Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2066: .I hope you care about me

Ye Zhixia nodded, did not take the matter of becoming an actor into heart, but for the warmth to be happy to get the second female, pull

Went to have a good meal with warmth.

Feng Liting grabbed and questioned him because he arrived home at 8:30 in the evening last time. Ye Zhixia kept watching the time for dinner this time.

Seeing the warmth, I feel uncomfortable, and I am afraid that I will eat late and delay the young couple's affection. After eating in a hurry, I will meet Ye Zhixia.

bid farewell.

Ye Zhixia hurried home, glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. Fortunately, it was only half past seven.

She walked around and found that Feng Liting hadn’t come back yet, she felt a little empty for some reason, maybe because she got used to it every time

He was at home when he came back, and no one was waiting at home to scold her, and she suddenly felt a little floating.

Now, when he comes back, she must give him a great surprise.

Because of this surprise, Ye Zhixia didn’t even go back to the bedroom. She walked back and forth in the living room, turning on the TV when she was bored.

After watching for a while, the time pointed to nine o'clock, Ye Zhixia yawned, all day long, very tired, forget it, no


He got up to go upstairs, but the door was opened.

Feng Liting came in from outside, looking tired, but Ye Zhixia's face flashed with joy.

She coughed twice to show her existence, walked up to Feng Liting, with her hands behind her back: "How can this be?

come back? "

She was stern, imitating Feng Liting's appearance.

Feng Liting took off her shoes, changed her slippers, and looked up at her: "What did you say?"

"I ask you, why did you come back at this time? Have you forgotten your identity?" Ye Zhixia stood in front of him,

Hold your head high, looking questioning.

Only when Feng Liting realized what she was singing, she straightened up and asked, "You said, what is my identity?"

"You are the eldest master of the Feng family, you are the face of the Feng family, why do you not care about the face of the Feng family until you come back so late?

What if the scribbling is seen by the outside media? You are shameless, and you still need it for the Fengjia. "

Ye Zhixia finished in one go.

Seeing Feng Liting's eyes darkened inch by inch, he finally squinted at her. For a long while, no one spoke.

Just when Ye Zhixia felt that she had the upper hand, Feng Liting slowly said: "I know, next time I will bet

I mean, don’t come back so late, what time does my wife think I’m back at night? "

This turning point almost made Ye Zhixia unable to stand firm.

Feng Liting gave in just like that?

But how do you feel that she was speechless?

No, she can't just be so speechless: "At least... at half past seven, you can't go home after half past seven." Ye Zhi

Xia Jizhong Shengzhi.

You know, Feng Liting is the president of the dignified Feng family. Apart from official duties, there are a lot of social entertainments, sometimes in trouble.

It is normal for customers to drink all night.

She said that he would definitely not agree.

Moreover, it was half past seven, not half past twelve, Feng Li Ting would only agree if there was a problem in his head.

"Okay." Feng Liting said: "Remember what you said, at half past seven, I will keep it. As my wife,

Also obey. "He stretched out his hand, put his arms around her waist, and drew her toward him.

Ye Zhixia pushed him away, staying away, looking at him in disbelief: "You agreed? How can you agree?"

"Why can't it?" Feng Liting loosened his tie and walked into the house: "My wife cares about me, let me go home early in the evening.

Rest, what's wrong? "He untied his tie and passed it to her hand.

Ye Zhixia glanced down, put her hand on the sofa, followed behind him, and corrected his thoughts: "No.

Yeah, I don't care about you, I want you to come back early, I am... I am in charge of you. "

That's how he controls himself.

He paused, then took off the suit and handed it to her: "How can my wife's concern be in control? You care about me

It’s too late to be happy, and I hope you can care about me every day like today. "

"You, you unexpectedly have this kind of habit, wouldn't you be that kind of person?" Ye Zhixia thinks that the more likely it is, she doesn't

By trembling.

