Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2073: .How much do you want to hold her?

"Why did you come back so early today? Is the company busy?"

Feng Liting put down the book in his hand, her dark pupils faintly fell on Ye Zhixia's body.

The tone seemed to be teasing, "Going to school again?"

Ye Zhixia panicked, but still forced a smile and lied, "Yes."

In order to make her acting more realistic, Ye Zhixia also pretended to be tired and rubbed her arm, and sighed:

"Ah, I'm exhausted, there are so many things in the student union, and there is still a day to go..."

The bottom of Feng Liting's eyes sank for a few minutes, and the smile on the corners of his lips could not help but deepen, as a faintly dangerous aura emerged.

He was not in a hurry to expose this woman's lies.

Hunting is to watch the prey fall into the encirclement you set up little by little, and the sense of accomplishment is satisfying.

Thinking of this, Feng Liting nodded in cooperation: "Then you are really working hard. What are your school student unions up to?"

Ye Zhixia did not expect that Feng Liting would be so interested in her own affairs, so she had to bite the bullet and edit down: "Just...

An event..."

"What activity will take so long to prepare?"

A thin layer of sweat came out of Ye Zhixia's palms, and she couldn't help but rubbed twice on her knees.

"Just...Cultural festival on campus...Because there are a lot of students who want to participate, we have to prepare a lot of things in the early stage,"

Ye Zhixia swallowed.

Prayed inwardly, Feng Li Ting stopped asking.

Feng Liting collected every inch of expression and every movement on her face into the bottom of her eyes, and the corners of her lips were curled again.

Let Ye Zhixia Ruyi: "Oh, it's a cultural festival. Then your school will be lively soon? I remember the culture

People outside the school can also go in and visit, right? "

Ye Zhixia didn't think much, nodded indiscriminately, "Yes."

Feng Liting smiled, "If that's the case, take me over to see it tomorrow."

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia was dumbfounded for an instant.

what? Is Feng Liting going to school with him?

How can this be! She hasn’t been to school for so long. Where is there any cultural festival in the school?

It wasn't from the student union. When Feng Liting went, wouldn't she be completely exposed?

Ye Zhixia was anxious.

Looking at Feng Liting, he didn't know what to say.

Feng Liting got up and walked step by step to Ye Zhixia's face. His broad palm touched the back of Ye Zhixia's head and moved forward.

One push——

Ye Zhixia staggered twice and almost jumped into Feng Liting's arms.

Feng Liting lowered his head slightly, and the tip of his nose leaned against her.

"Feng... Feng Liting?"

Ye Zhixia's heart almost jumped out of her throat.

Feng Liting let out a sigh of relief in Ye Zhixia's ear, but his voice was chilly, "That's the deal.

Tomorrow I will go to school with you, Ye Zhixia, I am looking forward to your school’s cultural festival. "

Ye Zhixia was completely dumbfounded.

This is how the same thing?

Does Feng Liting have a brain problem?

Why not go to the company to be his CEO, why must he go to her school to join in the fun?

Ye Zhixia was angry and anxious, looking at Feng Liting's back, calling him anxiously: "That! You don't have to go to work tomorrow

Is it? "

Feng Liting turned his head and smiled unkindly: "Tomorrow I will be on vacation, and I will take annual vacation specially for you. How about it?

Don't care about you? "

Ye Zhixia was completely gone. When Feng Liting left, she sat on the sofa like a frosted eggplant.

"It's over..."

She sat on the sofa for ten minutes before getting up and returning to the room.

Seeing Feng Li Ting was leaning against the bedside reading a book, he smiled slightly and stepped forward to discuss with him.

"Feng Liting, in fact, I think you are so busy at work. You don't need to do small things like accompanying me to school..."

Feng Liting raised his eyelids faintly, glanced at her unclearly, and then returned to the book.

Seeing that he ignored her, Ye Zhixia walked over and sat down beside him.

"Feng Liting, have you heard me talking? You are a man, what do you mean by that saying? Man?

Focus on career. "

Feng Liting's slender fingers slowly turned over a page, and said lightly: "In the 21st century, men not only need to see

He is a good man who is really responsible for his career, and he must return to the family and spend more time with his wife.

Mrs. Feng, don't shirk it. "

"But..." Ye Zhixia wanted to say something else.

Feng Liting suddenly grabbed her wrist, "Ms. Ye Zhixia, no matter what you say, I will be your school tomorrow.

To be set. "

As soon as he said this, Ye Zhixia's heart also chilled for a while.

She went to the living room angrily for a while, then went back to the bedroom, looking at Feng Liting, hesitating

long time.

Gritting his teeth, as if made up some determination.

"That Feng Liting, let me confess something to you!"

Feng Liting raised his head and raised his beautiful brows lightly.

Is this finally unable to hold it?

He leaned his head back slightly and asked, "Oh?"

Ye Zhixia lowered his head and hesitated: "Actually, I...I didn't go to school during this time..."

Feng Liting looked at her coldly, as if waiting for Ye Zhixia to continue speaking.

Ye Zhixia had to bite the bullet and continue to say, "Warm and I have always been on the crew,"

Feng Liting sneered, "Ye Zhixia, you are really amazing, you dare to play truant."

"I didn't play truant..." Ye Zhixia did not forget to defend herself when she died, "I asked the teacher for leave, but

If the teacher doesn’t approve, I can’t do anything..."

The book in Feng Liting's hand was placed on the cabinet, neither light nor heavy.

Ye Zhixia's face turned pale.

Quickly said: "I'm just too busy this time."

"As a student, the most important thing is to study. I don't even know what else you can do."

At this moment, Feng Liting finally finished teasing and having fun, staring at Ye Zhixia coldly with a layer of sullenness:

"Do you know why I won't go to the company tomorrow, why must I follow you to school?"

Ye Zhixia shook her head gently.

"You don't really think that I am interested in your affairs?" Feng Liting stood up fiercely, step by step towards Ye Zhi

Xia is approaching.

Ye Zhixia was forced to retreat by the condensed aura until his back hit the hard wall, and there was no way to go back.

She stared at Feng Liting with panicked eyes.

Feng Liting's face became more gloomy: "That's because you skipped class for half a month, and your head teacher called me directly.

Comes up on your private cell phone. If you hadn’t been for Feng’s wife, and I was Feng’s wife in name, you thought I would take care of

your business? "

Ye Zhixia grew her mouth wide, and said in surprise, "Ms. Li called you?"

She quickly reacted, "Then you knew that I was lying, did you deliberately play with me?"

Ye Zhixia was very angry: "Feng Liting, are you not thinking about..."

Before he could finish speaking, Feng Liting flew over with a cold eye knife.

Ye Zhixia whitened her face and closed her mouth instantly.

Feng Liting sneered, "Ye Zhixia, I and I warned you not to mix with that warmth anymore, my words

Isn't it a whisper to you? "

Ye Zhixia clenched her fists, "Warmth is my friend."

Feng Liting: "I have said that helping a friend is within your own ability. If you give up your studies,

Very stupid. "

"I will go back to school."

"When?" Feng Liting asked directly, "If you don't go back tomorrow, the school will persuade you to leave."


Ye Zhixia choked.

Feng Liting's voice softened slightly, "Tomorrow I will take you to school and apologize to your teacher."

Ye Zhixia frowned, "I have something to do tomorrow."

Feng Liting's eyes were cold, and his voice was almost freezing cold: "Ye Zhixia, did you intentionally go against me?"

Ye Zhixia bit her lip and said nothing.

Feng Liting was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Ye Zhixia, you are really brave, okay, then I want to see.

With your ability, you can hold warm to what extent. "

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