Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2085: .Giving birth early!

Ye Zhixia walked over and whispered "Mom."

"Hey, Zhixia, you are here." Lu Yunchang grabbed Ye Zhixia, "Mom wants to kill you when you are abroad.

Let me see... Zhixia, are you losing weight? Was it that during the time I was away, the brat in our house bullied

is you? "

Ye Zhixia shook her head, "No."

"Then you quarreled?"

Ye Zhixia glanced at Feng Liting secretly with some guilty conscience, and then smiled hardly: "No, we didn't quarrel."

"That's good." Lu Yunshang didn't ask much, but changed the subject, "I brought you many gifts, yes, and

This one! "

Lu Yunshang took a small box from his arms like a baby.

When I opened it, there was a bunch of beautiful red coral bracelets inside.

Lu Yunchang took out one of them and put it on Ye Zhixia's wrist.

"I asked for this for you. I opened it up. It is said to bless the husband and wife.

Son, send you and Li Ting. "

Ye Zhixia was anxious, "No, no, I can't wear this..."

She and Feng Liting are just ordinary business marriages, so she shouldn't live together with Feng Liting!

Ye Zhixia was not sure what to do, but Feng Liting suddenly pinched the other bracelet in his hand.

He placed it in the palm of his hand and looked at it repeatedly, and then put the bracelet on his wrist without saying a word.

Ye Zhixia's eyes widened: "You..."

"What are you?"

Feng Liting walked over, gently grabbed Ye Zhixia's hand, rubbed the bracelet on her wrist, and chuckled, "Not happy

Thank you mom. "

Ye Zhixia was helpless and could only act with Feng Liting.

"Then...thank mom."

"It's all a family, what are you polite!"

Lu Yunshang smiled: "Li Ting, today is your birthday. Don't go to the company. Mom will make longevity noodles for you today."


For lunch, Feng Liting's sister-in-law and Feng Zexi also came over.

Everyone gave Feng Liting birthday presents at the dinner table.

Ye Zhixia was originally bowing her head to eat in peace, but suddenly she heard Lu Yunshang ask: "Zhixia, didn't you prepare a gift for Li Ting?"

Ye Zhixia was stunned for an instant.


She was prepared, but it's a pity that people don't want Li Ting.

Ye Zhixia didn't know what to say.

Take a hard sip of water.

The eyes of other people on the table looked over.

Feng Bonian looked a little unhappy, and Feng Liting's sister-in-law looked a little embarrassed.

Newlyweds and wives do not prepare birthday presents for their husbands, which makes them feel uncomfortable.

Ye Zhixia just wanted to apologize, but Feng Liting suddenly held her hand on the dining table.

Ye Zhixia looked at him blankly.

Feng Liting's expression was calm, and his voice was faint: "Mom, Zhixia gave me a gift yesterday."

"Why don't you show it out then?"

Feng Liting actually smiled, "Because I like it so much and I'm afraid it will be broken, so I put it away, butler, let Zhixia

Come here for my gift. "

The butler quickly took out the put away watch box.

Lu Yunchang took it over and looked at it.

Seeing the contents, he immediately smiled and couldn’t close his mouth: "Ah, it’s a watch... this brand, the price

The grid is not very expensive. "

Lu Yunshang smiled and looked at Feng Liting, jokingly: "It's nothing compared to the watch you usually wear, because you are so precious.

Bei, put it away! Sure enough, we know that Xia is great. "

Ye Zhixia smiled embarrassedly.

He couldn't help but secretly glanced at Feng Liting.

Why should he help himself out?

After eating, Ye Zhixia and Feng Liting returned to the room.

Ye Zhixia looked at Feng Liting and said with courage, "Thank you just now."

"No, you originally prepared the gift for me."

Ye Zhixia frowned, "If you don't want it, give it back to me."

She can go back.

Feng Liting frowned, "Who said I don't want it?"

Ye Zhixia was aggrieved: "Do you want you to throw it on the ground?"

"I..." Feng Liting paused, a faint layer of red appeared inadvertently at the root of his ears, and he looked away, a little uncomfortable.

Naturally said: "Can't you regret it?"

Ye Zhixia was taken aback.

Such Feng Li Ting is rare.

Ye Zhixia finally couldn't help but let out a "pouch" laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Liting frowned.

"Nothing, just think, do you really wear the watch I gave it?" Ye Zhixia teased.

"Well, it's a bit cheaper."

Ye Zhixia was depressed, "But this is really all the assets that I can take out at the moment, and you don't allow me

Go pawn..."

"Don't even think about it, my woman, she's not so poor that she can live by selling things."

Ye Zhixia quickly explained, “I’m not that poor either! I just opened a studio, and it’s necessary to keep the studio running.

