Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2079: .Come and wait on the Lord

Feng Liting lifted his eyelids laboriously, took a look at her, and then pressed heavily on her body, opening his mouth, a strong alcohol

It exudes: "Why are you back? Didn't you go to school?"

"What time is it, and still going to school? It's time to go to bed." Ye Zhixia saw that he was dizzy.

Feng Liting snorted, stretched out her big palm and squeezed her face with some fat babies: "Hey, that's obedient."

Ye Zhixia wanted to withdraw her body, but he was heavier than herself, pressing on her body like Mount Tai, standing firm.

She felt that she was going to be crushed short: "What is the situation, are you so drunk that it is difficult to even stand up?"

"Steward." Ye Zhixia called for help.

The housekeeper hurried over to help Feng Liting on the other side: "Young lady, do you help the young master go to the room to rest, or let him

Sober up in the living room? "

"Wake up something, let's get it to the bedroom, let alone move it when you fall asleep." Ye Zhixia reached out and held his waist, another

Pulling his arm with one hand, just under his body, helping him and the housekeeper step by step back to the room.

He threw Feng Liting onto the bed vigorously, Ye Zhixia panting tiredly by the bed: "It's really heavy, why do you drink so

Too much wine. "

"Want to drink water, give me a glass of water." Feng Li Tingshen wrinkled his brows, rolled over, curled up slightly, like

It looks uncomfortable.

There was still a lot of resentment in my heart, and the look of him disappeared.

It's true to think about it, a dignified Feng's president often goes to social gatherings and goes home drunk.

Ye Zhixia poured him a glass of water, and then thought that there was a hangover soup downstairs, put down the water and ran downstairs, the housekeeper just took it

The sober soup is cool.

"Give it to me." Ye Zhixia brought it over and went upstairs.

"Feng Liting, get up and drink some sober soup, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wake up." Ye Zhixia stepped forward to take him

Pull it up, but can't pull it up.

"You're getting up." She pulled Feng Liting's arm with both hands and used her strength to eat.

Feng Liting on the bed tugged forcefully, and she fell onto the bed unsteadily.

It happened that the whole person was pressed on Feng Liting's body.

Feng Liting snorted when she was smashed by her, and slowly opened his eyes. Because he was drunk, the expression in his eyes was not very cold.

I was a little confused and looked at her.

Ye Zhixia blinked, feeling particularly ashamed: "I just want to pull you up, what are you doing." She put her hand on her

He wanted to get up on his chest.

A spark flashed in Feng Liting’s eyes, and her big palm clung to her back, pressing hard, and she was lying on Feng again.

Li Ting's chest.

Above her head, Feng Liting smiled triumphantly.

"Ah, my chin." Her chin just hit his chest. He was not doing well. She was already because of her chin.

The painful eyes burst with tears.

"Feng Liting, what are you drunk crazy?" Ye Zhixia straightened up, resting his chin in one hand, and supporting him with the other.

With his legs spread out on both sides of his waist, sitting on top of him, Ye Zhixia, who was wailing about the pain in her jaw, didn't even notice.

I feel there is something wrong with this action.

A certain man could not bear the fire in his eyes, and he was even less drunk by two minutes. He said in a hoarse voice: "Also

Unhurriedly roll off me. "

Ye Zhixia lowered her head and saw the posture of the two people, her face was red, and her hands and feet were crawling up and down from him.

Here, I fell down when I got out of bed.

There was some pain in the ankle, but Ye Zhixia didn't care, but hurriedly got up and stepped aside, how far away he was.

By the wall.

Feng Liting stood up, sat on the edge of the bed, rubbed his aching temples, and looked at her with cold eyes:

"Isn't there a hangover soup?"

"Oh, here." Ye Zhixia jumped out of the embarrassment just now, ran to the side and took the hangover soup on the coffee table.

She walked over hurriedly, handed it to him with one hand: "Here you are, it's almost cold."

Feng Liting sat there without moving, but looked at her.

