Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2072: .Moved to cry

Feng Liting paused, and smiled somewhat ironically: "You are really stupid as a woman, she just screwed it up for you.

A towel, you’re grateful for inviting a man to bed, would you be touched if you cook a meal for you?

Can you cry? "

Ye Zhixia's face turned black, and her mind was full of black lines.

She knew it!

It's no use being nice to this man!

It's like shooting yourself in the foot, asking for trouble!

Ye Zhixia opened the quilt angrily and got in.

But after a while, she felt that some of the quilt had been lifted, and a warm body suddenly touched herself.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly looked at Feng Liting: "You, what are you doing?"

Feng Liting curled his lips: "Didn't you invite me to sleep?"

"Aren't you unwilling?"

"I said that I didn't want to?"

Feng Liting smiled.

Ye Zhixia thought about it, and there really is not!

Yes, she has completely convinced this man.

Ye Zhixia got out of the bed and carried a big bear doll from the closet in the middle of the bed.

"Then you are not allowed to cross..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Liting coldly threw the bear onto the sofa.

"Ye Zhixia, are you naive? If I really want to do something to you, are you sure you can prevent me?"

Ye Zhixia's face changed and she was very depressed.

That's how it is said...

Feng Li Ting pulled the quilt and snorted coldly: "Don't worry, you are not interested in your figure and being a man."

Ye Zhixia was not convinced: "With each other, as long as your size, no woman can..."

Before her words fell, Ye Zhixia only felt that her hands were tightly pressed on her shoulders, and she was directly pressed onto the bed.

It can hardly move.

Feng Liting's eyes were blushing, and he gritted his teeth: "Ye Zhixia, do you want to repeat what you just said? Huh?"

Ye Zhixia swallowed and said, "Go on, kidding..."

Feng Liting snorted coldly. Ye Zhixia was staring at him and the whole body was hairy. She didn't know what to do. Feng Liting finally let go.

Drove him.

The two finally closed their eyes to sleep honestly.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhixia actually woke up first.

Two people who were so far apart last night are hugging each other intimately.

One of her legs was still hung on Feng Liting's waist.

Ye Zhixia: "..."

Ye Zhixia suffered such a strong visual impact as soon as she opened her eyes. She almost didn't scream in shock, and she was afraid of being Feng Li Tingfa.

Now, I quickly covered my mouth, gently put his legs down, and then tiptoed out of the bed,

The bathroom walks.

When she reached the door of the bathroom, she gently patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Feng Liting on the bed faintly opened his eyes, glanced at her coldly, smiled at the corner of his lips, and then used the blanket

Zi covered his head.


Ye Zhixia went to school with another excuse to find warmth.

Warmth and her both had an announcement today. The two went to the crew early in the morning to prepare.

The makeup artist who applied makeup to Ye Zhixia seemed to have been in the circle for many years. While applying makeup to Ye Zhixia, she kept boasting.

"Are you a newcomer? Which company are you signing with? I have never seen you before..." He sighed with emotion: "You

The skin is so good, no blemishes at all. Sure enough, being young is capital. "

Ye Zhixia had never been so nakedly praised before, and she smiled embarrassedly, "Where, entertainment

There are so many beautiful beauties in the circle. "

"You are also a beautiful woman." The makeup artist took it naturally: "And I have never seen skin as good as you.

Where's the star, beauty, you must be hot. "

Ye Zhixia was even more embarrassed.

The makeup artist laughed, "Hey, don’t believe me. I have been in the industry for more than 20 years.

One hundred, there are eighty. I can tell at a glance what kind of person can fire. "I

Ye Zhixia was not interested in whether she was hot or not. She asked: "Then you think warm can be hot?"

The makeup artist thought about it seriously and said, "I think it's difficult."

"How come she looks so good!"

The makeup artist sighed faintly: "You don't understand this? When did the entertainment industry lack beautiful women? But some female stars

Ah, there is always something missing, people in the circle usually call it Reiki. Without aura, you can't squeeze into the circle of first-line stars,

The warmth is pretty, but she has no aura, at best second-line. "

Ye Zhixia smiled perfunctorily, without speaking.

Soon after putting on makeup, Ye Zhixia was called out to film by the director.

She is only a supporting role, and the character setting is relatively simple, Ye Zhixia passed it all over.

It just so happens that the heroine is constantly on the sidelines, and the director who gets it is quite dissatisfied.

"Miss, do you know how to act? Would you please be more serious?" The director pointed to Ye Zhixia: "You

Look at them, they are not professional actors from a major class. The first time they act, they are better than you. What are you doing? "

The heroine blushed at the scolding, and angrily hid in the dressing room.

Warmly took Ye Zhixia aside.

"Zhixia, you are probably hated today."

Ye Zhixia was taken aback: "Who?"

"Xia Yunyun."

Xia Yunyun is the heroine who was just scolded by the director.

Ye Zhixia's eyes widened, "Why? I didn't scold her, she should hate the director if she hates it."

"Hey, you don't understand, this is the depth of the entertainment industry."

Warm sigh: "The competition in the entertainment industry is very fierce, and young actors are constantly emerging, not staying a little bit.

Heart, you will be stepped on and be robbed of the limelight. In the entertainment industry, if you are robbed of the limelight, you will slowly

Forgotten by the audience, and then eliminated by the entire entertainment industry. "

Ye Zhixia listened blankly.

Looking at Ye Zhixia with a warm gaze: "The director just praised you so much. Xia Yunyun probably treats you as a rival.

Hands up. You must be careful in the future. "

Ye Zhixia nodded: "Okay."

Because there was still a play the next day, Warm stayed in the hotel arranged by the crew, Ye Zhixia had to go home and fight with the director.

After taking care of it, I left.

When Feng Liting returned home, Ye Zhixia let out a sigh of relief.

For the next two weeks, Ye Zhixia stayed between the crew and home.

Busy is full of joy.


Fengshi Group,

As soon as Feng Liting came out of the conference room, the secretary waiting at the door had already handed over a phone.

"President Feng, there is your call."

"Who called?" Feng Li Ting frowned.

"It's a call from **** University."

Feng Liting paused: "University? How come the university's phone calls to my mobile phone?"

The secretary replied: "The other party said it was Miss Ye Zhixia’s head teacher. I would like to communicate with you. It seems to be about Ye Xiao

Sister's business. "

Feng Liting took the cell phone and pressed the call back.

Soon, a woman's voice came on the phone.

"Hello, are you Ye Zhixia's parent?"

Feng Liting said in a deep voice, "Yes, is there anything?"

The other party seemed to take a long sigh of relief and said slowly; "That's it, Ye Zhixia has been around for a month.

Did not come to school anymore. "

Feng Liting wrung his brows to death: "What?"

"Yes, I said it was marriage at first, so I took a week off, but later it was said that my husband was seriously ill..."

Feng Liting's face turned dark.

"She really said that?" Feng Liting gritted his teeth.

"Yes, we can't contact her now. If she doesn't come to school again, the attendance rate is too low.

We can only dissuade her. "

When Feng Liting hung up the phone, his whole face was terrible.

Ye Zhixia, you are amazing.

Lie to him, look for death, curse him, and even look for death.


Ye Zhixia didn't even know that the incident had happened.

She carried her small leather bag back home as usual.

However, it was discovered that Feng Liting, who was supposed to return home an hour later, was already sitting on the sofa.

Two straight legs were wrapped in silver suit trousers that were tailored.

Looking at her coldly.

Ye Zhixia's heart twitched, and he glanced at his watch subconsciously.

It's not too late.

She changed her shoes and walked towards Feng Liting.

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