Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Eighty Choices

Zhao Gao's face turned pale and he looked back at Ying Yinman.

"Do you know martial arts?"

Ying Yinman was also confused: "Master Zhao, do you think I am someone who knows martial arts?"

This group of assassins just carelessly attacked Zhao Gao's carriage from front to back.

All of them were holding machetes, obviously intending to kill them directly.

Zhao Gao took out a small knife and Ying Yinman glanced at the small knife.

Although Zhao Gao was protecting himself, he was also protecting her.

But this knife still made Ying Yinman full of contempt for Zhao Gao.

Who could such a knife protect?

Let’s not talk about the gap in force between the two sides.

Such a small knife is really a bit disrespectful to the scene.

"Master Zhao, is there any other way?"

"Try shouting for help..." Zhao Gao also said desperately.

"Master Zhao, what time has it been and you are still in the mood to joke?"

"Forget it, let me give it a try." Zhao Gao took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his voice: "Help..."

Ying Yinman was already desperate about this situation.

The only savior seemed to be frightened and lost his mind.

In this case, will anyone really come to rescue?

"Well, there will be."

Suddenly, a sudden voice came.

Ying Yinman and Zhao Gao were both stunned.

Then Zhao Gao became ecstatic.

He had recognized the owner of the voice.

"Mr. Jin, that's great, Mr. Jin,

You are here. "

Zhao Gao looked excitedly at Jin Si who had already opened the car curtain.

It felt like if Ying Yinman hadn't been by his side, he would have jumped up to Jin Si and kissed her in excitement.

Ying Yinman also recognized the person in front of him.

I saw it in Xianyang Palace many years ago.

I was also harassed by him at that time.

I just didn’t know why later.

Jin Si disappeared in the palace.

At that time, Ying Yinman only regarded Jin Si as the majority of people in the palace.

In the palace, whether it is eunuchs, maids, or even some concubines, they will disappear for no reason.

Ying Yinman thought Jin Si was also one of the missing people.

But I never thought that we would meet again under such circumstances today.

"Can you hear what I'm thinking?"

"I can't hear you, but it's written all over your face. You idiot, even if you die, can you die with some dignity?"

Zhao Gao glanced at Ying Yinman speechlessly.

"Mr. Jin, I brought Princess Yinman out. Now she is yours. I have fulfilled my promise back then."

Zhao Gao looked at Jin Si appreciatively, as if waiting for Jin Si's reward.

"What do you mean I'm his?" Ying Yinman looked confused.

When did she say she was sold?

"Princess Yinman, you don't think you still have a choice now, do you?" Zhao Gao sneered.

In this era, all women have no autonomy.

Even the princess is like that.

In politics, women are one of the bargaining chips.

Jin Si glanced at Zhao Gao, then turned to look at Ying Yinman: "Princess Yinman, I still give you a chance to choose, become my wife, or be hacked to death by the assassins outside, and this death Together with the eunuchs.”

Zhao Gao felt a little aggrieved: "I am no longer... no longer a eunuch..."

"Shut up, do you want me to perform physical castration for you on the spot?"

Zhao Gao quickly covered his mouth, Ying Yinman's face was full of bitterness: "Do I have a choice? I don't want to die."

"Fortunately, I thought you would rather die than obey and regard death as home."

Zhao Gao was relieved when he heard Ying Yinman's answer, and finally he would not die here.

"That means you chose to be my wife, right?"

"Wise choice, so what do you wish for as a gift? As long as it is within my ability, you can give it."

Zhao Gao suddenly became excited.

He knew Jin Si's identity.

In this world, Jin Si is almost omnipotent.

"Why are you excited? I'm not giving you a chance to make a wish. I'm giving it to my wife."

"Mr. Jin... I can be considered... to have made a meritorious service, right? I took great risks to... rescue Princess Yinman from the prison."

"Come on, let's think about it. Where did your descendants come from? I put them on you, so you owe me a favor, and then I let you go again and again. You said you can Give Princess Yinman to me, is this a thing? And you keep delaying, and I don’t care about your delay. What you are doing now is just to fulfill your original promise, so the deal between us is only considered today. Done, I haven’t asked you to calculate the interest yet.”

Zhao Gao was speechless, even so.

But you should give me some sweetness at least.

Only then did Ying Yinman know that he had been traded away a few years ago.

These two bastards are not good people.

But Ying Yinman had already accepted his fate from the moment he agreed.

Jin Si dealt with all the assassins.

"Okay, this carriage has been confiscated. You can get out. I'm going to take my wife home."

"Mr. Jin..." Zhao Gao still wanted benefits.

Jin Si kicked Zhao Gao off the carriage, and Jin Si's voice came to his ears: "I will give you a chance to live another life. Whether you can live forever depends on your own ability."

Zhao Gao found that his body had regained its vitality.

The carriage was soaring in the clouds and mist, and Jin Si was lying in the carriage.

I have to say that Zhao Gao still knows how to enjoy things.

The interior is luxurious and quite comfortable.

Ying Yinman sat beside him cautiously.


"Call me husband."

"Husband." With this call, Ying Yinman had completely accepted her fate.

"You haven't told me what your wish is yet."

"I want peace in the world."

"There can be no peace in the world unless I kill everyone."

Even two thousand years in the future, such a developed society is still filled with wars.

It is impossible for mankind to achieve peace.

Unless Thanos collects six gems and destroys both his left and right hands.

"Let's talk about something practical and forget about wishful thinking."

"Then...then I hope my father can survive..."

"Your wish has come true." Jin Si said: "He is not dead, he just changed his identity."

"What? But didn't Master Zhao and Master Li say that my father is dead?"

"Can you believe what people who play politics say?"

"Then...can I..." Ying Yinman bit her lower lip and looked at Jin Si hesitantly: "Can I ask you to rescue my brothers and sisters? If it's difficult, forget it."

Ying Yinman felt that her request was too much.

After all, it was a prison, and even with Zhao Gao's status, he almost died when he was taken out of the prison.

If he wanted to rescue his brothers and sisters, I'm afraid his brother would directly send an army to encircle and suppress them.

"No problem." Jin Si agreed readily.

As long as Ying Yinman doesn't make any more wishes for world peace, everything else is easy to talk about.

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