Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2074: .East window incident

Leaving such a word, Feng Liting took his coat and pushed the door and left.

Ye Zhixia didn't feel relieved at all.

What does Feng Liting's words just mean?


Early the next morning, Ye Zhixia was woken up by countless text messages and calls on her mobile phone.

At first glance, the director actually called.

Ye Zhixia didn't even know what was going on, so she put her phone on her ear in a daze.


The director had a strong temper on the phone, and the sharp voice made Ye Zhixia wake up almost instantly.

"Ye Zhixia! You and that warmth will not be used by the crew today!"

Ye Zhixia didn't know what was going on. He suddenly heard the director say so, and suddenly got up from the bed.

"Director, has something happened? May I ask you what did you do wrong with Warmth?"

The director sneered, "Go and watch it yourself!"

After speaking, the "dududu" directly hung up.

Ye Zhixia held the phone and stayed for a while before clicking on the phone Weibo.

On Weibo's hot search headlines, there are impressively warm names!


Ye Zhixia only felt that his head buzzed, like it had exploded.

His face was pale, his fingers trembling, and he clicked on it—

The person who broke the news said that he was a warm junior high school classmate who was beaten warmly in the second year of junior high school.

A series of pictures followed, the so-called evidence.

I don’t know how long this news has been exposed. There are tens of thousands of comments at the bottom. Click to open it, and all are correct.

Warm abuse.

"Little sister, I can't afford it."

"Such people should be blocked."

"Get out of the entertainment circle warmly!"

The more Ye Zhixia turned down, the cooler her heart became.

Call the director in a hurry.

As soon as the call was made, Ye Zhixia couldn’t help but said, “Director, it’s not clear what is going on in this matter.

Can suddenly change the warmth, she has been filming for so long. "

It doesn't matter if Ye Zhixia herself is replaced, anyway, she plays in the entertainment circle, but the warmth is different!

Ye Zhixia desperately helped warmth and said good things, "Director, would you please let us have a little more time? I will definitely put this

The matter was investigated clearly. "

She didn't believe that warmth would do such a thing.

The director interrupted Ye Zhixia impatiently.

"No, there are so many evidences, what else can be investigated, our play is a big production, absolutely not

Will you use it? For artists with bad reputations, many people want to play this female number two. Why should we risk using her? "

"The director, wait a minute..."

The phone was hung up again.

Now Ye Zhixia called again, and the other party shut down directly.

Ye Zhixia's breathing was heavy, and her eyes were flushed urgently.

Now we must quickly ask the truth about the matter, and let everyone change their views on warmth before public opinion expands further.

Otherwise, after being warm, you will really become a cross-street rat in the entertainment circle.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly got out of bed while calling Warmth.

Where is Warmth? After being scolded by the whole network, I cried out of breath on the phone. I can't tell what it is

Going on.

Ye Zhixia was worried and anxious, so she could only comfort her with a few words, and then hurried out and ran to the warm apartment.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Warmth shrinking on the sofa, crying.

Ye Zhixia walked over, "Warm, don't cry, tell me quickly, is it true that what I said on the Internet?

Really? "

Warm tears rolled down again, and shook his head desperately, "It's not true, things are not like that..."

"What's that? You tell me quickly..."

Warmly choked and explained intermittently, "That was what happened when I was in my second year of junior high, and the girl called me Mu Fei

Fei, is my classmate, when I was the school flower of our school, it happened that the boy Mu Feifei liked gave me

Sending a love letter, when Mu Feifei saw it, Mu Feifei deliberately made things difficult for me. I didn’t expect that boy found someone to beat Mu Feifei.

After a meal, I didn’t expect Mu Feifei would push this to my head..."

Warmth said and started crying again.

Ye Zhixia was relieved after hearing this.

"I knew you wouldn't do this kind of thing."

Ye Zhixia smiled: "Don't worry if you write, I will post on Weibo to help you explain."

The warm look is heavy.

Hey, if only it can explain clearly.

Sure enough, Ye Zhixia's Weibo did not play any role.

The verbal abuse and condemnation of warmth is like snowballing.

The warmth has been completely given up.

"Zhixia, forget it, it may really be because of my bad life. God was destined not to let me enter the entertainment industry, so I gave up..."

Ye Zhixia gritted her teeth: "Don't worry, I will spend money to buy a wave of naval forces. As long as someone can believe it, things will happen.

Turnaround. "

Ye Zhixia immediately contacted a water arms control reviewer, and spent 100,000 yuan to give warm comments.

Unexpectedly, these comments were soon suppressed by more scolding, with no effect at all.

Ye Zhixia frowned.

How could this be?

Warmth is just a not-so-famous actor now, so why can't it fall off the hot search headlines on Weibo all morning?

Could it be...Someone is tricking in secret?

This thought just flashed through his mind, Ye Zhixia only felt that a face appeared before her eyes.

Her eyes widened suddenly.

Feng Liting!

She said that what he said last night was weird, and there was quite a threat in it.

Warmth happened today!

Yes, Feng Liting must have done it behind his back.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhixia breathed a little bit quickly, and her chest was violently up and down with anger.

Seeing the sadness of warm crying, Ye Zhixia took two pieces of paper and gently stuffed it into the warm palm.

"Warm, don't be sad, I will definitely help you handle this matter."

Warm wiped his eyes and choked twice, "But it's all like this, what else can I do..."

Her voice was so dumb, she grabbed Ye Zhixia's hand, "I'm sorry, Zhixia, it's all my fault.

You, go talk to the director, this matter has nothing to do with you, maybe the director will not replace you. "

Ye Zhixia smiled lightly, "I came with you into the crew. If you don't act, I don't mean anything by myself.

Think, warm, you believe me, I will handle this matter. "

"Take a good rest at home in these two days. Don't think about it. Wait for my news."

With warm red eyes, he nodded gently.

Ye Zhixia comforted a few more words, then carried her bag, stopped a taxi, and headed straight to Fengshi Group


"This lady." Outside the office, Ye Zhixia was stopped by the new secretary again, "May I have an appointment..."

When Ye Zhixia thought of warmth, it was probably because Feng Liting’s **** secretly put it on her face, and didn’t interrupt her angrily.

The secretary said, "No! Let Feng Liting get out and see me!"

Jiang Yuan heard the sound and walked out of the cubicle next to her.

Seeing that it was Ye Zhixia, he was busy calling the new secretary to work, and he stepped forward and respectfully received her.

"Ms. Ye, are you here to find Mr. Feng? Mr. Feng is now holding a regular meeting, which will end in about half an hour. You go in first.

Wait for him. "

Ye Zhixia nodded: "Thank you."

Jiang Yuan poured a glass of water for Ye Zhixia and then gently backed out.

The new secretary Wang grabbed Jiang Yuan curiously: "Sister Jiang Yuan, who is that woman?"

Jiang Yuan doesn’t like to talk about the president’s housework, but politely reminds the newcomers: “Don’t worry about so much, you just need to know

Dao, that's all we can't afford to offend. "

Secretary Wang looked surprised, "She is young, she should still be studying? She is so amazing."

"That's natural." Jiang Yuan sighed, "Do you know why you can join the company as a secretary?"

Secretary Wang shook his head innocently.

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