Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2087: .You too valued yourself

Feng Liting suddenly stood up from her with a gloomy expression: "Sleep out of feelings? You really value yourself too much."

"What, what?" Ye Zhixia stood up: "You can count on myself?"

"Yes, you can go now." Feng Liting got up and put on his clothes, standing at the window, not even looking at her straight.

Ye Zhixia was angry and annoyed, standing by the bed, looking at his straight back, annoyed, endless annoyance, really crazy.

Ye Zhixia turned and left.

Feng Liting stood at the window, thinking about what she had just said.

Feeling sleeping? In her heart, she is such a person? Can you have feelings just by sleeping?

This woman really has no conscience.

Ye Zhixia felt inexplicable. She went back to the room and found out that she didn’t get the room card when she arrived at the door.

It seems to be in the dressing room of the crew.

Touch her body again, there is no money, it's over, she won't be sleeping on the street tonight, right?

No, she is a soy sauce star anyway, if she gets out of sleep on the street, where do she put her face?

So Ye Zhixia was stunned.

Feng Liting had already lay down and turned off the light. He ignored the knock on the door, thinking that he had knocked on the wrong door.

I didn't want to knock on the door one after another.

He got up angrily, opened the quilt, and rushed to the door to open the door. He was about to have an attack, so he met Ye Zhixia.

Innocent with pitiful eyes.

The anger disappeared without a trace: "What are you doing again?"

"I forgot to bring my room card, can you lend me some money to let me open another room." Ye Zhixia licked her face and stretched out her hand.

Feng Liting lowered his eyes and slapped her white palm with a slap: "If you have no money, come in and sleep on the sofa if you want to sleep.

Then went out to sleep on the street. "

"You are so cruel." Ye Zhixia looked at the palm of her hand that was beaten red by him, crying without tears.

It's vicious.

Feng Liting rolled her eyes directly and turned to enter.

Think about it, when she sleeps on the street or on the sofa in the presidential suite, she still chose the latter.

Go to the crew to film.

Fortunately, Feng Liting didn't have any nerves anymore, and threw a quilt at her, got into bed by herself, turned off the light and went to sleep.

The next day Ye Zhixia was woken up by the alarm clock, and Feng Liting was still asleep in bed.

Fearing to wake Feng Liting, she rushed to the shooting scene after she got up and washed briefly, and was told that she had a kiss scene today.

Then there is waiting.

She has to wait for the previous actors to finish before arriving at her.

The director came to find Ye Zhixia: "Miss Ye, it's your turn, get ready."

"Wait a minute, the director, have you started making kiss scenes?" She wasn't ready yet.

"Of course, Miss Ye, stop the ink, just this kiss scene, you can call it a day after the filming, or hurry up

Right. "The staff urged." Didn't you say that you have a loan? "The actor said that a real kiss would be more entertaining. "guide

Speech: "Okay, Zhixia, since you have decided to become an actor, don't have so many opinions."

Ye Zhixia is heartbroken. As an actor, kissing scenes are necessary. She can't hide. This is professionalism!

Ye Zhixia took a deep breath and found the actor in the opposite scene, because they had already met before filming, and they were both familiar with each other.

They looked at each other and smiled, and when they were right, the filming was about to start.

After the two had finished speaking, the next step was the kiss scene.

Just as the filming was about to start, there was a commotion, and then several directors walked in, surrounded by a tall figure.

Ye Zhixia couldn't help but look over, her eyes widened.

The director was flattering: "President Feng, Mr. Lao Feng is here, and I want you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit the class."

Feng Liting gave a hum, his eyes passed over Ye Zhixia, and he didn't stop at all, as if he didn't recognize it.

Know her in general.

The director is just like Ying Dashen, moving chairs and pouring tea, Feng Liting is in charge of being surrounded by everyone.

With a cold face, like a god.

Feng Liting took a sip of water, and someone reached out to take it before putting it down.

"Don't worry about me, you continue to shoot." Feng Liting said, naturally no one would dare not listen.

Several directors and staff members went back to work and started to work again.

But Ye Zhixia was embarrassed.

This scene is a kiss scene, kiss scene!

Her real husband was sitting there. Although it was a fake, she didn't have the habit of cuckolding his wife if she wanted to make Li Ting.

It happened that the actor who acted with her didn’t have any eyesight. The director entered the state as soon as he shouted, and kept talking to her.

Go ahead.

Ye Zhixia flinched back and forth in fright.

The director immediately shouted with a loudspeaker: "Ye Zhixia, what's the matter, it's started, it's already filming, it's about to enter the state."

Ye Zhixia: Director, you really don’t have a backache when you stand and talk. Your husband is sitting there, his eyes are as cold as the cold light.

Watching you, see if you can enter the state.

Ye Zhixia tried hard to ignore Feng Liting’s existence, looked into the eyes of the actor, and slowly entered the state, just as both

When he was at his best, Feng Liting coughed.

Frightened Ye Zhixia slipped and almost fell.

The director had no choice but to make another one. Ye Zhixia took two deep breaths and switched positions with the actor.

The position just happened to not see Feng Liting, so she felt less guilty.

Strange, how come it feels like being caught for cheating? Obviously she was only filming.

Besides, she and Feng Liting were fakes. What is there to be afraid of?

The director called to start again.

This time, even if Ye Zhixia could not see Feng Liting, she felt that two hot sights were falling on her body.

It feels like someone has drilled two deep holes in his body and stuffed a lot of spicy

Pepper, hot and spicy,

Ye Zhixia looked at the face of the actor in the opposite scene getting closer, but couldn't hold back, and pushed the person out.

The actor is a little unhappy.

"What's the matter with you?" He said to the director, "Can you film it?"

This actor was also stuffed in by a big investor. The director didn't dare to offend, so he could only catch Ye Zhixia and curse.

"Ye Zhixia, can you have a little professionalism? What are you hiding? You are so golden, aren't you?"

Where did Ye Zhixia have been scolded like this, her eyes were red, and she was not convinced: "When I signed the contract before, I emphasized that

If you don’t have an intimate scene, you agreed, but after signing the contract, I was told that there was a kiss scene, and then you said yes.

With borrowing, now it’s impossible..."

This director has been in the circle for so many years, and has never been questioned by young actresses, and became popular on the spot. "Ye

Zhixia, what do you mean, you mean I’m wrong, right? You will fall down if you don't shoot! "

Ye Zhixia bit her lower lip tightly.

Not far away, Feng Liting drank a cup of tea with a calm expression.

Behind him, Liu Chengyang was anxious, bending over and blowing in Feng Liting's ear non-stop: "Feng Zong, his wife has been made things difficult.

Yes, do you want us to help? "

Feng Liting took a sip of the tea from the quilt without urgency, and raised his brow lightly, smiling: "What's the hurry?"

That girl usually lacks the beating of the adult society to be lawless. She dares to hide this kind of intimate scene from him.

I took it. Today, he was invited by someone to come here to visit the class. If he didn’t come, he would never know if he

'S woman was almost taken advantage of by other men?

Feng Liting's gaze fell on Ye Zhixia's body coldly.

Ye Zhixia couldn't say a word that was scolded over there.

It's not that she can't refute, but at this moment, she doesn't care, Feng Liting is still sitting not far away, she seems to be framed

The director forced her into the fire, and Feng Liting was also pushing him.

At this moment, the opposing actor came out to make a round.

"Forget it, director." He glanced at Ye Zhixia, and then said to the director, "The filming has reached this stage.

It's not realistic to change actors at this time. Since Miss Ye doesn't accept kiss scenes, let's borrow. "

Ye Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

This is much better.

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