Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2095: .Domineering Wife

Ye Zhixia curled her lips, made a face behind him, and followed him into the restaurant.

There are several cooked vegetarian dishes on the restaurant table, and there is a casserole in the middle with chicken soup inside.

Ye Zhixia took the initiative to scoop a bowl of chicken soup for him and put it in front of Feng Liting.

Although such an act is not considered flattering, Dan Feng Li Ting was very happy, picked up the chopsticks to pick up the dishes, and teased her:

"Why? Finally know that people's heart is sinister, know that I treat you well?"

"Cut, that's not it." Ye Zhixia's mouth was hard, and she also filled herself with a bowl of chicken soup.

She is now 80% sure that Feng Liting rushed to block herself in a hurry because she knew that Director Yang was a man with a human face and an animal heart.

Feng Liting ignored her hard mouth and drank the chicken soup. Today's chicken soup is extraordinarily sweet and salty.

"You stewed this chicken soup?" Feng Liting asked.

Ye Zhixia nodded: "Well, it's me, it's delicious, right?" Ye Zhixia looked at him with blinking eyes.

"So so." It was clear that the bowl was empty, and he didn't blush or beat when he lied.

"It's normal, then you drink less." Ye Zhixia served herself another bowl and drank to herself. ,

Just finished speaking, he was so embarrassed to serve another bowl, cleared his throat, and ate some vegetables.

Ye Zhixia deliberately drank ‘sucking’.

Feng Liting hadn't had enough at first, so he went to serve a bowl because of the bad face. He deliberately drank like this and made a noise.

He couldn't, put the chopsticks down forcefully, got up and said, "Stop eating."

"Why are you full after eating such a small amount?" Ye Zhixia asked knowingly.

Feng Liting was angry and turned to the study room upstairs.

Seeing him angry and awkward, Ye Zhixia drank two more bowls of chicken soup. After a glance, there was still a lot left. He looked back at the study room.

There was no movement.

Why are you really angry? Stop drinking? She has burned a little more, what should I do if this is left?

Seeing that there was half a bowl of rice left in Feng Liting's rice bowl, he had an idea.

Ye Zhixia poured the chicken soup into half a bowl of leftover rice, stirred it with chopsticks, and put some shredded chicken in it.

Go to the study on the second floor.

Feng Liting was closing his eyes in the study to rest up his mind. There are still a lot of things, and it is estimated that he will be busy until midnight.

Ye Zhixia came in with a bowl, leaned over, and put it on the desk: "I think you haven't eaten much.

With chicken shreds, eat it. "

Feng Liting glanced at it. She was still conscientious, and she knew that she hadn't eaten much but she knew to bring him a bowl.

"I won't eat, you can eat." Feng Liting suddenly became awkward.

"I..." She was overwhelmed: "I don't want to eat. I will serve you something specially. You can eat it quickly."

"Specially for me?" Feng Liting asked her.

"Specially for you." Ye Zhixia replied sincerely.

Feng Liting was satisfied. He picked up the bowl and ate with the spoon one by one. The taste was good, but it didn’t feel good.

Yes: "Is this what you just got through?"

"No, it's your leftover rice and the chicken soup just now. The chicken shreds are in the chicken soup that I tore by hand." Ye Zhixia

Answer truthfully.

Feng Liting placed the bowl heavily on the desk, his face turned dark, and gritted his teeth: "Ye Zhixia."

"I washed my hands." Ye Zhixia raised her hands to show him.

Feng Liting's face became darker: "You can go out if you are okay, I have to work."

"You have been in the company for a day, and the work is not finished yet." It's harder than her being an actress.

Feng Liting heard some other flavors: "Are you complaining that I am too busy and ignoring you?"

"What did I say? Can you stop being so narcissistic?" Ye Zhixia shivered all over.

"Come here." Feng Liting hooked his finger at her. ,

Ye Zhixia got closer: "What are you doing?"

He stretched out his hand, pulled her into his arms, and put his arms around her waist against his body.

"Your irritating kung fu is really taking it to the next level." He pressed to her ear and said ambiguously.

Ye Zhixia's goose bumps all over her body got worse.

"Where? It's you who love to be angry."

"So the chicken soup you stewed today was not for me?"

"No." Ye Zhixia changed her posture, facing him, and felt that something was wrong: "Yes."

"Is it or not?"

"Then you answer my question first." Ye Zhixia looked at him seriously. ,

"what is the problem?"

"Did you already know who Director Yang is, so you stopped me from meeting him?"

"You know?" Feng Liting looked at her in surprise.

