Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2094: .Dare to touch my woman? !

Feng Liting clenched the room card in his hand, walked to the door in two steps, swiped the card and pushed in.

Inside the room, Ye Zhixia was lying on her back on the bed with two cheeks red, while the director named Yang was standing on the side.

Squinted eyes kept staring at Ye Zhixia's torn chest, hands untying her shirt.

The anger rushed to his forehead like a virus in an instant, and Feng Liting didn't even give the other party time to react. He stepped forward with a punch.

How can Director Yang compare with a guy who has been exercising all year round, and he was hit on the ground with a punch and opened before he could see clearly.

Hajime yelled, "Who are you? How did you come in? I want to sue you."

Feng Liting took two steps, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up, staring at him with poisoned eyes, making him

Scalp tingling: "Don't you know me?"

"Feng, Feng, director." Director Yang saw the visitor clearly, his face even more pale.

Feng Liting gave another fierce punch. This punch took ten times ten strength, and Director Yang's teeth suddenly burst from his mouth.

Come out: "The woman who dares to touch me, I think you are tired of life."

Director Yang clutched half of his swollen face, knelt down immediately, begging for mercy with his hands together: "Feng Zong, Feng Zong, I really

I don’t know this is your woman. If I knew, I wouldn’t dare if you gave me 10,000 courage. Mr. Feng, you have

Give me a lot this time. "

How could Feng Li Ting give up and give up, and go up with two feet, kicking the surname Yang.

Ye Zhixia on the bed suddenly groaned, "It's so hot and uncomfortable. I want to drink water."

He stretched out his hand and pulled his chest further apart.

"Get off." Feng Liting glanced at the sultry Ye Zhixia, only to notice that there was an eye-catching fellow, and roared.

The sound, Director Yang, who had already collapsed on the ground, ran out of the room in fright.

By the way, the waiter was very visionary to help close the door.

Feng Liting had time to see Ye Zhixia now.

She blushed, she looked abnormal at first glance, and turned it over now even more uncomfortably.

Feng Liting's forehead was blue, and he pulled her up by the arm, "Get me up."

"I'm uncomfortable." Ye Zhixia seemed to have no bones, let him pull it up, fell back in an instant, and continued to hum.

The harp yelled uncomfortably.

Just like her, if he didn't come, the end of the game can be imagined.

This brainless woman, she would not listen to what she said, she had to suffer a loss before she knew she would regret it.

She has always been this temperament, and seeing her blushing face he feels that she is on her own account.

Ye Zhixia touched him, felt cool, and climbed on him like a water snake, the blush on her face

What's more, there was a soft and boneless hum in his mouth.

The fire on Feng Liting's head instantly shifted to other places. He looked down and took two deep breaths before he settled.

He waved her away and went directly into the bathroom, filled the bathtub with cold water.

He hugged her and threw it directly into the bathtub.

The cold water flowed over her body, Ye Zhixia instantly fought a cold war, but the heat in her body slowly eased.

The flushed cheeks gradually faded into a normal white color.

He wanted to teach her a lesson. Seeing her shivering in the bathtub, he suddenly didn't feel so angry.

It hurts even a little bit.

"Stupid woman." Feng Liting turned around and took the bath towel, then fished her out of the bathtub and carried her back to the bed outside.

Ye Zhixia didn't wake up either, instead she rubbed a comfortable position in his arms and fell asleep deeply.

Feng Liting originally planned to take her back. After all, she still has a lot of things left to deal with, so she slept especially soundly.

Tian, ​​so he sent a message to Liu Chengyang and asked him to push away the rest and talk about it tomorrow.

Looking down at the sleeping woman in his arms, he was a little bit dumbfounded. He was really his enemy.


Ye Zhixia slept soundly, and when she woke up, she felt that there was something warm and soft around her, she couldn't help but pinch

After two, raised his head, a pair of deep eyes looked down at her.

She is too familiar with the person with this eye.

She hurriedly withdrew her hand, kicked **** her foot, and immediately moved away from him: "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" Very well, the first act she opened her eyes successfully provoked him.

Ye Zhixia turned her head and looked around, with a dazed expression, and asked, "Why am I here?"

"Don't you remember?" Seeing her get up, he also got up. Originally she was leaning on him, he was afraid that he would get up.

Will disturb her, so I just lie down.

"Didn't I discuss cooperation with Director Yang? Why are you here?" Ye Zhixia couldn't remember at all, she knocked

Knock on his head, it is still blurred, I can't remember anything.

Feng Liting curled his eyebrows and looked at her, trying to see if she really didn't remember or pretended.

I saw Ye Zhixia get off the bed looking for clothes and shoes: "Didn’t I go to see Director Yang? I have an appointment with Director Yang.

Okay, I didn’t go there. I wonder if he thinks that I’m not keeping my promises, and the reputation of bad actors has always been very poor.

of. "She was busy trying to redeem her credit.

