Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2083: .birthday present

Ye Zhixia was really shocked this time.

I didn't want to immediately refute, "How is this possible? Don't... don't talk nonsense. How could I care about him!"

Warm smile, "Then why are you unhappy so early in the morning, dark circles are still so serious, if you don’t care about him,

Is he angry? Isn't he uncomfortable? Has nothing to do with you? "

Ye Zhixia was stunned.

A word that was blocked by warm words came out.

Warm smile, "So I reminded you last time, it’s the easiest to get along day and night, it’s easiest to have love over time, let alone

Besides, you and Feng Liting have really communicated at a negative distance..."

Ye Zhixia's hands and feet were shaking, she stood up in a panic, and shook her head, "Impossible, impossible! This is impossible!

It’s absolutely impossible, I... I just don’t want to make the relationship between the two of us too complicated, my father-in-law

My mother-in-law called back last night and said she was coming back to celebrate Feng Liting’s birthday. Feng Liting and I had a cold war. They were sure

I have to talk again..."

Warmth looked at her constantly finding reasons for herself, and smiled helplessly again.

Ye Zhixia was initially unsure about Feng Liting, but was shocked by the warm words, and the whole person was completely messed up.

Can't get into the state late when filming.

Fortunately, the director saw that Ye Zhixia was doing very well on weekdays, and he was too embarrassed to scold her as a little girl and waved his hand to let Ye Zhi.

Xia went back to rest for two days.

Ye Zhixia got in the car a little tired.

The driver asked: "Madam, are you going home now?"

Ye Zhixia let out a dull "um".

As soon as the car started, Ye Zhixia remembered her warm words in the morning, and suddenly said, "No, take me to the watch shop."

"Yes, ma'am."

Soon, the driver sent Ye Zhixia to a high-end luxury watch shop.

Seeing that Ye Zhixia was young, the clerk was a bit perfunctory at first, but when Ye Zhixia had a finger, a piece was worth nearly one piece.

When the million-dollar watch, the clerk was completely shocked.

"Miss, are you sure you want this watch?" The clerk pushed the price tag in front of Ye Zhixia: "You can see the above

Is the price up? "

"Well, ninety nine hundred thousand, I want this."

Ye Zhixia nodded.

Although it was expensive, in order to calm down the man, she went all out.

All her money has been invested in the studio, and a professional team has been hired for Warmth.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine million watch may only be regarded as the mid-range product in Feng Liting's watch, but it is already Ye Zhixiaru

The best one can buy today.

Ye Zhixia handed in her bank card.

After checking out, Ye Zhixia's bank card was left with a poor few hundred dollars.

Ye Zhixia stared at the balance for a long time, took a deep breath, forget it, the next day,

Tighten your trouser belt and save some flowers.

Ye Zhixia returned home with the watch.

Sitting on the sofa very anxiously waiting for Feng Li Ting to return.

The butler came over with a brand new game console: "Ma'am, the young master asked me to give this to you. He told you to be good

Keep it, don't leave it in disorder. "

Ye Zhixia's ears turned red slightly, and then said: "You can put it in my study."

"it is good."

Ye Zhixia was in a mess, almost restless in the living room, and finally waited until 7:30 in the evening when Feng Liting returned.

Ye Zhixia grabbed the watch box and hurriedly walked over.

"This one!"

Feng Liting looked down coldly.

Ye Zhixia explained embarrassingly: "This is... a birthday present for you."

Feng Liting didn’t say a word, and he didn’t even bother to give Ye Zhixia an extra look, raising his feet coldly.

Ye Zhixia passed by.

Ye Zhixia's face turned pale suddenly, and the watch box in her hand was even more dead by her grip.

She bit her lower lip and turned her head to chase after her unwillingly.

"Feng Liting, this is a birthday present for you."

"I don't need any birthday presents, keep it for your friends."

Ye Zhixia was anxious: "How can this work!"

Ye Zhixia walked up to him and hurriedly stuffed the watch box into his arms.

"I picked this for you. It's very expensive. Take it..."

Feng Liting was upset at the moment, only feeling very hot, so he waved his hand severely, "I said I don’t want you.

Are you deaf? ! "

The watch box "boom--" fell heavily on the floor of the living room.

Ye Zhixia's eyes couldn't help but turn red, and a wave of uncontrollable grievances and discomfort surged up, almost trying to completely complete her


She clenched her fist tightly, and her lower lip was bitten into a pale white.

When the servants heard the sound, they all ran out.

Seeing the two people in the living room with their swords drawn at each other, they didn’t dare to show up, no one dared to speak, but the housekeeper came out.

Face, let them go away.

Ye Zhixia looked at Feng Liting with red eyes, then stooped to pick up the watch box, patted it subconsciously, and then

Gently put it on the coffee table, turned around and went upstairs.

Feng Liting watched her back and waited until she had completely walked away before turning to look at the watch box she had fallen over.

Walked over, took away his hand, and opened it--

Although it is not the watch he usually wears, he recognizes the brand. For the first time in his life, he bought it with the money he earned.

The watch is also of this brand.

That woman had a tacit understanding with herself.

A small card was pressed on the black flannel under the watch.

There is a little sun smiling face on it.

Feng Liting turned the card around.

On the front, there is a small figure, crying with tears.

There is a line beside it, written in a cute round font, "I'm sorry, Mr. President, please forgive me."

The corners of Feng Liting's lips raised involuntarily.


The butler secretly looked at Feng Liting's every expression, and saw that he was smiling a little, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Asked what to do with this watch, Feng Liting had already closed the watch box and put it back on the coffee table.

Then he went upstairs.

The housekeeper had no choice but to put away the watch box first.

When Ye Zhixia returned to the bedroom, tears burst into her eyes.

She almost bought her birthday gift with her entire wealth, but Feng Liting didn’t even look at it. It was so crude

Violently fell to the ground...

The more Ye Zhixia thought about it, the more aggrieved, she felt that she couldn't stay here anymore, so she just packed her own things and returned to herself.

My parents have gone.

At this night, Su Xiangya was shocked to see her daughter running back with red eyes.

Quickly pulled Ye Zhixia into the house.

"Baby, what's the matter with you? Did that kid Li Ting bully you?"

Su Xiangya said she was going to Fengjia to find someone.

Ye Zhixia stopped Su Xiangya: "Mom, I didn't quarrel with him, I just... I miss you a little bit."

Su Xiangya sighed and pulled Ye Zhixia to sit down on the sofa.

"Married, of course it’s different from before, but Feng Liting’s place is not far from our place, if you miss me

Come back and have a look often. "

Ye Renguo walked over at this time and said coldly: "When you are married, you always run back to your natal home, what does it look like!

I am afraid that others will gossip about our family. "

Su Xiangya glared at Ye Renguo reproachfully.

Ye Zhixia lowered her head in frustration: "Then I will go to the hotel to stay..."

"I came back and ran?" Ye Renguo was unhappy: "Have you eaten yet?"

Ye Zhixia patronized and quarreled with Feng Liting, where there was still a mood to eat, and shook her head gently.

"For such a big person, I don’t want to take good care of myself. I know all day long to let your mother and I worry about it.

Let me make you rib soup. "

Ye Zhixia's nose was sore.

She has liked her father's rib soup most since she was a child.

Ye Renguo went to the kitchen.

Su Xiangya took Ye Zhixia to talk on the sofa in the living room.

Although Ye Zhixia insisted that she did not quarrel with Feng Liting, but she ran back crying at night, Su Xiangya didn’t have to think about it.

Everyone knows that Ye Zhixia is lying.

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