Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2076: The impossible possible

"What are you doing?" Ye Zhixia watched him flip through the list in hand, and then pulled out a resume from it, which was a Chinese opera.

Girls who have just graduated from college, pure and beautiful, look much younger than warm, just look at the photos.


It is the aura that the makeup artist said in the crew.

"Qiu Miaomiao..." Feng Liting handed her resume to Jiang Yuan: "Call and tell Director Liu, I think this girl is pretty good.

Can be the second female. "

"No." Ye Zhixia stretched out her hand and grabbed it, clenched tightly in her hand, and asked Feng Liting: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Mrs. Feng wants to intervene in Feng's company's decision?" Feng Liting raised an eyebrow and asked.

"I... I didn't mean it, but you can't use your power to suppress someone who wants to stand in the show business first.

Feet of people. "Ye Zhixia argued.

"Suppress? Ms. Ye might have misunderstood something, right? The entertainment company itself is owned by Fengshi. I will choose two to compare

There is no problem with the outstanding and pleasing new artists, right? "Feng Liting got up, walked up to her, condescendingly

Look at her.

"There are so many dramas that you can admire. If you look at her beautiful, you can invest in a drama and let her be the heroine.

Want to grab a warm role? "Ye Zhixia opened her mouth without shelter.

Feng Liting heard her saying "Look at her beautiful" and his angry face turned green.

Jiang Yuan trembled on the side, stepped back and back, finally stepped back to the door, opened the office door and ran out.

The air inside is too suffocating. I did not expect that the young Miss Ye turned out to be Mrs. Feng, and she dared to do this

So clearly against Feng, she felt that she would not be far from being fired any longer.


In the office, the tense atmosphere is still dense.

Ye Zhixia knew that her arms could not twist her thighs, and when she was irrational to a certain extent, she became calm and sensible: "Say

Well, how can I let go of the warmth? "

"Impossible." Feng Liting took the resume that had been curled into a circle in her hand: "Unless you stop stepping into entertainment

Circle, no longer praise the popularity of any warmth, honestly go to school. "

"You...Feng Liting, how can you be so overbearing, how can you be so selfish, do what you want me to do.

Why. "Ye Zhixia held his head high, and looked at him without fear, expressing dissatisfaction.

He just twitched the corners of his mouth lightly: "No matter what, just what I want."

"Feng Liting, you can't be so selfish." Ye Zhixia grabbed his cuff in desperation.

Feng Liting lowered his eyebrows, and still replied, "I am selfish? What about you? I told you these three

During the year, be your wife and be your wife, don’t cause me any trouble, it’s good for you, don’t let you do anything

What are you doing? You are dripping with the muddy water of the entertainment industry. In order to become popular with a young artist, you can’t even learn well. Don’t you

selfish? "

"I, I just like it, I just want the warmth to shine, why do you have to stop it."

"Because I said I don't allow it, I don't allow it!" Feng Liting showed cold eyes and looked at her with a rustling cold wind.

That extremely oppressive face was close at hand, Ye Zhixia only then knew that Feng Liting's real horror was him.

No one can change what is recognized.

"Does everything need your permission?" Ye Zhixia looked at him unconvinced.

"Not everything is like this, but Ye Zhixia, I have tolerated you a lot, I said about warm things

Many times I have not asked you to help her or set foot in the entertainment industry. You did not listen, and you even made up lies to lie to me. "

"That's not all because of you, this is forbidden and that is forbidden, and I am not selling it to your family.

The point is too wide. "

"Ye Zhixia!" Feng Liting roared, with blue veins on his forehead and red blood in his eyes: "Don't keep talking.

Was it sold to our family, and the sale was approved by your Ye family? "

"Feng Liting, you are too much." Ye Zhixia suddenly forced, shaking his hand and accidentally hitting the pen holder on his desk.

Fall to the ground.

Inside, a valuable Parker pen fell on the floor, torn apart, ink splattered everywhere.

Ye Zhixia retracted her hand, panicked, trying to admit her mistake, turned her head to Feng Li Ting’s colder eyes, and instantly

No thought of admitting mistakes.

"I don't want to sell it to you to seal the house, this is just a business marriage, so please don't interfere with me, I

I won't interfere with you either. Just go to whomever you want to support. It has nothing to do with me, but you shouldn't interfere with me.

Please also don't use your rights against a person who really loves acting. "Ye Zhixia turned around and stepped on his pen,

Leaving his office straight away.

Looking at the broken pen on the ground, Feng Liting pressed the inside line of the landline.

Jiang Yuan watched Ye Zhixia walk out angrily, and then received an inside call from Feng Liting, she didn't know how worried she was.

I am afraid that I will suffer.

She went into the office, and it was a mess.

Standing next to a ball of ink, Feng Liting's face was gloomy and scary: "Call Procter & Gamble to clean the office. Also,

Call Liu Chengyang over. "

"Okay, I'll go right away."


When Liu Chengyang came, the office had been cleaned, but Liu Chengyang had been with Feng Liting for a long time.

You can see some clues from his face, and immediately noticed something wrong: "You deal with warm things, Madam knows

Road? "

"Does she know it's important?" Feng Liting scraped a sharp eye.

Liu Chengyang shook his head quickly, but he was actually muttering in his heart, Feng Zong was so aggressive to deal with a small star, right?

Are you angry with your wife?

"Then, what do you want me to do?"

"That warmth and not enough blows, I want her to never have a foothold in the entertainment industry." He wants to see.

Look, Ye Zhixia still has any ability to pull warmth out of the mud.

"President Feng, that's a little star, and isn't she okay with his wife? Your wife will be angry if you do this?"

Liu Chengyang wanted to persuade the president not to get angry.

Obviously, Feng Zong's expression became even more ugly after he finished speaking.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot." Feng Liting put the other Parker pen that he had just taken out back into the pen holder: "It's difficult to do.

Look at it, you don’t need to give your face, all the black material before warming up is dug out, put on the Internet, hired the navy to build momentum,

understand? "

Liu Chengyang swallowed unconsciously, such a seal was always terrifying.

But these methods are a bit too ruthless, right?

Liu Chengyang happened to meet Jiang Yuan when she was out of the office, and pulled her over: "Have you been here today?"

"Assistant Liu said Mrs. Feng?" Jiang Yuan changed her name after Feng Liting's request.

"Is President Feng made you call that?"

"Yes, Mr. Feng specially ordered today."

"Madam is really here?"

"Here, and I quarreled with Mr. Feng. Then I came out. Mrs. Feng left angrily.

Always asked me to clean the office, and the pen that Mr. Feng liked most broke. "Jiang Yuan will know

All told Liu Chengyang, she knew that the relationship between Liu Chengyang and the president was not just a subordinate, and she was not worried

Feng always blames it.

"It seems to be really angry." Liu Chengyang nodded casually, fearing that Mr. Feng would not be able to concentrate on these days.

Go to work.


Ye Zhixia walked out of the company angrily, only feeling a fire burning in her heart.

Regardless of whether this is still coming and going by people on the road, he shouted fiercely, "Feng Liting, I'll wait for me!"

Ye Zhixia was determined to fight Feng Liting to the end.

She returned to Warmth and told Warmth of her plan.

Lao Gao, with warm eyes and swollen eyes, was startled when he heard what Ye Zhixia said.

"You are going to fight Feng Liting? But how are you going to fight Feng Liting?"

Warmth Just thinking about it, I feel that Ye Zhixia's chances of winning are too small.

It is almost impossible to win.

Ye Zhixia was full of confidence.

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