Those who want money...all you can only give you that expensive...Forget it, you should return the watch, I'm afraid you will take it out

Remove the price, and when I make a lot of money in the future, I will buy it for you. "

Ye Zhixia went to get the watch as she said. ‘

Feng Liting held her hand: "How can there be any reason to take back the things you give away?"

Ye Zhixia raised her eyebrows: "I'm afraid that others will say you are too shabby!"

"It's okay to wear it privately." Feng Liting reluctantly slapped her forehead, "I don't always

Going to talk about business at the moment, so stupid. "

Ye Zhixia came to the spirit, "Then you don't need to go to the company today, can you wear it?"

Feng Liting looked at him solemnly.

Ye Zhixia was a little embarrassed, "I want to see, I picked the right one or not..."

Feng Liting pondered for a while, then he really took off the watch he was wearing on his left wrist and put it on the leaf.

The one that Zhixia bought.

Xiu Rumei's hand is matched with the watch selected by Ye Zhixia, how beautiful it looks.

Ye Zhixia clapped her hands with satisfaction, "Not bad!"

The corners of Feng Liting's lips couldn't help raising, "Idiot."

The relationship between the two people is like a March blow, which inadvertently blows away the freezing ice.


Ye Zhixia glanced at the two coral bracelets and blushed: "Do we have to wear these bracelets?"

"My mother specifically asked in front of the Buddha, what do you think?"

Ye Zhixia frowned, "But, your mother said this bracelet wishes us...we..."

Ye Zhixia blushed.

"Born early?"

Feng Liting teased her deliberately.

Sure enough, Ye Zhixia was frightened and coughed desperately twice.

"You don't need to be so straightforward!" Ye Zhixia was worried: "I heard that gods are very effective.

What should I do if I really gave birth to my son? "

Feng Liting coldly interrupted her fantasy.

"Idiot, if you have an early son, there must be a prerequisite. The two of us don't even have a prerequisite. How can you have an early son?"

Ye Zhixia suddenly realized that, too, she and Feng Liting had only twice...

And afterwards, she took the medicine in time, where it was possible to get pregnant.

Ye Zhixia felt relieved and patted her chest, "That's good."

By the reason of birthday, the cold war between the two people can be regarded as a complete end.

After his birthday, Lu Yunshang proposed to move out.

Ye Zhixia was a little at a loss, "Mom, don't you want to live with me?"

Lu Yunshang packed his luggage and said with a smile: "Nothing. It's just that I went to travel this time and found a foreign country.

That old man in ah doesn’t live with his children, I think so, you and Li Ting are both old and married

Yes, you also have your own lives, and I followed to disturb your relationship. "

Ye Zhixia blushed, "No, don't bother."

Lu Yunshang suddenly grabbed Ye Zhixia's hand and smiled gossiping, "Where are you, hurry up and give me a baby with Li Ting."

Lovely grandchildren and so on, I will come back to help you with your children. "

Ye Zhixia was even more flustered, and she couldn't refuse, so she had to um, ah, and perfunctorily.

After Lu Yunshang moved away, Ye Zhixia also returned to the crew to film.

The day ended early, and the warmth took Ye Zhixia to go shopping.

Ye Zhixia hadn't bought clothes for a long time, but when she saw a piece of aqua-blue clothes, she was moved, and she immediately took the card to buy it.

The clerk held Ye Zhixia's card a little apologetically, "Sorry, miss, your card balance is insufficient."

Ye Zhixia almost vomited blood.

Yes, how did she forget, in order to buy Feng Liting which watch, her card is left with 500 yuan.

Warm came over, "Zhixia, shall I buy it for you?"

"No need." Ye Zhixia waved her hand, "You don't have much money..."

"But you like this dress very much."

Ye Zhixia shrugged; "It's okay, I can buy it when I have money."

Warmth can only give up.

The two went downstairs to drink milk tea again, and when they were about to leave, Feng Liting's phone suddenly called.

As soon as the phone was connected, Feng Liting's voice bounced over, "Where?"

Ye Zhixia was taken aback: "What?"

Feng Liting paused for a few seconds, as if a little impatient, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm asking where are you?"

I'm on your crew's side. "

"Ah... I finished work early today, and I was walking around the mall with Warmth, the one next to the crew!"

"I'll be there in five minutes."

After that, without giving Ye Zhixia time to respond, the phone was hung up.

Ye Zhixia frowned, "Damn, what attitude?"

She pressed her throat and learned Feng Liting's voice and said to Warmth, "I'll be there in five minutes."

The warmth was amused by her.

Ye Zhixia hummed, "I really thought I was an ancient emperor. I'll be there soon. You can wait to be picked up."

He laughed warmly, "Maybe Feng Li Ting was really the emperor in his previous life, otherwise he was so overbearing."

Five minutes later, Ye Zhixia saw Feng Liting at the door of the mall.

"Then warm, I will go back first."

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