Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2075: .Only call her Mrs. Feng!

Jiang Yuan's voice lowered: "It's because she upset that Miss Ye."

Secretary Wang’s eyes were bigger and he covered his mouth. It took him a long time before he squatted: "Then I just stopped her.

She went in, Jiang Yuan sister, you said she wouldn't go to the president to file a complaint, right? "

Jiang Yuan smiled and calmed her: "Don't think so much, then Miss Ye is not such a stingy person, go and work on your work.

Well, nothing will happen, I'll go and see the president. "

"Hey, good."

After half an hour, Feng Liting finished the meeting and walked out of the office.

Jiang Yuan stepped forward, "President Feng, Miss Ye is here."

Feng Liting frowned, "Call her wife later."

Jiang Yuan paused, then nodded, "Okay, my wife is waiting for you in the office now."

Feng Liting muttered: "What is she here for?"

"I don't know." Jiang Yuan thought, "It's just that his wife's complexion doesn't look good, she is angry."

Feng Liting was startled, then he didn't know what he thought of, and smiled softly.

Jiang Yuan was shocked.


Did the CEO smile just now?

It's really rare.

Feng Liting basically knew the reason why Ye Zhixia was so angry.

He took Jiang Yuan back to the office and saw Ye Zhixia sitting on the sofa at a glance.

Ye Zhixia stood up as soon as she saw her, hurriedly: "Feng Liting, you can explain to me..."

"Jiang Yuan, show me the contract with Longyuan's new project..."


Jiang Yuan respectfully took a document from her hand and handed it to Feng Liting.

Feng Liting lowered his head and flipped through quickly.

Ye Zhixia's words got stuck in her throat.

He was working, and she couldn't rush to interrupt this kind of thing no matter how anxious she was.

Besides, even if she wanted to Feng Li Ting to give her an explanation immediately, it is estimated that Feng Li Ting would not pay attention to herself.

Even with Feng Li Ting's personality, he is likely to drive himself out of here.

Ye Zhixia could only sit back on the sofa angrily, waiting for him.

As a result, Ye Zhixia stared dryly, watching Feng Li Ting approve six contracts and read five more reports.

The takeaway called several managers of the company in and said that there were a lot of them.

Ye Zhixia clenched her fist tightly, took out her mobile phone to read Weibo more than once during this period, and saw that warm things became more and more troublesome.

The bigger, the anxious is almost restless.

Every minute and every second in the office seemed to be extremely tormented. Looking at Feng Liting again, he looked at ease and calm.

Ye Zhixia's chest hurts.

Finally, when everyone was gone, Feng Liting also picked up the coffee cup, and Ye Zhixia finally walked over.

"Feng Liting."

Feng Liting blinked, as if only to find her like a person.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Zhixia gritted her teeth, angrily, "Why am I here, don't you know, Chief Feng?"

Feng Liting stayed silent, staring at her for a while, suddenly realized that he curled his lips and smiled lightly, "Oh,

I see, you missed your man, so you came to the company for inspection? "

"Feng Liting, I have no time to make fun of you!"

Ye Zhixia couldn't bear it, and said straightforwardly, "Feng Liting, I ask you, did you do warm things?"

Feng Liting didn't cover it either, and leaned gently on the boss chair, lazily: "So what if I did it?"


Feng Liting sneered, "There is no special reason, it's just that she feels uncomfortable."

"Feng Liting, you are too much!" Ye Zhixia's eyes were red, and her chest was aching in anger: "You know she is

My good friend, you know that what you expose on the Internet is fake! "

"so what?"

Feng Liting's expression was a little cold, "You should understand that as long as I want to, the public will never know what is going on.

Well, what I let them see is the only truth. "

Ye Zhixia's face flushed with anger.

Feng Liting's eyes became a little bit cold again: "Ye Zhixia, I told you, don't try to challenge my bottom.

Line, if you want warmth, you can go. "

After speaking, Feng Liting called Jiang Yuan in.

"Jiang Yuan, the company's entertainment subsidiary, has it recently signed a group of artists?"


"Give me the list."

Five minutes later, Jiang Yuan handed over a batch of lists to Feng Liting's hands.

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