Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2082: .Actually, you care about him

Ye Zhixia’s voice was trembling: "Feng Liting, are you polite? No one has taught you.

Xu, don't touch other people's things? "

Feng Liting's eyes cooled slightly.

It turns out that this gift is not for myself.

Sure enough, in the next second, Ye Zhixia said: "This gift is a birthday gift I want to give to my friend. Do you know that?

How long have I prepared? How much did it take to get it? ! "

The servant knew this was just a misunderstanding, and just wanted to help Feng Liting explain it quickly.

"That... madam, in fact, the young master thought this gift was..."

Feng Liting laughed coldly, and interrupted the servant directly, "Sorry, you shouldn't open your things privately."

"Is it useful to apologize? It's all like this, how can I give it to others..." Ye Zhixia's chest was stuffy

"Feng Liting, I..."

Feng Liting's voice was cold, with a pair of beautiful brows twisted tightly, there was a chill, and the cold was terrifying.

He interrupted Ye Zhixia's words directly, "I have already apologized to you. As a gift, I will ask someone to buy a new one for you tomorrow."

After speaking, Feng Liting turned his head and left.

Ye Zhixia looked at his cold back, and stomped angrily, "Feng Liting, it's obviously you who demolished me privately.

Wu, I didn't settle accounts with you, what is your temper? "

The servant couldn't help but whispered: "Ma'am, don't blame the young master, it's all my fault."

"your fault?"

Ye Zhixia was confused.

The servant was very embarrassed, and the rag in his hand was twisted.

"Yes, because the day after tomorrow is the young master’s birthday, I saw you put the gift here, so I said too much.

The birthday present you gave to the young master, the young master just opened it. "The servant kept apologizing," I'm really sorry, too

Too, it's all my fault. Who I did not confirm. "

Ye Zhixia was stunned, only to feel a "buzz" in his head, and the heart in her chest "bumped" accelerated wildly.

"What did you say? The day after tomorrow... the day after tomorrow is also Feng Liting's birthday?"

How could it be so coincidental?

How did Li Ting’s birthday collide with Song Jiayang’s?

So Feng Liting opened this gift because he mistakenly thought it was for him?

Ye Zhixia regretted the time.

Is her attitude a bit too bad just now...

"Madam, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I really shouldn't talk too much..."

Now that the matter is over, Ye Zhixia didn’t say much, she smiled faintly and calmed her: "It’s okay, don’t blame yourself.

Now, let’s go rest. "

The servant nodded and left.

Ye Zhixia was sitting on the sofa with a little prostration, looking at the wrapping paper of the present at his feet, startled in a daze.

Not only did she not give Feng Liting a birthday present, but instead she said something to Feng Liting because of someone else’s gift.

I don’t know how Feng Liting

Ye Zhixia lowered her head and suddenly caught a glimpse of the greeting card falling at her feet.

Picked it up busy.

She stared at the words "Happy Birthday" on the greeting card, took a deep breath, and then raised her foot upstairs.

At the entrance of the study, she reached out and knocked on Feng Li Ting's door gently.

He summoned his courage and said, "Feng Li Ting?"

Half a minute later, the door was opened from inside, and Feng Liting stood coldly at the door, looking down at her condescendingly.

"I have already apologized to you and contacted the merchant of this game console. Someone will deliver it tomorrow."

"But this game console is not on sale anymore."

"What can't you buy with money?" Feng Liting sneered twice before raising his hand to close the door.

"Feng Liting! Wait a minute!" Ye Zhixia squeezed in desperately.

Feng Liting frowned displeased, "What else? I have already apologized to you, and the new gift will be delivered tomorrow.

You are not in a hurry to go out to give your friends gifts, right? "

Ye Zhixia turned pale, and said, "I didn't mean this, I was actually..."

Feng Liting was impatient: "I still have a job. If you don't think about what to say, go out and organize your language before you come to me."

Ye Zhixia hurriedly said, "I actually want to say sorry to you."

"Oh?" Feng Liting looked sarcastically, raised his eyebrows, and said, "I privately opened your gift online first, I was wrong.

What do you apologize for? "

Ye Zhixia bit her lower lip and said, "I have heard the servant say, this is a misunderstanding, sorry, I shouldn't be indifferent.

I just scolded you..."

Ye Zhixia took a deep breath: "This game console is hard to buy now. It is out of print. You have to charge the price.

