Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2097: .To catch a man...

Ye Zhixia's voice choked, "Mom, if I get divorced, I have to move back to live, don't you dislike me?"

"Silly girl, you will always be my daughter. When will you come back to live, I will welcome you. This is you

Home, there is no such thing as a dislike. "

Ye Zhixia glanced at Ye Renguo secretly, "I'm afraid some people will dislike it."

There are three people in the family, not Ye Zhixia, nor Su Yaxiang, who is naturally clear.

Ye Renguo snorted coldly, "I can't control you anymore, but you can't get married after you divorce.

regret. "

After speaking, Ye Renguo went upstairs angrily.

Su Yaxiang smiled, "Don’t listen to your dad’s nonsense, he actually loves you very much. I’m afraid that if you’re divorced, someone will take the color

The glasses look at you. "

"No, Mom, if that person will look at me with colored glasses in the future, then his character is problematic.

I can't be with him either. "

Su Yaxiang smiled and squeezed Ye Zhixia's face: "Yes, my baby is so beautiful and outstanding.

Whoever marries you later will be considered discerning. "

Ye Zhixia's heart ached again.

Feng Liting... is a foolish fool!

"Then you and Feng Liting have decided when to apply for the divorce certificate?"

"He has been busy recently. We have set next Wednesday, but it depends on his arrangements."

"Okay, when the procedures are over, just call me. You can move your things back these days."

"okay, I get it."


When Feng Liting returned home, he found several boxes piled up in the living room.

Seeing his gaze, the housekeeper hurriedly explained, "This is the wife's belongings, and the wife said she wants to move back to Ye's house."

Feng Liting suddenly remembered that he and that woman were going to divorce soon.

Feng Liting's heart couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

It's really strange.

Obviously he was unwilling to marry her in every way. He disliked her for trouble, and disliked her would only cause trouble for himself, but he could see her

His luggage, he would be a little unhappy when he learned that he was going to move.

Feng Liting was about to ask someone to move these boxes aside, but Ye Zhixia suddenly ran down from the stairs: "Are you back?"

Feng Liting nodded unnaturally, "Well, did you move out today?"

"Um...I basically packed everything, but there are a lot of clothes, maybe I have to come back tomorrow..."

Feng Liting nodded with a "Um", but felt empty in his heart, and said, "You can collect it slowly, don't worry."

Ye Zhixia hurriedly said: "It's okay, I can put it away tomorrow."

Feng Liting said nothing.

The atmosphere was embarrassing, and the butler suddenly walked from the door, "Madam, the car you ordered has arrived."

"I see. Just these boxes can help me move them up."

The driver and the housekeeper carried two boxes, and the remaining one was smaller. Ye Zhixia carried it by himself, lest he let

People run again.

Although the box is small, it is full of stuff and the weight is not light.

Ye Zhixia was gritting her teeth and moving the box to the door with difficulty, one hand already took the box easily from her.

Zi picked it up.

Go straight to the door.

Ye Zhixia had a meal, and then hurriedly followed Feng Li Ting.

Feng Liting carried the box to the car and put it down.

Ye Zhixia smiled: "Thank you."

Feng Liting's heart became more irritable, looking at the polite smile on Ye Zhixia's face, he couldn't help saying with a trace of anger: "I

We are still husband and wife, you don't have to be so polite. "

Ye Zhixia was taken aback.

Feng Liting also reacted to his gaffe just now, and said unnaturally "Nothing", then turned his head

gone back.

Ye Zhixia grabbed her hair in a puzzled way, and glanced at the coral bracelet on her wrist inadvertently, "Ah"

Yelled, and hurriedly caught up with him; "Feng Liting, wait a minute!"

Feng Liting stopped and turned around.

Ye Zhixia "puffed" directly into her arms.

Severe pain in the forehead.

Ye Zhixia's eyes were red, "Hey, why did you stop suddenly..."

Feng Liting couldn't help being happy: "Didn't you just tell me to wait? You are obviously stupid..."

Ye Zhixia was depressed.

Feng Liting curled her lips, "How long will you stay in my arms? Ye Zhixia, do you want to divorce? That's why

Move to hug me? If you don’t want to leave, then I can’t think about it..."

Ye Zhixia's face changed, and before he could finish speaking, he pushed him away, blushing, "You, don't talk nonsense.

Ah, who doesn't want to get divorced, I dream of wanting to divorce you quickly..."

Ye Zhixia lowered her head, took off the coral bracelet, then took off her wedding ring and handed it to Feng Liting.

"This is back to you."

Feng Li Ting was taken aback.

Seeing that he did not answer, Ye Zhixia could not help but urged: "You bought this ring, and I will return it to you now. There is also this hand

String... You can give me back to mom. "

The coral bracelets her mother-in-law asked for for her and Feng Liting, she went to return it in person, always feeling very sorry for Lu Yunshang's kindness.

Feng Liting frowned for a while, then gently took the ring in Ye Zhixia's palm back.

"I'll take this back. You can keep the bracelet."

Ye Zhixia was anxious: "How can this work..."

"My mother asked for this. I don't know who I want to return it to." Feng Liting's expression became a little weird, gently

Coughed and said: "I wish you will grow old with the person you like."

After finishing speaking, he raised his wrist and showed Ye Zhixia the light on his wrist. "Me too, if you are honest

If you don’t like it, you can throw it away. Whatever you do. "

He said so, Ye Zhixia could only accept it.

"Then I'm leaving, you call me on Wednesday and see you in the Civil Affairs Bureau."


Feng Liting nodded.

Watching Ye Zhixia get into the car, the black car drove her away into the dark night, and a gust of wind blew by, unexpectedly

Something cool.

Feng Liting returned to the house, and the butler was waiting for him in the living room.

"what happened?"

The housekeeper took a small book in his hand and hesitated, "This seems to be something left by the wife."

"give me."

Feng Liting reached out and took it.

As soon as he walked into the bedroom, Feng Liting was stunned.

Had he not been to this house countless times, he would almost doubt if he had gone to the wrong house.

The whole room seemed completely different from last night, empty.

Feng Liting's heart tightened a little bit, with an unspeakable dullness, and his heart was as if he was stuffed with cotton.

Tell him to breathe.

She took away the teddy bear used to decorate the room.

At the beginning, he had a fight with Ye Zhixia over this bear, but in the end he compromised and allowed Ye Zhixia to take the half man

Gao's doll was dragged into the bedroom.

That woman always likes to bring some weird little things at home, like dolls and ornaments, which are endless.

He was only bored before, but now looking at the clean room, he suddenly felt that something was missing.

Feng Liting slowly sat down beside the bed.

Open the notepad with the palm of your hand.

That is a cookbook.

There were densely written things by that woman.

The top of the book also wrote a sentence, "The ancients said that if you want to catch a man, you must grab his stomach!"

Then this sentence was thrown off by another color pen.

I wrote a new sentence.

"Feng Liting is not a human! What am I doing by scratching his stomach?!!!"

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