Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2067: She is lying

"Isn't it OK to just get soy sauce? Just try it." Ye Zhixia still wanted to find opportunities for herself.

"No, you are the young lady of the Feng family and the daughter of the Ye family. There is no need to go to acting like this.

To do, the entertainment industry is too chaotic, you can do a good job Fengjia Xiaomao. "


"No, but Ye Zhixia, I let you help warmth is the biggest indulgence."

Ye Zhixia did not dare to open her mouth again. She had expected that she would not support the matter of being an actor, but she did not expect to oppose it.

That's so thorough.

At this time, I don't dare to speak, let's look for opportunities again.

Anyway, there is still a week, wait until the last two days and say, she ran to the crew after she said, let Feng Liting have no choice

What about yourself.


The next day, Ye Zhixia got up a bit late. Last night, when Feng Liting had the porridge, she enslaved her and ran downstairs.

He put down the porridge bowl, and when it came, he refused to give up the bed to himself. He robbed the bed for another hour, although he clearly remembered himself

I slept on the bed in the middle of the night, but found myself back on the sofa when I got up in the morning, trying to find the perpetrator, and found

There is no one in the house.

After rubbing his messy hair, he went downstairs to find that not only Feng Li Ting was present, but Lu Yunshang and Feng Bonian were also sitting in the dining room together.

The embarrassing Ye Zhixia got messy hair for a long time, and was particularly embarrassed when she sat down.

Lu Yunshang didn't mean to blame her, but just glanced at Feng Liting reproachfully: "You have to take care of Zhixia."

"Why didn't I take good care of her?" Feng Liting asked back.

"Just know to talk back." Although Lu Yunshang said that, he didn't mean to blame at all.

Lu Yunshang and Feng Bonian ate relatively light meals. Breakfast was white porridge with hard-boiled eggs.

Ye Zhixia didn't choose, she was a little hungry, and drank several mouthfuls of porridge.

"By the way, I will be on vacation from today, so I don't need to go to the company." Feng Liting said calmly.

A mouthful of porridge stuck in Ye Zhixia's throat, she swallowed it abruptly, she hurriedly glanced to the side, coughing several times

Then he turned his head.

Lu Yunshang pulled a napkin and handed it to her, and said with concern: "Zhixia, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Ye Zhixia wiped her mouth.

Lu Yunshang nodded and continued to close Li Ting's topic: "How many days off?"

"Almost a week." After Feng Liting finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Ye Zhixia thoughtfully.

Ye Zhixia felt that this meal could not be delicious. One week, wasn't it the day when she was going to the crew?

Lu Yunshang glanced at Ye Zhixia thoughtfully, pursing his lips and smiling: "Zhixia, do you have any plans for this week?"

"I have classes in school this week." Ye Zhixia was a little modest, because she didn't have classes this week, but she was afraid if she said

Without class, her mother-in-law would arrange a lot of activities for her and Feng Liting.

"Well, Li Ting rarely takes a vacation. You are just married, otherwise you will ask your teacher for a vacation." Lu Yunshang

Suggestion, she naturally hopes that her son and daughter-in-law can have more time to cultivate relationships together.

"No, it's a professional course, with credits, but not enough to graduate." Ye Zhixia felt that she was getting better and better.

It can be serious nonsense.

The superb acting skills even fooled Lu Yunshang.

Although Lu Yunshang felt it was a pity, he nodded in agreement: "It is still important to study. You and Li Ting will be

Too many, don't worry about this one day or two days. "

Feng Liting put down the tableware, no happiness or anger was visible on his cold face, he just looked at her faintly: "Credit class?"

"Yes." Ye Zhixia nodded.

"Can't ask for leave?"


Feng Liting wiped his mouth and got up: "I'm done, I'll go to the study to arrange the company's affairs first."

"Just eat that much? Are you full?" Lu Yunshang stood up and asked caringly.

Feng Liting nodded and turned around without speaking.

Lu Yunshang craned his neck to look at Feng Liting’s voice, then turned his head and said to Feng Bonian: “How do I feel that Li Ting has gone on vacation?

Not happy? "

"He's not a kid anymore. What do you care about so much." Feng Bonian is a father, not as worried as his mother.

When Li Ting is so old and has been in charge of the company for so many years, when did they worry about it?

“I’m not just feeling sorry for him. He’s so busy every day that he doesn’t even eat New Year’s Eve dinner at home for three hundred and sixty days a year.

Yi was unhappy on vacation and asked what was wrong. "Lu Yunchang sat down while speaking.

Ye Zhixia was inexplicably panicked when she heard it. Is he really too busy to even eat New Year's Eve dinner at home?

That is very poor.

But the entire Feng clan is in his hands to keep running. If he doesn't go busy, can't it?

Then he finally took a vacation, but he lied and said that he had no time to accompany him. Is it too cruel?

"Zhixia." Lu Yunshang called her suddenly.

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia looked up, her face blank.

"Li Ting is like this. I feel bored with what he likes. You must accompany him a lot. Your father and I will watch.

It can be concluded that he is much better than before after being with you. "

"Really?" She didn't see why.

"Of course, you are a husband and wife. You have to discuss everything and be considerate to each other. You are kind to him and he knows in his heart.

Yes, it will definitely change. "

So if she treats Feng Li Ting well this week, maybe she can get his consent to film?

"Dad, Mom, I'm finished, you can eat it." Ye Zhixia put down the dishes and got up.

Ye Zhixia went upstairs and opened the door of the study.

Sure enough, Feng Li Ting was looking at the computer behind the study desk.

"Have you eaten just now?" Ye Zhixia leaned over and asked pretending to be nothing.

Feng Liting turned off the computer's page, and when Ye Zhixia leaned over, he only saw the computer desktop, nothing.

Feng Liting said with a nasal sound, in fact, he was just looking at her semester schedule.

He calculated that she had no classes this week and chose to take a vacation this week. For this reason, he worked overtime for two consecutive days just to be able to

With her.

But she said there will be classes this week...

She is lying.

Does she just want to be with herself? Such a lie.

They are husband and wife, but she refuses to tell herself the truth.

Thinking, the anger got even worse, her chest was up and down because of gasping, and Ye Zhixia's face also sank two minutes, her eyes faint.

Approximately appeared red.

"I have one thing to tell you." Ye Zhixia hesitated for a long time.

"What do you want to tell me?" He suppressed his anger, vaguely angry.

"Sorry, I don't actually have classes this week, I just lied to you downstairs." Ye Zhixia thought and thought, and will recognize it.

Wrong, she lowered her head, looked at the cute bunny slippers she was wearing, and did not dare to look up into his eyes.

Feng Liting was stunned. The anger that had already reached the top of his head instantly disappeared without a trace. He originally wanted to get angry.

Ask her what is she? What is the closure of the house?

But her sudden confession caught herself off guard.

"Why are you telling me?" Feng Liting got up, walked up to her, and looked at her condescendingly.

At this moment, she pressed her head, her white neck was exposed, she was a little dazzling, her heart moved slightly.

Ye Zhixia looked up, her black eyes shining like a deer-like ignorant light: "I don't want to lie to you, in fact I just don't

Want to be arranged with you. "

Now that she has said it, she simply said it through. She is afraid that her worried mother-in-law will do the same as the last honeymoon.


"So why are you telling me the truth again?" Are you afraid of being arranged again?

"I don't think I should lie to you." Just like the mother-in-law said, everything should be discussed. If you lie to him, one day he will know

Say, I don’t know what will happen.

"Should you not lie to me?" Feng Liting raised an eyebrow.

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