Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2098: .divorce

Several exclamation marks followed, Feng Liting could imagine through this book that the woman wrote this jargon

At that time, what is the picture of gritted teeth.

Feng Liting couldn't help but smiled softly.

The palm-sized notebook quickly reached the end.

Feng Liting went to the bed behind him and closed his eyes tiredly.


Early the next morning, Lu Yunchang called Feng Liting and Ye Zhixia to go to her for lunch.

Feng Liting was helpless: "Mom, Zhixia has gone home. I'll be with you alone."

Lu Yunchang angrily said, "I'm here to ask Zhixia to eat, who wants you to accompany me? Tell me about you, the company opens.

What's the use of such a big deal? I can't even keep my own wife, it's useless! "

Lu Yunchang hung up annoyed.

Feng Liting had a headache. It was close to noon before he drove to Lu Yunshang.

Seeing that Feng Liting was the only one coming, Lu Yunshang almost wrote the word disappointment on his face.

When eating, he is silent.

Feng Bonian asked Feng Liting, "Are you and Zhixia determined to get a divorce?"

Feng Liting nodded, "Well, next Wednesday."

Feng Bonian didn’t say anything more, but just told, “She’s a girl, she suffers from divorce.

Yes, you should pay more attention to the division of property. If you can compensate her more, you should compensate her more. "

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

He and Ye Zhixia often come to Lu Yunshang for dinner, the woman is not in good shape all day long, and she always twitters.

I also talked endlessly at the dining table, and now my side suddenly became a lot quieter, but Feng Liting was a little uncomfortable.

For a meal, none of the three spoke much.

After dinner, Feng Bonian went out, and Lu Yunshang called Feng Liting over: "After the divorce, I can still be friends. I

I really like the child of Zhixia. He doesn't care much. How about you say I want to recognize her as a goddaughter? "

Feng Liting was upset and couldn't calm his heart. He was a little impatient, "As you like."

Lu Yunchang was taken aback for a moment, watching his son's irritable complexion, and suddenly stopped Feng Liting.

"Son, tell mom honestly, don't you want to divorce?"

Feng Liting frowned and said nothing.

When Lu Yunchang saw his son's expression, his mood suddenly became excited.

She always thought that Feng Liting and Ye Zhixia didn’t like each other, so she supported the divorce of the two at first, but now

It looks like...

My son is kind of interesting to Zhixia.

Lu Yunshang's voice couldn't help trembling: "Feng Liting, you are a man, do you want this to be so grueling?

of? Tell me, do you like Zhixia? "

Feng Liting frowned, the dull suffocation in his heart getting heavier and heavier, he said impatiently: "How is it possible, I think

She was very annoying, and I wished to divorce her sooner. "

When Lu Yunshang saw his duplicity, he was happy: "If you want to divorce her, how could you be like this?

An emoji? "

Lu Yunchang punched his son **** the shoulder, "Son, I tell you, if you really like Zhixia

It's too late now! You haven't gotten divorced yet, you go to coax her and it will be fine! "

Feng Liting's eyes became more and more irritable, and stood up from the sofa, "Mom, the more you say it, the more weird it gets. I have no relationship with her.

In any relationship, divorce is also agreed by both parties. Don’t say that anymore. The company still has business. I’ll go back.

Up. "

Lu Yunchang was not reconciled, and stomped his feet angrily, "You stinky boy, your mouth will be hard right now, and then you will really leave.

Marriage, I see how you regret it. Don’t blame your mother for not vaccinating you in advance, she is beautiful and kind-hearted like Zhixia

The girl, the young guy chasing outside can carry a truck, and he will be chased away by the time, and there will be times when you regret it. "

Feng Liting's heart suddenly tightened, and the fist on his side could not help but clenched.

On the way to the company, Feng Liting felt uneasy.

Just went home directly.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked the butler, "Have she been here today?"

"My wife just left and took away the clothes from the clothing room."

Feng Liting's brows tightened, his face a bit solemn.

The housekeeper carefully looked at Feng Liting’s expression: "Master, do you have anything to find your wife? I'll help

You make a call? "

Feng Liting shook his head: "No, it's nothing..."


In the blink of an eye, it was Wednesday.

Because today is the big day to go through divorce procedures with Feng Liting, Ye Zhixia got up very early.

Feng Liting called her last night and said that there was a meeting in the morning and there was no time until the afternoon.

Ever since the family knew that she was going to divorce Feng Liting, her parents had always looked at her carefully.

Ye Zhixia really didn't want to accept the torture of this kind of gaze at home, and simply called the warmth out to go shopping.

Looking warmly at Ye Zhixia, who was shopping in the mall with big bags, she had a headache: "Divorce is hurting the spring and autumn.

You can't pass it, but you are in the mood to buy it here. "

"I am divorced because I am happy, I am out of the sea of ​​suffering, so I should celebrate." Ye Zhixia didn't know.

What? I suddenly smiled, carrying a shopping bag in one hand, and hooking the warm neck with the other: "Hey, wait for my divorce certificate tonight.

Get it, let's go to a small bar and give me a bachelor party? "

"Huh?" Warm startled, "Are you serious?"

"Then there can be fakes? That's it. I will contact the venue, I will treat, and then we will call some handsome guys

Come and support the scene and celebrate my return to being single. "

Warm shook his head: "I think you are completely crazy..."

At noon, the two ate at a nearby restaurant.

A little later, Feng Liting called and said that he was already in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly stopped the car and rushed to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The divorce procedure went through very quickly and smoothly. The two broke up peacefully. There was no property dispute between the two people.

Feng Liting gave Ye Zhixia a 20 million breakup fee.

Although Ye Zhixia refused the money, Feng Liting said that it was the intention of her parents, and Ye Zhixia had no choice but to accept it.

Ten minutes later, Ye Zhixia's red Yanyan marriage certificate turned into a divorce certificate.

In just one year, after fleeing marriage, getting married and divorced, Ye Zhixia only felt like she was

Just like dreaming.

"Would you like to eat something together?"

Feng Liting asked.

Ye Zhixia didn’t want to eat with her "ex-husband", so she shook her head quickly, "No, I just ate with Warmth.

Yes, I want to go back. "

"Then I will send you."

"it is good."

Ye Zhixia got into Feng Liting's car, and neither of them said a word along the way.

The atmosphere in the car was dull and suffocating.


ps: Happy New Year, babies.

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