Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2064: . The mouth is very powerful

"Your mouth is more clean than before, and I really saw you wrong." Sister Zhao wentuging her fiercely, somewhat

He looked around cautiously.

Ye Zhixia was even more annoyed at this low-eyed guy: "You just have bad eyesight, so you missed our Wen

Nuan is such a good actor, as I said, he will definitely make him enter the group, and he will be popular. Just wait and see. "

"Don’t speak too early, thinking that the final screening will definitely be settled?" Sister Zhao used a kind of ‘you pay

Too tender' eyes looked at them.

Then someone came out and called the artists led by Sister Zhao to enter. Sister Zhao gave them a look that they were walking around and followed in.


The warmth was pretty hard-core just now, and when Sister Zhao entered, it was like an ant on a hot pot: "Zhixia, why?

do? I suddenly lost my confidence. "

"Don't be afraid, you are so good, you don't need to be self-confident, your own strength is self-confidence." Ye Zhixia took her hand


"You don’t know, the female artist whom Sister Zhao brought just now is the key target of this batch of their agency companies.

Secretary will do everything possible to put her into the crew. If Sister Zhao deliberately let her take my place, then I can only

After being brushed down, Sister Zhao was right, not when it came to the final stage of the trial show, it must be me acting, even if it was ordered

Yes, I will also be brushed down on those who have investors. "He warmly said and lowered his head, as if he had accepted his life.

Ye Zhixia held her shoulders and tilted her head to look at her: "Then you don't have to be afraid, but we have 15 million

The capital comes, we are the investor, the one who brought the capital into the group, warmth, it’s all here, you

You must be confident, think about that sister Zhao, you must also join the group, and then get angry with her, her face arose

Qi Lai must be the color of pig liver, do you know that pig liver? It's the purple one. "Ye Zhixia described it in full, saying

When it comes to pig liver, it is more than hand-painted.

Warmth was very sad at first. Looking at her appearance and description, I instantly thought of the picture, Zhao with a pig liver expression.

Sister, how come you want to be so funny.

Thinking, laughed out warmly.

Seeing her smile, Ye Zhixia was also happy: "Yes, it should be like this, Madam Warmth, you are the future actress.

Character, what is this little scene. "

"I am ashamed of what you said."

Two people stood in the corridor, and neither paid attention to the person standing not far beside them.

When I found out, I didn't know how long the other party had been listening.

Both of them looked at each other embarrassedly. The nonsense that was just said to each other was nothing but it was heard by others.

It really feels ashamed.

Unexpectedly, the person did not go, but walked in their direction.

The man is in his forties, with a short beard, thin, and looks elegant.

He walked straight to the two of them, smiling harmlessly: "The two are here for the interview too?"

Ye Zhixia shook her heart, and when it was over, it turned out to be a crew member.

Nodding warm and honest: "Yes."

"You... are friends?" The man's eyes flowed between the two.

"No, she is my agent." Warm replied.

Ye Zhixia thought to herself, it's over, I've finished asking everyone.

"Ah, the agent? I was very touched by the love between you just now."

Big brother? Even if it's a sister's affection, what touches you? It's not life and death, Ye Zhixia complained inwardly.

Sister Zhao and the artist came out from the inside, and they seemed to perform well. The artist's originally pretending to be cold also smiled


When Sister Zhao came out and saw the man, her eyes lighted: "Director Liu, it's been a long time since I saw you, how is Director Liu?"

"Very good, good." Director Liu answered with a perfunctory nod.

Ye Zhixia did not expect this person to be the director, and was shocked at the time.

Director Liu looked back at Warm when he opened the door, and asked, "What is your name?"

"Warm." Warm answered subconsciously, but his head was completely blank.

"How about you?" Liu Dao turned his head to look at Ye Zhixia.

"Ah? I have to report my name too?" Ye Zhixia pointed to herself uncertainly.

"Talk about it." Director Liu was particularly polite to her.

"Ye Zhixia, Ye Zhixia who knows summer." Ye Zhixia replied.

Director Liu nodded: "Come in then."

Ye Zhixia and Warmth looked at each other and followed Director Liu in excitement.

When he entered, Ye Zhixia turned her head and raised her eyebrows proudly at Sister Zhao. An angry Sister Zhao committed high blood pressure on the spot.

In the hotel room, there were four people sitting in the living room, one of whom was the Liu Dao called by Sister Zhao.

He sat in the middle, holding a warm profile.

The assistant gave a script for a play.

The warm role was originally intended to be a female third, but I don’t know why he gave a second female script.

The second female is a rich female character. She is proud of the male lead, and competes with the poor female lead for the male lead.

The setting of **** is not bad, I just can’t think about it. Later, under the persuasion of my girlfriends, I gave up the male lead and found the

Own happiness.

And this scene is an emotional outburst scene. The second female and her girlfriend complain about what they have done to the male protagonist these years, and the girlfriend persuades

The second female gave up.

This scene will be just about walking the heart, but it needs someone to make a line.

The assistant took two steps forward, but he was stopped by Director Liu when he was going to be the one who took the line. Director Liu looked at Ye Zhixia:

"Ms. Ye, can you please help me make up a line to play the role of girlfriend?"

"Me? But I won't. I didn't study this major." Ye Zhixia was afraid that she was not professional enough, but let Wen

Nuan suffered a loss, waved his hands again and again.

Director Liu doesn't mind: "Just take the attitude of having a warm conversation with you just outside the door, and consider her sincerely.

Best friend. "

Ye Zhixia still refuses, and warmly nodded to her. On the contrary, it was the words of others that warmth did not enter the state so quickly.

If it was Ye Zhixia, she could be very natural and fast.

Ye Zhixia took a look at the lines. In fact, the lines are simple, and you can add some lines to it.

There are a lot of warm lines, but I still have some basic skills. I quickly finished watching the lines and entered the play, telling my feelings about the hero

Friendship, I have told how many wrong things I have done, and asked my girlfriend what to do.

Ye Zhixia thought of the lines in her mind, but she still remembered, and she showed her self-consciousness as a warm girlfriend, persuading

Said that she gave up the hero, looking for her own happiness.

Facing Ye Zhixia warmly, tears flowed from her eyes, holding Ye Zhixia's hand, and sincerely said: "Thank you for having you

It's nice to be around. "

Ye Zhixia was stunned. Isn't this acting too good? The first time I saw a warm performance, I was discounted by her acting skills

After taking it, Ye Zhixia realized that there should be no such line.

It was warmth, so did she really say this to herself?

Ye Zhixia stretched out her hand and hugged her together: "Don't cry, life will be better in the future."

After the clip was finished, Warm took a tissue to wipe away the tears, bowed to the four directors and deputy directors, and stood aside.

Director Liu glanced at his warm resume again and asked a few questions casually, all of which were his ability to grasp the characters

Ah, what kind of TV series have been played.

After asking, nod his head: "Go outside and wait. There are two others who will try the show. The result will be notified after the trial."

"That..." Ye Zhixia didn't leave, looking at Director Liu.

"Do you have anything else?" Director Liu looked up at her.

"I heard that our crew is still short of funds. We still have 15 million yuan on hand. If we can give us warm

If Nuending is a good role, I try to make up to 20 million. "Ye Zhixia gritted her teeth, she will sell it cheaply if it's a big deal

One time package.

Director Liu was a little surprised at her: "You have so much money? Then why did you bring her to try out the show? Just

It can be set by default. "

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