Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Seventy Eight New Life

Ying Zheng's aura became weaker and weaker.

Jin Si just watched and did nothing.

"Can you tell me who betrayed me?"

"Zhao Gao." Jin Si replied.

"This eunuch!!" Ying Zheng's originally calm mood became aroused again, and he almost jumped up: "I treated him badly, but he actually betrayed me!!"

"Haha..." Jin Si sneered: "You treat him well and castrate him?"

Jin Si disagreed with Ying Zheng's idea.

Jin Si did not like Zhao Gao because Zhao Gao was not a good person.

But Jin Si never interfered with what Zhao Gao did.

Because everything Zhao Gao did was natural, including his revenge on Ying Zheng.

"The roots of his descendants...were created by Mr. Jin?"

"it's me."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at Jin Si hopefully.

Since Jin Si can make the roots of Zhao Gao's descendants grow back.

Then his own injury is just a piece of cake for him.

"Mr. Jin, I ask myself that I have never offended you, so why did you stand idly by while I was in trouble?"

"You are the emperor, do you understand? I will not save an emperor. The life and death of an emperor are determined by themselves."

Ying Zheng could not understand Jin Si's thoughts.

"Mr. Jin is also afraid of heaven?"

"Why aren't you afraid? If you change your fate at every turn, you will basically die miserably."

"Then...what if I give up the throne?"

"not enough."

"Then what else do I need to do? I even gave up the throne, isn't that enough?"

“The first thing you have to give up is your identity as Ying Zheng.


Ying Zheng couldn't understand it, but he felt that his life force was passing away little by little.

Death is getting closer and closer, and Ying Zheng finally cannot calm down.

He was afraid of death, and there was no talk of a great cause to be accomplished.

He is simply afraid of death.

"Mr. Jin, I swear to God that I will give up the throne and my identity as Ying Zheng."

Jin Si held up his chin and stared at Ying Zheng for a long time.

"Can you really give up those power and wealth?"

"Why should I give up?" Ying Zheng said matter-of-factly, looking back at Jin Si fearlessly: "What I gave up was the throne and my current status, but does Mr. Jin think that I can't start from scratch? I can't win this again. The world?"

"Are you so domineering?" Jin Si couldn't help but look at Ying Zheng again: "Do you want to change your appearance, start from scratch, and become the emperor again with bare hands?"

"Isn't this also allowed?"

"No, if you really want to do this, I'm interested."

During this long period of time, Jin Si also needs to have some fun.

Obviously, Ying Zheng is a lot of fun.

Jin Si breathed life back into Ying Zheng.

Repair his injuries.

"I'm giving you a chance to live a new life now. Cherish it. I want to see you start from scratch and compete for world domination."

When Ying Zheng unified the six kingdoms, at least he was still the king of Qin.

But now there is nothing, really empty-handed.

Jin Si really wanted to see what he could do.

Ying Zheng felt that his body was recovering and he was even healthier than before.

Ying Zheng marveled at Jin Si's incredible power.

It seems that what he pursues in his life is immortality.

For Jin Si, it was just a piece of cake.

"I made you ten years younger and kept your martial arts skills, so that at least you would have time to compete for world domination again."

"To me, those are just chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning." Ying Zheng said contemptuously.

"If you continue with this attitude, I can guarantee you will not succeed."

Ying Zheng is not a fool. His ability to become the supreme leader in the world was not achieved through his arrogance and unruly character.

He knows what attitude to show when.

Soon he changed his mentality.

At this moment, there are still a large number of Qin soldiers at the foot of Mount Tai, searching for the whereabouts of Ying Zheng.

Of course, it is unclear whether it was to save Ying Zheng or to kill Ying Zheng.

A few days later, Zhao Gao finally confirmed that Ying Zheng died in the Fengchan Battle and his body was not found.

He could finally implement his plan and subvert the entire Great Qin's plan.

He wrote an edict privately and sealed it with the imperial seal.

I really have to say that Zhao Gao is a genius for doing this kind of thing.

Even Ying Zheng fell into his hands.

The team had already spread the news before they returned to Xianyang.

Now everyone in the world knows that Ying Zheng's legacy is in his hands.

The first to arrive was the Prime Minister of Great Qin, Li Si.

Li Si is also a person with a strong desire for power.

He didn't care whether the edict was true or false.

He only cares about whether his power can be continued.

In fact, judging from the information Li Si obtained, the imperial edict in Zhao Gao's hands must be false.

After all, Ying Zheng was just going to offer incense and pay homage to a mountain, so he wouldn't have made a posthumous edict before offering incense.

However, Zhao Gao was very honest and said that after the matter was completed, the government would be 50-50 between you and me.

Li Si thought about it and decided that this was a good assignment.

Instead of letting the more assertive Fusu ascend the throne.

It would be better to support the idiot Hu Hai to rise to power.

The two political parties hit it off immediately and firmly supported the orthodox successor Hu Hai.

Hu Hai himself did not expect that he could actually become the emperor.

And the first thing he did when he came to power was to kill Fusu.

Because he will feel inferior when facing Fusu.

Fusu crushed him in all directions.

From knowledge to cultivation, from appearance to origin.

It cannot be said that Fusu is above Hu Hai. After all, the gap between the two is not even a tiny bit.

The difference between them is reflected at the genetic level.

Judging from his appearance alone, he doesn't seem like a father.

But if you look at their personalities, they are not even the same species.

If possible, Hu Hai would even kill everyone in the world who is handsomer than him.

However, considering the difficulty of the actual operation, he decided to start from the basics and kill Fusu first.

Zhao Gao and Li Si soon discovered that Hu Hai was a little out of control.

Originally, they planned to use Hu Hai as a puppet.

But Hu Hai showed his brutal side as soon as he ascended the throne.

In this aspect, Hu Hai is very similar to Ying Zheng.

However, Ying Zheng had a political purpose in killing people, but Hu Hai did not.

He kills purely for the sake of killing.

Among the many people he killed, the only one with a political purpose was Fusu.

And now, Hu Hai plans to attack the other brothers and sisters.

"Your Majesty, you can't do this. If you attack other brothers and sisters, the world will say you are a tyrant. You have to think about your reputation." Zhao Gao said sincerely.

"Don't think I don't know. There are people outside now saying that I am a tyrant. Since I still care about so many things, I will let them know that I am a tyrant." Hu Hai said disapprovingly.

"Your Majesty, even so, then kill those who speak ill of you. There is no need for those young masters and princesses. They are more of your brothers and sisters."

"They are the ones who said bad things about me." Zhao Gao said.

"Your Majesty...can we remove Princess Yinman's name? After all, she is the late emperor's most beloved daughter and your sister..."

"No, she must die, I will tear her apart."

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