It will be very expensive. I just took a look. Anyway, the gift was just opened and not used. It should be repackaged.

Yes, I won’t bother you..."

"No." Feng Liting interrupted Ye Zhixia again.

Ye Zhixia was stunned.

The expression became more and more ugly.

"I will pay you for the things intact."

\"Feng Li..."

"If there is nothing wrong, you can go out."

Ye Zhixia stood there, watching him walk back to the desk, and began to deal with work documents, his lower lip bitten more and more.


She stood in the study for a long time, and Feng Liting didn't look up at her either, she had no choice but to withdraw from the study.

That night, Feng Liting didn't go back to the bedroom to go to bed. He wanted to come to sleep in the guest room.

The more Ye Zhixia thought about it, the more she felt that her attitude was really bad. She woke up early the next morning and hurriedly finished her washing.

Go downstairs and apologize to Feng Liting.

Feng Liting was eating breakfast, Ye Zhixia's eyes lit up and she walked over quickly——

"Feng Liting, that..."

Feng Liting dropped the napkin in his hand, stood up coldly, and left.

The butler and the servants stared at Ye Zhixia a little awkwardly.

Ye Zhixia only felt as if she had been slapped in public, her face was burning with pain.

Thinking about it, Ye Zhixia also felt a little wronged.

It was obviously that Feng Li Ting was wrong first. Since it was a misunderstanding, she also apologized. Why is he still so cold?

What does ice look like?

Embarrassed her in front of so many servants!

A big man is too stingy in his heart.

When she is angry, she is angry. She really broke her head before thinking about apologizing to Feng Liting.

Ye Zhixia went to the crew with a sense of anger and grievance.

Warmth noticed something was wrong when he saw Ye Zhixia, and put a cup of milk tea in Ye Zhixia's hand.

Ye Zhixia only felt her palm warm, she looked down, and then smiled softly at the warmth, "Thank you."

Warm and helpless: "The way you laugh is actually uglier than crying. Acting later, is it okay?"

"Of course no problem, I'm an actor." Ye Zhixia supported her spirit.

Warmth sat down beside Ye Zhixia and sighed softly, "What's the matter, have you quarreled with Feng Liting again?"

As soon as Ye Zhixia heard the name, her heart shrank fiercely, a silent vine with an unspeakable taste.

Yan, it was as if someone had sprinkled a handful of chili peppers in her heart. It didn't hurt, but it was burning hot.

Tell her that it is difficult to calm down every minute.

Warm and wondered, "I’m really surprised, aren’t you and Feng Liting married in business? There is no relationship and no

Gratitude, logically speaking, it’s only right that the well water doesn’t offend the river because it’s always acting on the scene. Why do you bother with him every time

Into this? People who don't know, what kind of hatred did you have before? "

Ye Zhixia smiled helplessly after listening, "I also want to know, that man's temper is really bad."

Ye Zhixia held back all morning, and now all vented to the warmth.

After listening to the warmth, I couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Zhixia frowned.

A warm look of helplessness, "Zhi Xia, how do I feel that you and Feng Liting’s false business marriage will sooner or later

Will become real. "

"What are you talking nonsense?" Ye Zhixia's eyes widened.

Warmth moved his chair forward again: "Tell me, why is Feng Liting so angry?"

"Because I mistakenly thought he opened his birthday present."

Warmth clicked on Ye Zhixia's head twice: "Fool, what makes this angry?"

"Why is that?"

"Isn't it because you didn't prepare a birthday present for him, you only prepared it for Song Jiayang?"

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia reacted, "You mean he is jealous?"

"Of course. My eldest lady, you are the wife he is marrying Li Tingming Mingzhong!"

Ye Zhixia twisted her eyebrows: "It's fake."

Warmly shook his head, "No, no, Zhixia, you have to believe me, man, you always have a kind of incomprehensibility to your own women.

Come possessive, even if you and him are fake, but there is a real husband and wife between you, you still hold the title of his wife

Phew, he must care. "

Ye Zhixia frowned tighter.

Warmth gave her an idea, "Hey, if you don’t believe it, don’t go to accompany Song Jiayang on your birthday, stay with him.

He then prepares a more exquisite gift for him, and try to see how he reacts. "

Ye Zhixia shook her head: "I don't want it. Why should I celebrate his birthday."

Warm and helpless, "Zhixia, have you noticed that you actually still care about Feng Liting."

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