Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2065: .Unspoken rules

"One yard goes to one yard, I just want to use the money to get a better role for Warmth, but whether she plays well or not

It's up to her not to be able to act. "

"It makes sense, but now our crew is not short of funds."

"Not missing?"

"Is it not bad? It can be more fair and just, and there is no need to give the role to any actor for that little money."

Ye Zhixia is still a little bit lost in her heart. At least her money can come in handy if she lacks funds. The warmth will not be due to other reasons.

Because of being excluded.

There was not much warmth, pulling Ye Zhixia out and standing in the corridor waiting.

At the same time, Sister Zhao and her artist, as well as two other artists and agents, were waiting.

An artist entered in the back, it is estimated that it will be the last trial.

Sister Zhao and her artist are talking and laughing, and she seems to be sure that she can join the group after the trial today, Ye Zhi

Xia was angry when she saw it, and simply turned her back to the two people.

Warm and puzzled: "Zhixia, what's wrong with you?"

"Uncomfortable." Ye Zhixia said awkwardly.

"Is it because Director Liu said that there is no shortage of funds? Are you worried about my role?"

"If there is no shortage, it does not mean that it was not given by others. As long as it is more than 15 million, then anyone can crush you.

You are eliminated. I originally thought that relying on your strength, I would use funds to get you a better role. This

One drama can lay the foundation, but now everything becomes unknown again. "How can she not be uncomfortable, this is her

He warmly worked hard for a long time, but was refuted by an understatement.

"This is normal. Some actors have been acting for several days, and investors have to give up their seats when they airborne."

In the entertainment industry, Nuan always knows more than Ye Zhixia, so even if you enter the group, you may not be foolproof.

Lost, some actors are cut off after the performance?

So now she has finished her role as an actor, and she is quite calm.

Ye Zhixia sighed and could only wait for the result. ,

"Some people just don’t see current events clearly and think they’re great. As everyone knows, they even have the power of an ant.

No. "Sister Zhao satirically from the side, and did not name her.

No one else took a seat, silently endured it.

Ye Zhixia knew that she was talking about herself and warmth, because she saw her and warmth and frustrated, thinking that two people

Has been brushed down.

Ye Zhixia walked over and was stopped by Warmth, and Warmth shook her head, meaning that she shouldn't be entangled in the past, she saw Sister Zhao proud

Looks like she should be an artist who has appointed her.

But Ye Zhixia didn’t believe in this evil: "Sister Zhao, I see your face full of spring breeze, is it because your artist is already inside?

deal? "

"You can't talk nonsense like this." Even if your own artist is appointed by default, it is not something that can be publicized, but the face

Her proud expression all revealed that her artist has been appointed by default.

"Although you say that, but seeing your face and eyes buried in the fat when you smile, you can guess it with just one guess

To. "Ye Zhixia put her hands around her chest, and stood in front of her with a smile.

"What did you just say, tell me again." Sister Zhao is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, her voice is sharp

stand up.

"If you don't say that everyone knows it." Ye Zhixia said a pun.

"Even though you have been set up internally, I will continue to cheer you up. I said that the one who would let her join the group will definitely be.

I am afraid that no matter how small the role is, no matter how difficult the conditions are, I will help her to fight for her. She is talented and beautiful, and she should not be treated like you

People suppress it. "

"No matter how young? No matter how young you are, I am afraid I will be a group performer." Sister Zhao said sarcastically.

The door of the room was opened, and the last artiste audition ended.

Director Liu and three other people came out.

Everyone held their breath, waiting to announce the result.

"Your performance still surprised me." Unexpectedly, Director Liu walked up to Ye Zhixia.

"Maybe it's my natural emotions." In fact, when discussing with Warmth before, she also said that she was very concerned about acting

She remembered topics like that at the time, but she didn't expect to use it today.

"You are very talented, you have never attended a subject, but you can grasp the heart of the character and have a unique understanding of expression."

"Then, can Warmth enter the group?" Ye Zhixia doesn't care about being praised, but also whether Warmth can join the group.

"Of course, she is also very good, she just tried the second female role, right?" Director Liu turned his head and asked the person next to him.

The person beside him nodded affirmatively.

"Then female second, both in terms of temperament and acting are very appropriate for the role of female second." Director Liu said

Then, it's settled.

She covered her mouth with warmth and couldn't believe it. She thought she was here and it would be nice to get a small role.

The second woman was picked up.

Ye Zhixia was the first to react. After all, in her heart, she deserves to be warm as the second actress: "Thank you, Director Liu, very much.

Thank you for this opportunity. "

"You are polite, she is capable and talented, and I use her because of her, but the best friend who happens to be the role in the play has always

I didn't find a suitable actor. I think you just played very well. Would you like to consider acting? "

"Me?" Ye Zhixia couldn't believe it: "But I have never acted in a play." Although she thought acting was quite interesting,

It is her that the main thing now is to hold warmth.

"It's better to try, it's just a try, success or failure is something later." Liu Dao is very generous and doesn't care about it.

As soon as Ye Zhixia wanted to speak, Sister Zhao squeezed in, saying badly: "Director Liu, our family Shanshan has experienced

Let me explain, even if the second female is scheduled, the third female should be our Shanshan, right? How to make someone who can't act

Huh? "

"Don't know how to act?" Director Liu looked at Ye Zhixia, and then chuckled: "Some people even graduated from the drama school, acting

The skills are still messed up, people can’t bear to look directly at them. For example, the few waves of artists you brought, few of them are climatic.

Although Ms. Ye has not studied a related major, her talent in acting is much better than that of ordinary actors. "

Director Liu's words didn't save a bit of face to Sister Zhao, and even the manager behind her ignored who it was.

Sister Zhao's face turned dark as expected, and the face of the artist she brought with her also sank. After a hum, she turned and left.

Sister Zhao gave Ye Zhixia a fierce look and chased it out.

"Miss Ye, then you don't need to try the show, just enter the group, because there is a little twist in the middle, so enter the group

Time is a bit tight, I will stare at it a week later. "

"A week?" Ye Zhixia was stunned, so fast?

"Yes, the specific date will be notified on WeChat, and the time and place will also be notified on WeChat." Director Liu has other things, so


Ye Zhixia and Warmth looked at each other for a long time.

Warm eyes are extremely excited, but Ye Zhixia is still a little confused: "Is that I am an actor?"

"Well, but you must first take pictures to see if you can pass, but even Director Liu praises you for your talent

Over. "

"But, after a week, so fast, what if I don't have time?" Ye Zhixia had another worry in her heart.

A warm glance saw through: "Are you afraid that it is difficult to explain to your family seal, right?"

"Why do I want to explain to him?" Ye Zhixia tried to speak hard.

"Then just tell Feng Zong, you are talented, and you are attracted by the director once. It is good to be an actress.

thing. "Warmth thinks this thing is worth showing off.

Ye Zhixia thought carefully: "Wait when I go back and think about how to speak."

"Actually, it’s not that tight. You will go for two shots a week later.

There are not many **** scenes, and even if it’s filming, only a few shots will pass. You can take it as a part-time trial.

Try, the chief... or my agent. "

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