Feng Liting was so angry that she really didn’t remember it, otherwise she wouldn’t be thinking about finding that as soon as she woke up.

What's surnamed Yang.

What he wanted to say was in his mouth, he opened his mouth to tell her the truth, and laughed at her again, making her not listen to her own words.

I don’t know people clearly, but when I think of her knowing that she was almost assaulted by others, she was still in the entertainment industry she had always dreamed of...

He hesitated.

"Wait." The more Ye Zhixia thinks about it, the more it feels wrong. She obviously rushed to sign the contract. How did Feng Li Ting know

of? She was hiding it from him.

How could she come to the hotel inexplicably, and she didn't remember anything.

Feng Liting looked at her with a sudden realization, thinking that she had guessed everything, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

"It's you." Ye Zhixia pointed at him, her fingers trembling: "Feng Liting, you are so shameless, you give me

Medicine, brought me to the hotel just to prevent me from signing a contract with Director Yang. "

Feng Liting's face suddenly became black as the bottom of a pot: "Ye Zhixia, I suspect that your brain is sick now."

"You don't have to doubt, my brain is not sick, your brain is sick, you want to prevent your wife from going out to work,

With such shameless means. "

Feng Liting pulled down three black lines on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said: "Ye Zhixia, are you a pig brain? If I am true

Don't want you to go to work, do you think you can get out of the door of the house? "

"My pig brain? Then tell me why I woke up in the hotel, I obviously came to see Director Yang, can you

Is it clear? "The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Feng Liting was doing a ghost in it.

Because she didn’t tell Feng Liting, he held a grudge, chased him here, poured his own medicine, and made her miss

This time an opportunity for cooperation.

Ye Zhixia felt inexplicably that he could be a detective.

Feng Liting was suddenly beating with her angry temples, and suddenly regretted that she came to save her, but still relented in not telling her the truth.

She should suffer a loss and make her regretful intestines blue.

"Why don't you speak anymore? You acquiesced in not speaking?" Ye Zhixia became even more arrogant when he saw him not speaking. simply

It's like a little woman akimbo scolding the street.

Feng Liting felt that there was no reason to tell her, but Liu Chengyang called and said that there was an emergency meeting from yesterday.

Today, all shareholders have been waiting.

"I’m too lazy to tell you, but if you let me know that you sneaked up to meet that Director Yang, I’ll take your legs

interrupt. Feng Liting finished speaking viciously, took his coat and walked out of the hotel door.

Ye Zhixia was at a loss because of his last words, and then suddenly reacted. No, why was she persuading me?

Up? It is a guilty conscience if Li Ting has not spoken clearly!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that Feng Liting was too hateful, and angrily packed up his things and planned to see Director Yang again.

Before the door of the hotel came out, I received a warm call.

"Zhi Xia Zhi Xia, have you met with that Director Yang?"

"No, I'm planning to go."

"Don't go." Warm and tense: "You must never meet him."

Ye Zhixia was stunned: "What's the matter?"

"I was once invited by him to cooperate and was almost caught by his unspoken rules. Many female stars around me have said about his bad behavior.

I am afraid that when he invites you, he has no thoughts about you, so don't go to Zhixia. "Warm and worried, Nye

Why is she not with Ye Zhixia, fortunately this call is timely.

Secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Feng Li Ting stopped him.

No, wait...

Could it be that he had already known the truth of the matter to stop him from going?

Ye Zhixia was a little confused, and told Warmth to leave immediately and hung up and rushed home.

She went home first, Feng Liting was not there, and after thinking about it, he was delayed for a day. At this time, he should be busy in the company.

It's right for a meeting.

She stopped going to the company to disturb him, and went into the kitchen. It just so happened that the kitchen bought an old hen today, and she still had some cordyceps.

Cordyceps stewed the old hen just right.

She rolled up her sleeves and simmered soup in the kitchen.

Feng Liting came back very late, the two days’ work was piled up in one day, and he had to catch a plane for two days in a row.

The body is exhausted.

As soon as I walked in, I sat on the sofa and closed my eyes to rest.

After a while, I felt a burst of aroma wafting out of the kitchen, as if it was different from the usual chef's taste.

Feng Liting opened his eyes and turned his head to look over. He happened to see Ye Zhixia coming out with a large casserole wearing heat-resistant gloves.

Go to the restaurant.

Feng Liting sat up straight and looked at him, afraid that he was dazzled when he slept, and then he saw that Ye Zhixia had already come over: "Feng Liting,

time to eat. "

Her voice was crisp, and she was faintly listening to please. It seems that she did not dare to meet the surname Yang by herself.

Fairly obedient.

It would be nice if she had been so behaved.

Ye Zhixia saw that he did not respond, and shook her hand in front of him: "What's the matter? Stupid?"

Feng Liting returned to his senses, stood up calmly, and walked towards the restaurant.

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