look at it, wait until three years later

She would not take anything away from Fengjia.

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