Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2093: .The hotel finds a wife

Large families don’t want their daughter-in-law to show up outside.

Ye Zhixia just wanted to put the contract away, but Lu Yunchang said, "Are you going to film?"

Ye Zhixia answered honestly: "Well...I haven't decided whether or not to go."

Lu Yunshang was a little curious: "Why?"

Ye Zhixia is embarrassed: "Because I was outside this time, it may take three months to shoot..."

Lu Yunshang smiled: "Hurt, what is the important reason for me? What's the matter? If you want to shoot, go and shoot."

Ye Zhixia helplessly: "I'm just worried that he is unhappy."

Lu Yunshang frowned, "He is not happy? Why is he not happy?"

Ye Zhixia's hand was held by Lu Yunshang: "Zhixia, listen, our house, we never pay attention to women

What about husbands and sons? Men work outside and women can have their own careers. If you really like

As an actor, my mother will support you unconditionally. As for Li Ting’s thoughts, if he stops you, I will

One can't live with him. "

What Lu Yunchang said, Ye Zhixia's heart was warm.

Her mother was from an ordinary family back then. When her grandparents were still alive, her mother was aggrieved by two elderly people.

Although my dad loves my mom, my mom doesn’t want my dad to be caught between the two sides and it’s difficult to be a man. So sometimes I get bullied.

A person swallows the bitterness silently, never telling his father.

Later, my father found out by himself and moved out of the house with her and mother, and the situation was better.

Ye Zhixia still had memories at that time, and she could still vaguely remember, because her mother only gave birth to a daughter.

Son, but without a son, grandma pointed at her mother and scolded her for being unwilling, while mother held her

The scene where she is silent.

So Ye Zhixia had an indescribable fear of her mother-in-law relationship since she was a child.

She even thought that all the mother-in-laws in the world were of her grandmother's type.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yunshang was so kind to her.

Thinking of her and Feng Liting's affairs probably disappointed Lu Yunshang, Ye Zhixia couldn't help but apologize.

Lu Yunchang stayed till the evening and left.

When Feng Liting came back, Ye Zhixia told him about the script contract.

Ye Zhixia poked the rice in the bowl while looking at Feng Liting nervously.

Feng Liting held the contract in his hand and flipped it gently, and soon threw it back.

Shaking off three words coldly, "Not allowed to go."

Ye Zhixia guessed with her toes and knew that this would be the result. Thinking of Lu Yunshang in the afternoon, she had a little bit of understanding.

Angrily, "Why are you not sure? Although we are married, I am also a person, not your private property

Pin, you can go to work, why can't I pursue my acting career? "

She said a lot of "crackling", but Feng Liting's face became cold and he didn't eat any more. The chopsticks in his hand were not light or light.

It fell heavily on the table, stood up coldly, and stared at Ye Zhixia, "I'm not allowed to go. You go.

Give it a try. "

After speaking, Feng Liting raised his foot and went upstairs first.

"Feng Liting, why are you always so unreasonable?"

Ye Zhixia was angry.

Although she was prepared to be rejected by Feng Liting early in the morning, she did not expect this man to be so overbearing that even one rejection

The absolute reason is not willing to give him.

"Do you really think you are an ancient emperor, so others will do what you say?"

Ye Zhixia's chest was stuffy and painful.

Sit back on the chair angrily, taking the chicken legs in the bowl as Feng Liting's bite.

Although Lu Yunshang said, Feng Liting did not agree and went to tell her, but Ye Zhixia still didn't want to go to beat people in front of her mother-in-law

A small report from my son.

What's more, she didn't need to seek Feng Liting's consent.

She's gone, what's wrong?

Ye Zhixia ran to see the director Yang the next day.

Director Yang wore a pair of glasses and smiled, "I have watched your film. The acting skills are very good and very suitable.

The second female of my new movie. "

Ye Zhixia smiled embarrassedly, "Thank you for the director’s praise, I’m still a newcomer, and there are still many things I don’t understand.

Fang, director, don't despise me, you can teach me more when the time comes. "

Director Yang nodded and pushed a glass of water in front of Ye Zhixia, "Of course, the newcomer I have brought is not a

Two of them, you just need to follow me carefully, not sloppy, although I can’t guarantee you will be popular,

But it's easy to get a second and third line. "

Director Yang opened the contract and pointed to the place to be signed, "Come on, sign it quickly."