Ye Zhixia got goosebumps all over his body, and moved uncomfortably: "Why are you looking at me?

Hold it, drink it. "

"You didn't see me getting drunk?" Feng Liting asked back.

"Of course I know, so I asked you to drink the hangover soup, otherwise why do I give you hangover soup." Ye Zhixia was impatient

He moved forward again.

Feng Liting took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and looked at the spoon, but his hand wiped the spoon over, pinching the air, and then

After taking a deep breath at a time, I took the spoon again, still not holding it.

Ye Zhixia looked stupid, he was afraid that he was stupid by drinking?

"Feng Liting, what are you doing? You can't hold the spoon anymore? Did you see it if you took it like this?" Ye Zhixia reached out and picked up the spoon.

Zilai shook in front of him and put it back in the bowl: "You try again."

"Do you think I am a fool?" Feng Liting said in a bad tone.

Ye Zhixia didn't say anything, and said in her heart: Not really.

"I drank too much, dizzy, and couldn't see clearly." Feng Liting put down his hand after trying two more times: "You feed me drink."

"What?" Ye Zhixia didn't want to, she reached out and pinched the spoon, trying to pass it to him: "Then you hold it like this, so

Always get it, take it quickly. "

She trembles, and the soup sticking to the spoon drips onto his suit pants.

Feng Liting looked down and saw that a pair of customized trousers was so useless.

He raised his head, his brows were clearly unhappy.

"I, I can't feed you." Ye Zhixia didn't want to annoy him, after all, the end must be difficult.

She held the bowl with one hand, scooped a spoonful of hangover soup in one hand and raised it to his mouth.

He still wrinkled his eyebrows, did not open his mouth, and looked at her: "Hot."

"Hot? It has been cold for so long, besides, it has been cold in the kitchen for a while." Ye Zhixia obviously didn't believe it.

She held the bowl like this, and the bowl was cold.

"I said it is hot." Feng Liting was still not salty.

Ye Zhixia opened her mouth to refute, and thought of warm things. Forget it, he didn’t care about warmth, so

Don't worry about him for a little bit.

"Then I'll blow it for you." Ye Zhixia took a spoonful and put it next to her mouth, and blew it twice. It was probably already cold.

Put it to his mouth: "Try it, it's not hot this time."

Feng Liting opened his mouth, and drank it all in one gulp without worrying about whether it was hot or not.

"Keep blowing." When Ye Zhixia was about to scoop him and hand it to his mouth, he threw another sentence.

Ye Zhixia had to work tirelessly, blowing again and again, and then handed it to his mouth, let him drink.

A small bowl of hangover soup was fed into his mouth just a little bit.

Seeing that the last spoonful was also drunk by him, Ye Zhixia wanted to cheer, her arms were sore when she was tired.

Feng Liting kept sitting still on the side of the bed and didn't know if he was tired.

"Okay, I'm finished drinking, let's rest." Ye Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief, planning to send the bowl down.

"Wait a minute." Feng Liting called to her.

"What else? Aren't you sleepy? Aren't you tired? Aren't you dizzy?" Ye Zhixia was about to collapse.

This is simply waiting on the Lord.

"Help me take a bath, I can't sleep without taking a bath." Feng Liting was at ease, showing no guilt.

Yes, maybe because of the hangover soup, the eyes are clearer and colder than before.

Just holding on to take a bath, this requirement is not too much.

Ye Zhixia had no choice but to put down the bowl, and then turned to help him into the bathroom.

"Are you going to take a bath or shower?" Ye Zhixia helped him into the bathroom, thinking, since he helped in, then

She would do it well and help him adjust the water temperature before going out.

"Let's take a bath."

The shower is outside, and one step away is the bathtub. The bathroom in the bedroom is not as large as the outside independent, but it is dry and wet.

The separation is not small.

Ye Zhixia went over, turned on the faucet of the bathtub, and started to sit on the bathtub to adjust the water temperature.

She sat sideways, the curve of her side was well outlined.

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