Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and seventy-nine, falling out

Zhao Gao couldn't understand Hu Hai's brain circuit.

Maybe there was something wrong with Hu Hai's brain after being beaten by Jin Si that time.

I remember that in those years, Hu Hai had been living in a hazy state.

Originally, Zhao Gao thought Hu Hai would never recover.

But when Hu Hai ascended the throne, his true colors were immediately revealed.

No, it is more brutal and crazier than before.

"Your Majesty, there must be a reason for you to kill those brothers and sisters, right?"

"I just hate them. Let them all die." Hu Hai said in a cold tone, with a distorted face.

This is a lunatic!

Zhao Gao already regretted supporting Hu Hai to ascend the throne as emperor.

You should choose a small transparent one that is easier to control.

Among the many princes of Ying Zheng, there is no shortage of this kind of transparency.

Why didn't I think carefully about it in the first place?

I chose this thing.

Zhao Gao lowered his head and thought for a long time.

The head is big...

Zhao Gao considered whether to change the emperor.

It’s so troublesome, and it’s also troublesome to do too many of these operations.

Now there are many voices of doubt in the court.

If it happens again, there will probably be a big problem.

And now that the news of Ying Zheng's death has spread, rebels have appeared one after another in various counties.

The most powerful of the rebels was the Xiang family.

It was also because of the chaos outside that the ministers in the court did not delve into Zhao Gao's fake edict.

In fact, this is Zhao Gao oversimplifying things.

Courtiers are not so easy to fool, and Hu Hai is not so easy to control.

Forget it, these are troubled times.

The less trouble, the better.

When the overall situation is settled, I will fight Hu Hai to the end.

Zhao Gao thought for a while and decided to take Ying Yinman out of the prison.

The worst thing is to change the scapegoat and go in. This operation is very simple.

The next day, Zhao Gao went straight to Tianlao.

With his current status, the police officers in the sky prison simply did not dare to stop him.

Zhao Gao came to Ying Yinman's cell.

"Open the door."

"Master Zhao, in this cell..."

"I don't need you to remind me who is inside, I know." Zhao Gao said lightly.

"Master Zhao, Your Majesty has decreed that no one in this cell should be missing."

"Don't worry, I will make up for it, and it will be of great benefit to you afterwards."

"Master Zhao, please don't make things difficult for me..."

"I don't want you to embarrass yourself? So you want to embarrass me?"

"This is Your Majesty..."

"What does that foolish king know? Open the door!"

"Who are you calling a fool?"

At this moment, Hu Hai led people in.

Zhao Gao secretly complained that Hu Hai came in by such a coincidence.

"Zhao Gao, I really didn't expect that you would call me that behind my back."

"Your Majesty, you heard wrong."

"Hmph!" Hu Hai snorted coldly: "My ears are not deaf."

Zhao Gao lowered his head, but he was not afraid of Hu Hai.

Hu Hai is now a polished commander.

Moreover, Zhao Gao still has Hu Hai's handle.

Previously, Zhao Gao had allowed Hu Hai to do whatever he wanted.

That was because he didn't want to have a head-on conflict with Hu Hai.

It doesn't mean that he is really afraid of Hu Hai.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen said that you are deaf. You are deaf. You must have relapsed from an old injury and your ears are not working well." Zhao Gao's words were a direct reply to Hu Hai.

The government officials in the prison were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

Neither Hu Hai nor Zhao Gao can afford to offend them.

And they didn't expect that Zhao Gao would be so bold as to humiliate Hu Hai head-on.

"Zhao Gao, you castrated dog! You don't want to live anymore?" Hu Hai shouted angrily.

Zhao Gao smiled. He, a castrated dog, actually had descendants.

Instead, it was Hu Hai... Zhao Gao couldn't help but glance at Hu Hai's lower body.

Hu Hai seemed to be stimulated by Zhao Gao's eyes, and he jumped up.

"Zhao Gao, what do you mean? Do you want to rebel?"

"Your Majesty, this is not the place you should be. Send Your Majesty out." Zhao Gao said calmly.

Of course, Zhao Gao was not giving orders to the government officials, but to the men he brought with him.

Hu Hai was furious and kicked one of Zhao Gao's followers.

However, other attendants stepped forward and lifted Hu Hai up.

"Get out of here, you bitches, don't touch me..."

However, Hu Hai was still escorted out by Zhao Gao's entourage.

Zhao Gao looked at Ying Yinman in the cell.

"Your Highness Princess Yinman, come out."

Ying Yinman was a little afraid of Zhao Gao and did not dare to come out of the cell.

"Your Highness, His Majesty wants to kill you. If you follow me out, no matter how bad you are, how bad can you be? You are so smart, you should understand what I mean."

Ying Yinman still walked out of the cell and followed Zhao Gao back to his house.

Along the way, Ying Yinman didn't ask Zhao Gao's purpose.

"Your Highness, are you curious as to why your Majesty took you out of the prison? He even did not hesitate to confront His Majesty."

"Hu Hai is not the emperor. The throne should have belonged to brother Fusu."

"Your Highness, no matter how much you hate His Majesty, you cannot change the fact that Master Fusu is dead and the current emperor is Hu Hai."

"Someone will always come forward. Your conspiracy with Hu Hai will not last long."

Zhao Gao smiled, he was the winner now.

He didn't need to argue with Ying Yinman.

The result is the most important indicator. He won, so he was right.

And Ying Yinman is just a prisoner now.

At this moment, their carriage suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop the car?" Zhao Gao opened the car curtain.

"Sir... there is someone blocking the road ahead." As soon as the coachman finished speaking, an arrow suddenly penetrated his head.

Zhao Gao was startled when he saw that the road ahead was blocked by several men in black.

Zhao Gao's expression changed drastically, assassin!

Zhao Gao turned around and saw that the road behind him was also blocked by men in black.

Except for the group of men in black, there was no other passerby.

You must know that this road is Zhao Gao's way home. Basically, there are a large number of people coming and going here every day.

But today, I said it was just a passerby, and there wasn’t even a stall.

Zhao Gao thought of a possibility.

This street is blocked!

And can block a busy and lively street.

It's unimaginable how big the full force will be.

"Zhao Gao, my master asked us to take your head back."

"Brothers, you won't get any benefits by killing me, so why don't you let me go? Your employer gives me double the amount of money I pay."

"Stop talking nonsense! Take action!" A dozen assassins immediately launched attacks.

Zhao Gao was a little desperate and regretful. He should have learned more martial arts back then.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be panicking when facing these assassins now.

These assassins are extremely skilled.

Zhao Gao doesn't even know any martial arts.

"Did His Majesty send you here?"

"Isn't it good to be a fool?" the man in black said disapprovingly.

Zhao Gao didn't expect Hu Hai to be so unkind.

They actually sent assassins to attack and kill him in the street.

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