Ye Zhixia had read this contract several times, and without much thought, he signed her name on it.

Director Yang was very satisfied with the contract, and then picked up the water glass, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Ye Zhixia picked up the water glass and clinked the glasses with Director Yang, but did not notice that a shadow flashed across the thick glass of Director Yang.

Overcast dark light.


On the other side, Fengshi Group.

Feng Liting just finished the morning meeting and came out of the conference room.

Jiang Yuan followed Feng Liting and quickly said to the schedule: "Feng, President Zhao from Donghai will come over in the afternoon.

Secretary, have an appointment with Guorui's Ding for a dinner at 7 o'clock in the evening. "

Feng Liting gave a faint "um" and walked to the office.

Back in the office, he just sat down, as if suddenly remembering something, took out his mobile phone and called Ye Zhixia.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered it. After calling it a second time, it turned off.

Feng Liting frowned slightly.

Don't answer his phone?

Feng Liting was slightly unhappy and dialed the home phone.

"Butler, is Ye Zhixia at home?"

The steward said: "My wife went out an hour ago."

"Did you say what to do?"

The butler arrived: "I mean to meet a friend."

Feng Liting squeezed the phone, and suddenly asked, "Go to the bedroom and take a look. The contract she put on the cabinet is still there."

The housekeeper responded, and within a few minutes, "Master, the contract is not there. In the room and the wife’s study, I will

I've found it, but I'm not there. "

Feng Liting's face suddenly turned dark, he suddenly thought of the previous call that had not been answered, and his heart sank severely.

That fool...

Feng Liting used the landline to contact Jiang Yuan outside, "Go and call Liu Chengyang."

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised, "Hey? Assistant Liu? Assistant Liu should have rested at this point..."

"Call him up right away!"

Feng Liting was impatient, and dropped the phone with a bit of anger.

Liu Chengyang received Jiang Yuan's notice and hurried up.

"President, what happened?"

Feng Liting got up, grabbed his jacket and walked outside, "Go check Ye Zhixia's phone location, where is the person now."

Seeing Feng Liting's expression like this, Liu Chengyang knew something was wrong.

It's not like the usual joking, and immediately said: "I will check it now."

"be quick."


Feng Liting had already stepped out of the office, and Jiang Yuan thought he had any instructions, and immediately got up and walked to him.

Feng Liting directly interrupted her questioning: "Jiang Yuan, all the arrangements for the afternoon will be cancelled."

Jiang Yuan was taken aback, and then said: "Yes, President."

She watched Feng Li Tingxing leave in a hurry, frowning in confusion.

What is going on here?

I've never seen the president become so rushed...

Knowing that the situation was urgent, Liu Chengyang directly contacted an acquaintance in the police station and adjusted Ye Zhixia's mobile phone location.

In minutes, he sent Ye Zhixia's address to Feng Liting's cell phone.

When Feng Liting looked at the location, his eyes suddenly cold.

That is a hotel.

"Ye Zhixia, you idiot..."

Feng Liting gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice. The car dropped its head directly on the road and headed towards the hotel frantically.


Slender and clean fingers gently held the steering wheel, but Feng Li Ting's heart was anxiously stepped on.

There is another red light ahead.

Feng Liting tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and his eyes suddenly caught the coral bracelet on his wrist.

Dirty and violent pumping.

Looking at the signal light ahead that hadn't turned green, Feng Liting gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Liu Chengyang's second text message came.

"1604, the room card is at the counter."

Feng Liting rushed into the door all the way, took it from the waiter and let go, "When did the people go up?"

"Just ten minutes ago, I just went up..." The waiter only regarded it as a dogfighting scene, his eyes couldn't hide.

Excited and gossip, took the initiative to lead the way, "A man about forty years old, with a young and beautiful

girl. "

The fist that Feng Liting placed beside me was silently clenched.

The waiter continued: "The girl didn't know what was wrong, she was lying on the man, motionless..."

Feng Liting was impatient: "Shut up and take your way."

The waiter's face changed slightly.

Secretly glanced at Feng Liting's face, so scared that he didn't dare to speak any more, only led Feng Liting to 1604 quickly.


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