Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Eighty One Jie Tian Prison

Ying Yinman thought that the so-called Jie Tian Prison was the kind of place where one sneaks in and kills a lot of people.

Then they release the prisoners to create chaos, and then take advantage of the chaos to lead people out of the prison.

This is the process that Ying Yinman can imagine in Tian Jie Prison.

Instead of Jin Si, who led her swaggeringly to Taichang Mansion, who was responsible for guarding the prison.

Then he slapped the two suppressed people away, and walked into the prison with confidence.

An official and several government servants happened to come out and saw Jin Si and Ying Yinman barging in.

Immediately shouted: "Who are you!?"

"You are the manager here, and I am a tourist, the kind who buys tickets. Can you show me around this place?"

"Bring them down for me..." The official finished his words.

Jin Si smashed the door of Taichang Mansion with a slap.

The wall several feet next to it was also smashed to pieces.

The yamen officer who was about to take action stopped immediately.

Don't make trouble, isn't it just a visit to the Tianlao? What's the big deal?

There are so many people coming in and out of our prison, and it’s not a shady place.

The Tianlao is heavily guarded, well, more than twenty government officials.

Among them, the top master in Tianlao is the official, referred to as the prison head.

Then he also became a temporary tour guide.

"This cell once held Chu Liuhou. He was also one of the survivors who was moved to Xianyang when the Chu Kingdom was destroyed. Later, because of his association with the rebellious party in Xianyang City, he was imprisoned by His Majesty...the late emperor. Later, he was imprisoned in Xianyang City. He killed himself in this cell."

"And this cell, I have to say..."

"Why is the entire wall of this cell covered in blood?" Jin Si asked.

Ying Yinman was speechless. Do you really think you are here for fun?

The prison boss is not bothered either.

Immediately explained the past of this cell.

" is important."

"Ah, that's right." Jin Si slapped his forehead: "Speaking of business, this time when I come to Tianlao, in addition to walking around, I also want to bring some local specialties."

"Sir... you want souvenirs to come to Tianlao? What kind of souvenirs can Tianlao have?" The prison head couldn't laugh or cry.

"Yes, death row prisoner, these are souvenirs from Tianlao. I plan to take a few back. I'm sure you won't mind, right?"

"How can this be..."


Half of the sky prison was gone, and the sky prison that had not seen the light of day for a long time finally saw the light.

The cell leader immediately raised his hands and feet in agreement.

It's useless not to praise him. With this strength, let alone Tianlao, he can come and go in the palace as he pleases.

Take it with you, take it with you, there is a hijacking felon on your left.

Anyway, their Tianlao has this kind of annual celebration program all year round.

After all, no one who can enter Tianlao has relatives and friends, or a family background.

Especially around the autumn harvest, a group of people prepare to go to the guillotine.

There will always be a few people who are reluctant to part ways and try to take people away from the prison.

The prison is said to be one that can be entered but not exited. In fact, the probability of escape is much higher than that of ordinary prisons.

The main reason is that there are only a few good people who dare to rob Tianlao.

It is not impossible for peerless masters like Jin Si to do so.

So the cell leader quickly accepted his fate.

Bring it, bring it quickly.

Otherwise, when reinforcements arrive, there will be another big battle.

In the end, no matter whether the Jietian Prison can be successful or not, there will definitely be a big battle.

Many people would have to die, and it would take a lot of hard work.

However, when Jin Si came out of the prison with a group of princes and princesses.

The cell leader is crying again, let alone the ordinary death row inmates.

Bring these princes and princesses out, do you want them all to die together?

These princes and daughters were imprisoned by Hu Hai himself.

If they run away, the cell boss and all the government officials will not be able to survive alone.

"Sir, why don't you keep a few of them... If you take them all away, it will be very difficult for us."

"It seems a bit unkind." Jin Si looked back at Ying Yinman: "Yinman, is there anyone here who doesn't have a good relationship with you?"

A group of princes and princesses looked at Ying Yinman for help.

"Husband, they are all close relatives of the slave family. Please bear with me, husband, and take them all with you."

"Okay." Jin Si patted the prison head on the shoulder: "Brother, I'm sorry, if you are afraid of the emperor's punishment, why don't I slap you to death now, so that the emperor will not vent his anger on you. "

The cell leader was so frightened that he jumped several feet away.

"Sir, don't be ridiculous, I don't want to die yet."

"Okay, just think that I owe you a favor. If you are persecuted by the emperor in the future and can't survive anymore, go find Mr. Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao and I are friends. For my sake, if he is not killed, I'll probably protect you."

Jin Si led the group of princes and princesses and walked out of the prison in a swaggering manner.

But when they arrived at the city gate.

Hu Hai had already led people to block the city gate.

Hu Hai stood on the top of the city and looked at Jin Si and his brothers and sisters.

But when he saw Jin Si, he frowned.

An indescribable feeling came over me.

He always felt that he recognized Jin Si.

However, he just couldn't remember where he had seen Jin Si.

"Who are you? Do you know that Jie Tian Prison is a capital crime!" Hu Hai shouted loudly.

"I know." Jin Si nodded.

"You dare to save the person I want to kill?"

"The main reason is that talented people are bold, the secondary reason is because my wife requests it, and the third reason is because I like it."

"Kill me!" Hu Hai ordered immediately.

The imperial guards he brought immediately rushed to Jin Si.

The princes and princesses were all panicked.

Only Jin Si looked calm: "Xiao Hu, do you want to die?"

Hu Hai's heart trembled, and he clearly didn't recognize the person in front of him.

But I just feel scared.

It was as if there was always a voice reminding him subconsciously.

Run away quickly, run away from here quickly.

"Kill him! Go kill him quickly..." Hu Hai suddenly had a crazy ambition towards Jin Si.

This sense of unfounded fear is definitely not an illusion.

My subconscious is constantly warning myself.

How dangerous is this man in front of me?

Student Xiao Hu suddenly saw a strange eye open on Jin Si's forehead.

All things are attracted by heaven! The next moment, Hu Hai was caught in front of Jin Si.

"No one is allowed to move! If anyone dares to move, I will crush his descendants... Wait, I remember, you don't seem to have such a thing."

"Save me me quickly, you losers."

Hu Hai screamed in horror, but the imperial guards did not dare to make any move.

With Hu Hai as cover, Jin Si and others easily led the princes and princesses out of the city.

"Hurry up and save me..."

Jin Si slapped Hu Hai on the face: "Don't make noises in my ears."

"You dare to hit me?"

Hu Hai covered his ears and stared at Jin Si angrily.

"You must not fall into my hands in the future, otherwise I will torture you with the most cruel punishment."


"You have already fallen into my hands, and you still dare to say harsh words to me!? Do you really think that I am a fool?"

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