Feng Liting sullen, raised his hand and patted her on the head: "What do you think? Just because I didn't argue with you, you

You think I'm abnormal? "

"Should not all normal people argue?"

"That's because you think you are normal." This is turning the corner and saying that she is arguing about this matter.

"Yes, I think it’s normal for me to argue, and it’s abnormal if I don’t argue. Besides, you ask me to

You have to go home, and you will come back at nine o'clock. You are only allowed to set fire to the state officials and not allow the people to light the lights. "

"Are you a common man?" Feng Liting was amused by her, "You can be the emperor if you give you a dragon chair with your current momentum."

"I'm the emperor, and someone should listen." Feng Liting poured himself a glass of water and sat on the sofa in the living room.

I was very tired. I drank some saliva and felt that there were some people on the sofa. He got up and saw that the suit he just took off was on the sofa.

On the casual throw, he just sat on the cuff of his suit.

He took a deep breath and looked at her.

Ye Zhixia looked innocent, just to her. Where does she know where to put it?

"I will try my best to come back at half past seven in the future. Don't be too late. It is not safe outside at night."

Great, from the original joke to very serious.

Ye Zhixia didn't catch up with his thinking for a while, he took the wrinkled suit and tie, and went upstairs: "Go back to the bedroom.

What are you doing here? "

"Oh, have you eaten?" Ye Zhixia asked faster than his head.

Feng Liting stared at her, his eyes trembled: "No, socializing is basically drinking."

"I just saw that there is porridge in the kitchen, I'll heat it up for you." Ye Zhixia turned around and went into the kitchen.

Feng Liting stood on the stairs, holding on to the handrails, keeping his eyes on Ye Zhixia's back until she entered the kitchen.

His eyes returned.

He was in a daze. How long has no one asked himself so coldly or coldly?

His mother takes care of his father, and he always comes home late in handling company affairs.

Suddenly there was such a person who asked him if he had any food and wanted to give him hot porridge, which really felt different.

Turning his head, he entered the bedroom.

Ye Zhixia finished the porridge and found that Feng Liting was not there. He carried the porridge upstairs and pushed the door in: "How come you come up?

Up? Didn't I say to give you hot porridge? "

"Can't you drink in the room?" Feng Liting sat on the small sofa in the room, looked up at her, and continued to use it.

Tablet handles official business.

"Yes, you can drink it." Ye Zhixia suddenly felt that she was full and had to catch up with him.

The bowl was placed on the glass coffee table, and there was a collision sound. Feng Liting looked up and saw Ye Zhixia’s calm face.

Dao provoked her, put down the tablet and explained: "Several projects of the company have been very smooth these days. I signed a customer today.

I will arrange work and plan to take a few days off. "

"A few days off?" Ye Zhixia became energetic and stared at him for answers.

Feng Liting thought she was excited and happy, and curled her lips: "Are you going to let me rest for a few days?

Long, I can. "

But what Ye Zhixia was afraid of was the long rest period.

She will join the crew in a week or so. If he was idle at home at that time, he would definitely not let himself go.

She thought for a while, and planned to test Feng Liting’s attitude. She sat on another sofa with her arm resting on the sofa.

On his back, his chin was placed on top, a pair of smart eyes fluttered at him with eyelashes: "Warm, do you remember?"

"Remember, that actor?"

"Well, I suddenly thought it was good to be an actor. I heard that many rich wives used to be actor stars. Later

Married and stopped the shadow, do you think filming is fun? "

Feng Liting took the porridge, took a sip with a spoon, and blew: "Nothing fun."

"I feel very fun, I also want to try, what do you think?" Ye Zhixia asked the most important thing, eyes

Dare to relax and stare at the change in his face.

Seeing that Feng Liting's hand holding the porridge bowl stiffened, he immediately placed the porridge bowl on the coffee table, together with the porridge in the spoon.

At the same time, he raised his eyes and looked at her seriously, without a trace of joking: "No."

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