Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2077: .Husband, i was wrong

"You know, Feng Liting and I are married in business. Since it is a business marriage, of course our family has that

A few brushes, and Feng Liting’s company is not an entertainment company at all. I have a good friend in high school,

He has some connections in the entertainment industry at home, I will contact him to see."

Warmth is still a little worried: "Is this bad? You are a couple after all..."

"Commercial marriage, and there is no emotion..." Ye Zhixia's face suddenly went black, "No, there is emotion, I have deep feelings for him.

Deep hatred. "

Warmth: "I'm just afraid that you won't be able to beat him, and instead will cause trouble.

Ye Zhixia resolutely said, "No matter what the consequences are, I won't let him mess with you behind his back."

"I'm sorry, Zhixia, I caused you trouble."

Ye Zhixia shook her head: "No, you don't have to apologize to me."

The reason is that she was tired and warm, or she didn’t go to school and angered Feng Li Ting and Feng Li.

Ting will not retaliate and warm up.

Therefore, no matter what the price is, she must be warm.

Ye Zhixia called out his good friend Song Jiayang that afternoon.

Song Jiayang is a good friend Ye Zhixia has known since high school.

The relationship between the two people is very strong,

Ye Zhixia made an appointment with him at a coffee shop he frequented.

Song Jiayang was dressed very punk and smiled as soon as he came: "My little Xia Xia, how is it, newlywed

Is it particularly moisturizing? "

"Moisturize your head."

Ye Zhixia kicked it.

Song Jiayang uttered a voice, frowning and complaining: "I just express to you deeply about my relationship as a friend.

That's all, you frightened me that day to escape from marriage. "

Ye Zhixia looked at him coldly, her eyes almost falling out of ice: "Are you embarrassed to say? I called for

You come to pick me up, you don't care about my life or death! Also wish me a happy wedding! Song Jiayang, tell me by yourself, we

Have you fed the dogs to the two years of revolutionary friendship? "

Song Jiayang's eyes widened, and she was aggrieved, "Are you ashamed to say? Am I going to pick you up? Please, you are

Feng Liting’s wife, if I hide his wife on the good day of his wedding, he will buy my company

Come to change into a footwash city! "

"Cut, you coward."

Ye Zhixia didn’t want to wrestle with him about the past. She sat forward and blinked: “Then, I’ll give you

An opportunity to fail in crime. "


"I have a friend, a little star recently. She has encountered some troubles. Can you help her and introduce a few

Director or something..."

Song Jiayang’s family is an entertainment company. Although the scale is not too large, after all these years, some capital is

In his hand, he promised very readily: "This is no problem, as long as it is not so warm, I can help you."

Ye Zhixia: "..."

Song Jiayang couldn't laugh, "I'm going, won't it really be the warmth?"

Ye Zhixia folded her hands together, "Song Jiayang, please help me."

Song Jiayang looked embarrassed, "Xia Xia, it's really not that I don't want to help, but that there are so many warm black materials now.

It's not easy to introduce to the director! As you know, we are also selling favors..."

Ye Zhixia knew it was difficult to do, and only said: "I know, so I didn't ask you to put warmth into which drama

Team... Can you just say it to the director for me? "

"This is fine."

Ye Zhixia also said: "The warmth is so big, maybe it's not a bad thing."

"what do you mean?"

"No matter what the evaluation of warmth on the Internet is, whether you scold her or praise her, in short, warmth is real now

It’s getting hot, those black materials are not true. Now as long as the public knows the truth, the warmth will be

The current scolding retracted a wave of sympathy and attention. "

Song Jiayang nodded: "This is true, but the question is, how do you tell everyone the truth?

Chu, these days, spread the rumors with a mouth, and ran away from the rumors. "

Ye Zhixia smiled softly, "You can introduce a few reporters to me first."


I got the contact information of several well-known reporters from Song Jiayang. After Ye Zhixia went back, he hid in the room one by one.

With a fight.

But none of those people seemed interested in paying attention to Ye Zhixia.

Before Ye Zhixia said anything, she hung up the phone.

Ye Zhixia didn't give up, and hit back again, this time bluntly, "I have warm stuff!"

Warmth is now a big hot spot, and reporter Wang on the opposite side immediately became interested, "Is that right? What's wrong?"

"It's not black material, all the black material on the Internet is fake."

Reporter Wang lost interest at once: "That's it."

Ye Zhixia hurriedly said: "Reporter Wang, you think, the whole network is in the dark and warm now, but you are the only one who knows

People of the truth, if things are reversed, then you, a reporter, will have light on your face, right? Warm black material so

Many, but this news is exclusive, which one is more valuable, don’t I need to remind you? "

When Ye Zhixia said so, reporter Wang's attitude changed.

"Then Miss Ye, let's meet some time."

Ye Zhixia and reporter Wang made an appointment the next afternoon to meet.

Things took a turn for the better. Ye Zhixia swept away the haze of the previous few days, and even felt humming.

She pulled the chair away, sat down opposite Feng Liting, and gave him a triumphant look.

Feng Liting slowly sliced ​​the steak, and said in an unhurried voice, "Your mental quality looks better than I thought.

That's a little bit, I can still laugh now. "

Ye Zhixia lifted her chin, "Naturally, I hope you can laugh at that time."

Feng Liting gently curled his lips, and the two of them ate separately and stopped communicating.

In the afternoon, Ye Zhixia went out to see reporter Wang.

Ye Zhixia has already sorted out the information in advance, and given all the evidence and evidence for the black material uploaded on the Internet.


Reporter Wang's eyes lit up.

"Good, good! With these, I promise that tomorrow's Weibo and news will be more lively."

Ye Zhixia's heart was hot, "Reporter Wang, I beg you."

Ye Zhixia went home in peace and waited for the news.

Feng Liting came back early tonight.

Seeing Ye Zhixia'an quietly reading in bed, he pulled on his tie while saying: "If you want to beg for mercy, now

It's too late. "

"beg for mercy??"

Ye Zhixia froze.

"Yes." Feng Liting curled his lips. "Apologize to me and write a five-thousand-word review..."

He walked step by step to Ye Zhixia's side, suddenly bent down, one hand on the bed, his eyes fell heavily on

Ye Zhixia's face.

Ye Zhixia was a little uncomfortable, her ears were red.

"Then tell me again, husband, I was wrong, and I asked someone to remove the warm black material."

Ye Zhixia almost threw the book directly on Feng Liting's face.

"Shameless, if I beg you for mercy, my last name will be yours."

"If you want to bear my last name, it's not impossible."

Ye Zhixia really smashed the book.

Feng Liting caught it with one hand, got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhixia woke up, holding her mobile phone and waiting for reporter Wang to send clarifying news.

But from the morning to noon, and then to the evening, I clarified that the news was not sent out, but it was warm and dark.

There are a few more materials.

Ye Zhixia panicked, so she hid in the toilet and called Reporter Wang.

"Reporter Wang, what's the matter? Didn't you say that you will send a warm clarification today? How come now

not yet? "

Reporter Wang's voice intermittently on the phone, "Sorry, Miss Ye, I went back yesterday and thought about it carefully.

Thinking, I still won’t post this news for you..."

Ye Zhixia was dumbfounded: "What do you mean? Didn't we say everything clearly?"

"But now the voices on the Internet are completely one-sided. We really don't want to take this risk."

"There is no risk in this. You have seen it. All the information I gave you is evidence."

Reporter Wang sighed: "Miss Ye, we really can't help you post this news. Why don't you go find someone else."

When things reached a critical step, they turned abruptly, and Ye Zhixia instantly guessed a possibility.

"Did someone tell you not to post it?"

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