Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2086: .Sleep out of feelings? !

Feng Liting got out of the car, closed the door, and watched Ye Zhixia waving to the warmth from a distance.

The warmth was carrying a big bag, but Ye Zhixia was empty-handed and turned to run towards him.

"Why are you here? What are you doing in the crew?" Ye Zhixia took a few breaths, followed his breath, and looked up at him.

Feng Liting lowered his eyes, pulled her clothes, and turned her around.

"What are you doing?" Ye Zhixia turned around without thinking, looking at him dizzy.

"Why didn't you buy anything?" he asked.

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia felt so thoughtless, and looked down at her whole body: "What to buy?"

"Why did you come out empty-handed while carrying that warm bag?" He sealed Li Ting's woman, anyway

It's Feng's wife, how come you go shopping empty-handed?

"You said this." Ye Zhixia put her hands behind her back, a little guilty: "I didn't see the one I liked, otherwise I would have bought it a long time ago."

When she said this, she didn't dare to look directly into Feng Liting's eyes and look around.

Feng Liting didn't doubt that he had him. After all, Ye Zhixia was also the eldest of the Ye family. He wouldn't believe him if he didn't have money to shop.

Feng Liting opened the car door: "Get in the car."

"You haven't told me what you are doing here." Ye Zhixia got into the car.

Feng Liting also got into the car, lighted up, and started: "It just happens to be official, and I need to stay here for a day."

"Then you go to my hotel here to rest?"

"Are you suggesting something?" Feng Liting drove the car and looked at her sideways, his eyes full of mockery.

Ye Zhixia's face blushed, and she stretched out her hand to break his head: "Drive and watch the road, don't think about it."

Feng Liting evoked a slight arc, listened to her, and carefully looked at the road ahead.

The car followed the road all the way, and soon arrived at the hotel arranged by the crew for Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia looked at him suspiciously: "How do you know I live in this hotel?"

"Unfortunately, my hotel is also booked for this one." Feng Liting got off the car without talking nonsense.

Ye Zhixia got out of the car and followed him obediently. In fact, the room reserved for her by the crew was only for repairs.

She will come to rest later, she doesn't live on weekdays.

After Feng Liting went upstairs, he discovered that they had booked a presidential suite, and the room arranged by the crew for a female third like her

The difference is a thousand miles, which is completely beyond her ability.

Feng Liting took out the room card and swiped it, and the two entered the suite together.

The presidential suite is a reduced version of the residence, it has everything, and they are all exquisite.

Ye Zhixia finished work early today and was not too tired. She felt something was wrong after she came in and did it for a while. Why did she follow her

Did Li Ting come in? Her room is not here.

"Well, since you are on a business trip, then I won’t bother you. I’ll go back to my room and rest. You’re not at home today.

I will not go back and rest in the hotel. "Ye Zhixia stood up from the sofa and patted her clothes casually.

If the dust does not exist, we must leave.

Feng Liting grabbed her wrist and stared at her deeply: "Just left?"

"Otherwise? I'll stay with you to have a meal?"

"I have eaten." Feng Liting said blankly.

"That's all right, I'm leaving, and you should rest soon." Ye Zhixia was a little bit embarrassed and wanted to grease the soles of her feet and strayed.

Feng Liting didn't mean to let go: "Sleep with me."

What he said was serious, Ye Zhixia almost choked herself with a mouthful of saliva: "You, what did you say?"

"Sleep with me." He repeated it again.

"What are you doing?" Or was he really warm, he fell asleep?

I saw Feng Liting looking at her with a mentally retarded look: "Do you think I want to? Mom ordered me to come out and make peace.

You sleep together. "

"Didn't mom move out?" She scared herself with less his mother.

"That's why." Feng Liting tightened his arms abruptly and drew her to the front, eyes flashing with strange light: "Mom and

I can't wait to report to my grandson earlier. "

"Impossible." Ye Zhixia struggled out of his shackles: "The two of us are fake. You don't know, how can you

Can still give birth to a child for her. "

Hearing her retelling of old things and mentioning that the relationship between the two was false, he became annoyed anonymously: "Knowing it is false, so only

It's a show. Wait for you to use your phone to make a video to my mother to prove that we are together. "

Ye Zhixia then let go of her precautions: "Okay, but I will go back to my room to sleep after the video."