"Know what? Is Director Yang a person? Warmly called me, saying that she was almost under the control of Director Yang

Then. "

Feng Liting breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, it seemed she didn't know yet.

Ye Zhixia did not notice his strange emotions, and continued: "I still want to thank you, your heart is good.

Although what you did is wrong. "

Feng Liting really wanted to push her down, let her fall on all sides and watch her jokes.

She really didn't know what was in her mind.

"Is that Director Yang really so bad?"

Feng Liting hugged her tighter: "That kind of animal is also worthy of being a director?" He said with a look of contempt: "Under his

Actresses are almost always ruled by his unspoken rules. Two years ago, there was another one who broke down on the hotel stairs because of resistance.

Although it hasn’t been a big deal, many people in the circle know that it’s only a newcomer actor like you who is not popular.

I don't know. "

"Really?" Ye Zhixia didn't care about his hands around her body. She grabbed him and asked: "What about people like him?

Can you still be a director? No one cares? "

"No matter? The entertainment industry is inherently complicated. The new actor didn't dare to pursue it. Who cares?" He thought she still

Tender, it seems that things are still so simple.

Ye Zhixia nodded her head as if she didn’t understand, although she didn’t understand very well, but she knew a little bit, that newcomer definitely didn’t

The background power, unlike her, Feng Li Ting supported herself anyway.

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but be grateful to Feng Li Ting.

"But I really want to forget something, it seems to be very important." Ye Zhixia tilted her head to think, what did she forget?

"If you don't remember it, don't think about it. Just the speed of your head. I'm afraid it will crash if it is too fast." Feng Liting recovered.

Toward her poisonous tongue.

Ye Zhixia was about to get up in anger at the time, and he sat down with a push, his handsome face suddenly magnified in front of her.

The hot and humid breath: "It's better not to think about those things, let's do something interesting."

Ye Zhixia hurriedly pushed him away and stood up: "I, I have something to do, I will go back to the room first."

Watching her run out in a panic, Feng Liting smiled silently, she ran really fast, why is it so now?

Timid? This was not the case before.

He didn't even think about what to do.

Feng Liting also ate the remaining half of the so-called dashi rice and concentrated on his work.


Ye Zhixia ran back to the room, feeling her face burnt.

She held her face in her hands, how could she face Feng Liting from being cheeky at the beginning to blushing and getting hot at every turn?

Is something sick?

Ye Zhixia touched the phone and planned to call Warmth. The phone accidentally slipped to the album and opened it. It was a contract.


Huh? When did this photo go to her phone?

Take a closer look, my God, the date is yesterday, and the names of her and Director Yang are signed on it!

Damn it!

Shouldn't she be stopped by Feng Liting without seeing Director Yang yesterday?

How come there is this picture?

So she really lost her memory? What did you forget?

Ye Zhixia hurriedly got up from the bed and went to the study with her mobile phone.

Feng Liting watched her go back and forth, teasing her: "Have you considered doing interesting things with me?"

"No, I'm here to tell you the business, look." Ye Zhixia held the phone to him.

Feng Liting took a closer look and reached out to take it.

"Why is this in my mobile phone? Didn't I see Director Yang yesterday? How could there be someone with me yesterday

Here are the photos of the signed contract? "

Feng Liting deliberately teased: "I think the medicine I gave you is too heavy."

Ye Zhixia's tooth roots itchy with hatred: "You really have medicine on me?"

"Now you know. Actually, I didn't stop the success. You and Director Yang can start working together.

? "Feng Liting crossed his fingers, leaning back on the chair and looking at her.

Ye Zhixia shook her head. She is not a fool. How dare she be that Director Yang is so bad.

"That's not enough." He pulled the key to this question away in a few sentences.

Ye Zhixia didn’t realize it, but suddenly remembered that the contract had been signed, and if he didn’t cooperate, he needed to pay the penalty: "I remember

When I got to sign the contract, I watched it several times, and the penalty was extremely high, which was much higher than that of ordinary contracts.

What should I do with so much money? "

She didn't care at the time, but thought that Director Yang was in a hurry to start filming a new movie, and was afraid that the actor would deliberately raise the penalty for running away.

Now that he thinks about it on purpose, if he doesn’t want her under the unspoken rules, Director Yang will take the opportunity to threaten

She paid huge liquidated damages.

"Now it's better to use my brain." Feng Liting uploaded the photos from her mobile phone to his mobile phone.

"So, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, this matter will be handled by me. I can't deal with the surname Yang who doesn't have much skill yet."

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