Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2078: .Wait for your husband to come home

Reporter Wang hesitated: "We can't talk about this..."

Ye Zhixia understood it, said "Excuse me", and hung up the phone.

She sat by the bed and took a deep breath, then got up and went to the study to find Feng Liting.

"Feng Liting, it was you who notified the media and prevented them from posting the news that pressed me?"

Feng Liting’s slender phone tapped the keyboard quickly, and Ye Zhixia’s voice only stopped for a few seconds.

Then while continuing his hand movement, he said lightly: "Why, can't it?"

Ye Zhixia was furious and walked over to hold Feng Liting's laptop directly.

The computer was shut down with a "pop".

"Feng Liting, have you had enough trouble?"

"Who is making trouble?" Feng Liting's eyes were suddenly cold: "You are a student, not good at school.

Class, I don’t know what I’m doing outside, you still have reason, right? "

Ye Zhixia's face turned pale.

"I just want to help my friend..."

"Helping people is based on your strength." Feng Liting got up with a cold face, "I haven't learned any knowledge.

Just a little bit, you dare to hit the swollen face and fill the fat guy. Did you forget who you were tricked into helping you clean up the mess last time? "

Ye Zhixia opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Feng Liting smiled coldly, "Just your mind still wants to help warmth, I think you want to take her with you

Funeral. Use your mind to think about it. If you want to help others, first weigh yourself. "

Feng Liting turned and left.

Ye Zhixia was cold all over, her hands and feet trembled, and her eyes were a little red.

I couldn't help but sat on the sofa and hugged my head.

Feng Liting was right, she had no connections, no strength, she couldn't help warmth at all.

Ye Zhixia sat alone for a long time, and couldn't help but call Warmth.

"Warm, sorry..."

After so many days of **** storms, the warmth calmed down first.

"Zhixia, don't blame yourself. Actually I want to drive. If you don't be a star, you won't be a star. It's okay. I have the hands.

If you have feet, you can also find another job to support yourself. "

"I just think it's a pity, you obviously did nothing wrong."

Warm and helpless: "This world is sometimes like this... is full of unfairness. Zhixia, I really appreciate your help

I, thank you. "

Warmth didn't blame Ye Zhixia, but Ye Zhixia felt very uncomfortable.

But now, she also understands that it is impossible to fight Li Ting with her strength.

Think about it, who is Feng Liting, who is frightening in the market, killing decisively, and dealing with people, from

Not soft, how could she be moved by a student who has not graduated from university?

Ye Zhixia didn't sleep much all night, and left early the next morning.

When Feng Liting woke up, he didn't see Ye Zhixia, and went downstairs to ask the housekeeper: "Where did she go?"

"Madam has gone to school."


The housekeeper nodded: "Yes, the lady said she hadn’t gone to school for a long time, and asked the kitchen to prepare some snacks, saying that she wanted

Send it to the teacher. "

Feng Li Ting stunned, then nodded gently: "I see."

Seeing that Feng Liting seemed to have something to say, the housekeeper couldn't help asking, "Master, do you have any more orders?"

Feng Liting pondered, and then said: "Go to the school and say it to her. Just give her a small punishment and a big warning.

It's hard for her. "

"Okay. Master."


When Feng Liting arrived at the company, Liu Chengyang was already waiting in the office.

"President Feng, hold on to your instructions and have released all the black materials."

Liu Chengyang was full of credits, "Now, the little star called Warmth is completely out of play, almost in the entertainment industry.

Can't mix anymore. "

Feng Liting was silent, walked back to the chair and sat down, and then said: "Remove all the black materials, and then post the clarification.

Let it out. "

Liu Chengyang's eyes rounded, and he got stuck in his throat. He didn't come up for a long time: "President Feng, are you kidding?"

He is so busy all these days?

Feng Liting glanced at him dissatisfied, "Why, do you have an opinion?"

"" Liu Chengyang shook his head quickly, frowning, "I just don't understand why I want to remove it again..."

Feng Liting said indifferently: "The purpose of dealing with warmth is to teach her a lesson.

Besides, he didn't really want to drive innocent people to a dead end.

Feng Liting drew an article from the drawer and threw it to Liu Chengyang, "This script is looking for a heroine recently.

Shao to the show party. Just say what I meant. "


Liu Chengyang took the script and left.

At night, all the warm black material on the Internet disappeared, and then a warm clarification post was given.

In just two or three hours, the warmth has gained countless apologies, and fans have increased by several million.

Warm and excited call Ye Zhixia.

"Zhi Xia, Zhi Xia! Thank you for helping me! A director called me and invited me to star in his new play.

And you know what? Still the heroine! "

Ye Zhixia was stunned.

When did she help warm?

After hanging up the phone, she went to the Internet and looked around, and was stunned for an instant.

Didn't Reporter Wang say that he didn't post these clarification posts?

She couldn't help but "cock" in her heart.

A person flashed in his head.

Could it be... Feng Liting?

After school, Ye Zhixia hurried home.

"Butler, is Feng Liting back?"

The butler said with a smile, "Master said that there will be entertainment tonight, and he might be back later."


Ye Zhixia nodded his head thoughtfully.

She was fidgeting in the living room. Seeing the chef in the kitchen rushing around, she couldn't help but take a look.

"What are you cooking?"

The chef laughed, "This is sober soup. Master may need it when he comes back tonight."

"Oh..." Ye Zhixia remembered something, and suddenly asked: "Can you teach me?"


"I want to learn to do it."

Ye Zhixia smiled embarrassedly.

No matter what, Feng Liting helped him in this matter.

She was so violent with Feng Liting before, it should be over.

Parents and mothers-in-law will come back soon from the tour, when they discover the conflict between themselves and Feng Liting, they want to come

There will be more trouble.

Ye Zhixia and the chef learned to make hangover soup.

Then he waited patiently and waited for Feng Li Ting to return while reading a book in the living room.

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening when the sound of the car came faintly.

Feng Liting is back.

As soon as Ye Zhixia turned her head to look, she saw Feng Liting swaying in by the driver.

He was wearing only a white shirt, his suit jacket was placed on his arms, his face was a little red, and he had dark eyes.

Squinting slightly.

Ye Zhixia quickly got up, ran over, and took Feng Liting from the driver.

Feng Liting weighed heavily on Ye Zhixia's shoulders.

Ye Zhixia's face turned pale involuntarily.

It's so strong...

How much alcohol did he drink?

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