"Do you think I would rarely touch you when you sleep here?" Feng Liting said sarcastically.

Ye Zhixia's face was blushing: "You..." It's too venomous.

Feng Liting turned around and went into the bathroom. After running around for a day, he had to take into account that she had agreed to the crew’s request to visit the crew. He was tired.

Exhausted, just want to rest after taking a bath.

Ye Zhixia had a stomachache. It was bad, probably because of the iced milk tea he drank when shopping with Warmth.

She reluctantly went to shoot the bathroom door: "Feng Liting are you alright? Hurry up, I want to go to the bathroom."

Feng Liting was just halfway through the shower, and couldn't bear it, but he also opened the shower to wash himself out.

Ye Zhixia rushed into the bathroom.

Feng Liting took a towel and wiped his wet hair, walked to the bed, and happened to see a message popping up from her mobile phone.

Warmth: I know that you bought a valuable gift for your husband. I have no money.

I'll buy it for you. I'll come to the crew tomorrow for you.

Feng Liting thought he hadn't read it clearly, so he picked up the phone to look at it and read every word.

Remembering the erratic look in her eyes when she had just picked her up, she told herself that she didn't like it.

It turned out to be because I bought him a watch that I can't even afford a dress I like.

Is he... so important in her heart? She is willing to take out all her money to buy a watch for him.

Ye Zhixia opened the bathroom door and came out and saw Feng Liting sitting on the sofa, not knowing what she was thinking.

"What do you think? Don't you want to call mother?" Ye Zhixia took the phone on the bedside and saw the warm message.

Information, looked at Feng Li Ting with a guilty conscience, and hurriedly deleted the information.

"Then I'll call it with my mobile phone." Ye Zhixia unlocked and went to find Lu Yunshang's number.

A big palm crossed over and snatched the phone, and Feng Liting shut her phone to death: "No more calls."

"Don't fight anymore? Didn't you say you want to call your mother and tell us that we are together?" Ye Zhixia didn't know where he was making trouble.

As soon as he came out: "Then you don't call, I'll leave first." Ye Zhixia took back the phone in his hand.

"Don't leave." Feng Liting looked at her, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Huh?" Ye Zhixia didn't know how he got his mind today, how did he think that it was all the same: "If I don't leave, I will sleep.

Here? "She pointed to the only big bed in the room.

"Isn't it? It's not that I haven't slept before." Feng Liting said relaxedly, and started to take off the bathrobe.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands: "Don't take it off first, you are a gangster."

"It's not the first time to play." Feng Liting breathed heavily, close at hand, and hugged her into his arms.

In her exclamation, Feng Liting pressed her to the bed.

Her hand was taken off, and her star-like eyes were staring at him.

His heart seemed to be hit by something. It didn't hurt, but it was beating fast.

"Feng Liting, you..." He covered her mouth.

"Don't talk." Feng Liting looked at her affectionately: "I'm afraid your mouth can't say anything good."

Ye Zhixia was covered by him and couldn't speak, so she could only stare at him.

Feng Liting laughed, and the face that had never smiled suddenly became two points better than usual.

Feng Liting let go of his hand, got up, and half-pressed on her body: "Staring at me if you don't let you talk, you should talk."

"Then get up, get up and I'll talk."

"Forget it." Feng Liting said that he was going to press on her to behave.

"Oh, I said, I said." Ye Zhixia struggled to push him away: "Feng Liting, don't mess around, you should be careful when you fall asleep.

Love. "

This was what Warm said to her at the beginning, and she felt it necessary to talk to Feng Liting so that he could understand the meaning.

Sure enough, Feng Liting's expression instantly changed when he heard these words: "What does it mean to fall asleep?"

"It means literally."

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