Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2060: .Do you like it?

He followed Feng Liting and entered the room. The vegetables were cooked and heated in the kitchen. When he came back, the servant brought the dishes.

Up here.

Feng Liting took off his jacket, untied his tie, rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands, and sat in the dining room.

I saw Ye Zhixia holding a spoon and serving herself a bowl of rice.

She has never been so proactive about herself. It seems that occasionally giving gifts is still effective. Somehow she has a wife.

Looks like.

Ye Zhixia and what he thought were totally different.

How can she talk about the money?

At the beginning, he said that he would not help himself, would he really help himself secretly?

Is he that kind of person?

Ye Zhixia held her cheek with one hand, and looked at Feng Liting with blinking eyes. He felt a little fire in his heart and couldn't even eat food.

Is a gift so useful?

Feng Liting put down the dishes and looked at her: "Aren't you hungry?"

"Fortunately, not very hungry." Ye Zhixia replied superficially.

"Come here." Feng Liting hooked his fingers at her.

Ye Zhixia leaned over.

Feng Liting stretched out his hand, took her arm, and pulled the unsuspecting her into his arms with a little force.

Ye Zhixia fell to his lap and was wrapped around his waist with one hand.

He sounded slightly low and bewitching in his ears: "You know when you look at a man with the same look just now

What does it mean? "

The roots of the ears were a little itchy, the moist air was a little hot, Ye Zhixia shrank back, but even more towards his arms: "It means

What are you holding? "She really asked sincerely, because she really didn't know the meaning of the way she stared at Feng Liting just now.

What's going on.

Feng Liting hugged her waist a little more tightly, making her closer to herself, his tone seemed to suppress something: "It means

You want to roll the sheets with me. "

Ye Zhixia suddenly turned around and looked at him in panic, then got up from his arms in the next second: "You think too much, I just want to ask

Did you get the ten million you and me back? "

Originally thinking about the side attack, when he completely messed up the structure, he blurted out the question.

"So you kept looking at me just now because of the necklace I bought for you?" Feng Liting couldn't tell.

Lost or frustrated, it just feels a little empty.

"Of course not. Am I the kind of person who only recognizes money but not people? If you really helped me get the money back, I want to thank you

Thank you, anyway, that ten million is all my wealth. "

"So how are you going to thank me?"

"Really you?" Ye Zhixia approached him, pulled a chair to sit down, and looked at Feng Liting admiringly: "Really

Are you helping me? How did you get the director to return the money? "

"Naturally, I have my way. Just return the money to you. Since it is all your wealth, you should put it away. Don’t do that.

Feel free to trust others. "Feng Liting put away his loss, and picked up the tableware to eat again.

When he said that, Ye Zhixia remembered her original intention to help warmth again. It was to slap her face and seal Li Ting, but she did not expect to take the lead.

It was myself that was beaten in the face.

"I don’t want to help my friends too, I used to be stunned with you, but now I feel warm is really wanting to be a

A good actor, she would rather take a loan to get a good role. She really likes being an actor. "Warm with her

Dream and persist.

Warmth is different from herself, even if it’s difficult for her to get everything, but she doesn’t give up and rejects those dark

Unspoken rules, she now wants to help warmth sincerely.

Feng Liting raised his eyelids to look at her, but still did not grow.

"It's up to you, but you have to do what you can to help others. Like you, this time, you can take out all your wealth and cash out.

It’s really irrational if I don’t help you if I owe a debt of 2,000 shares and repay it by selling a package.

Finding this director, this ten million will exhaust your mind and wear away all your things. "Feng Liting is serious

Educate her like a father.

Ye Zhixia stood aside, bowed her head and said dully, "I see."

She listened to her own reprimand like this, but it made him feel a little uncomfortable: "Just know, what can I do next time?

Tell me first, I'll help you deal with it, let's eat. "

Ye Zhixia only then dazed to her seat.

Before sitting down, I heard the roar of the car outside, and then a figure appeared at the door: "It's a coincidence,

Catch up with you guys for dinner. "

Ye Zhixia was flabbergasted, and there was a gleam in her eyes, her male god.

Feng Zexi came in from the outside in casual sportswear, misty and vigorous.

When he looked at Ye Zhixia, his good-looking eyebrows were slightly curved, and he shouted, "Auntie."

Ye Zhixia was intoxicated in his spring breeze smile, and all the illusions were extinguished by a word of him, the name of auntie

Huh is like a curse.

"Uncle, are you having dinner with your aunt?" Feng Zexi asked knowingly, looking at the dishes on the table.

"Yeah, would you like to eat some together?" Ye Zhixia answered before Feng Li Ting could speak.

Feng Zexi paused, and smiled unnaturally: "Then am I disturbing the world of you and uncle?"

"No, no." Ye Zhixia waved her hand quickly to deny.

The servant put on the bowls and chopsticks, and Feng Zexi also sat down.

Feng Liting took a deep look at him before continuing to eat, but he sat down even though he knew he was an interruption.

But Ye Zhixia feels good, the male **** eats next to him, she doesn’t have to face Feng Liting alone, this meal is fine.

It's especially fragrant to eat.

I don't know if Feng Zexi deliberately chose the position next to Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia sat opposite Feng Liting. Although they could see each other, they were far apart, but Feng Zexi sat next to her.

The sides are different.

Ye Zhixia's little heart was beating out.

Feng Zexi put a chopsticks of cabbage into her bowl: "Auntie, try this quickly, it tastes really good, recently you

Has the chef changed? "

How does the word ‘aunt’ sound so harsh: "Can you stop calling me aunt?"

"Not called Auntie?" Feng Zexi looked at Feng Liting: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"What do you call your aunt? You are his aunt. As long as I am his uncle for one day, you are his aunt." Feng

Li Ting said with a gloomy expression.

Ye Zhixia lowered her head, poked the rice in her bowl with chopsticks, and whispered: "Not necessarily something." He is forever

They are all Feng Zexi's uncles, but I am not always Feng Zexi's aunt. "Although her voice is small enough,

It was still heard by Feng Zexi, who was sitting on the tip of his ear.

Feng Zexi glanced at the two of them, raised her eyebrows, and there was a different smell from them.

Since Feng Zexi sat down next to Ye Zhixia, Feng Liting had no intention of eating properly.

His wife, sitting so close to other men, even his nephew could not tolerate it.

He finished eating first, wiped his mouth with the tablecloth, and suddenly asked: "Zhixia, do you still like today's diamond necklace?"

Ye Zhixia bit a chicken leg in her mouth, while the other half of the meat and bones were still hanging around her mouth, looking at him suspiciously.

"Do you like it?" Feng Liting asked again.

"Like it, haven't you asked it again?" Ye Zhixia swallowed the meat in her mouth and replied.

Feng Zexi chuckled: "Uncle should be afraid that you didn't say clearly. By the way, what kind of diamond necklace Uncle will give you?

what? Take it out and have a look. "

"I put it in the upstairs room." Ye Zhixia was unhappy, she didn't want to show Feng Zexi the necklace Feng Liting gave to her.

She shouldn't show off a gift from another man in front of a man she likes, like a scum.

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