Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and eighty-four Who told you to keep staring at my wife?

Liu Bang stared at Ying Yinman.

However, in Ying Yinman's opinion, Liu Bang's eyes were too rude.

Ying Yinman turned her head and looked at Jin Si.

Jin Si received Ying Yinman's eyes and immediately grabbed Liu Bang's collar.

"What are you looking at? Call me sister-in-law."

Liu Bang suddenly became furious: "I am her..."

"What is it?" Jin Si pinched Liu Bang's chin.

Cui Ziwen quickly stepped forward to break up the fight.

He also felt that it was not good for Liu Bang to stare at his wife like this.

Liu Bang was even more angry, what's wrong with me staring at my daughter?

You fucking slept with my daughter.

Not only does she not call me father-in-law, but now she actually wants me to call her sister-in-law.

You've gone too far!

"Husband, forget it..." Ying Yinman felt that it was not good for Jin Si and Liu Bang to have a dispute.

After all, Liu Bang might be the new founding emperor.

Ying Yinman still believes that the emperor is the greatest.

A dispute or even a conflict with the emperor would not lead to anything good.

So she still wanted to settle the matter.

When Liu Bang heard what Ying Yinman said, he suddenly felt a little discouraged.

He sighed, feeling a little unmotivated.

The flower that I had carefully raised was finally taken over by the pig.

As for winning Yinman's husband, Liu Bang would be able to accept it.

It just happened to be Jin Si.

Looking back on the past, Liu Bang discovered that Jin Si had already coveted Ying Yinman when she was still young.

Now he finally succeeded.

"Mr. Jin, let's end it here. I...I don't want to argue about this matter anymore."

"Bring it here." Jin Si stretched out his hand.

"What to take?"

"When I get married to your sister-in-law, it's okay if you don't give me any gift. Do you have to make up for the wedding gift now?"

Liu Bang wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he took out a crystal clear dragon and phoenix jade from his arms.

Jin Si grabbed Baoyu and said, "Daughter-in-law, see if it's worth anything. If it's not worth anything, then let us know that our King of Han is a stingy man."

Liu Bang clutched his chest, feeling like he was about to have a myocardial infarction.

"I don't know. This is Lishan jade, carved with the skills of the great craftsman Gongsun. The dragon has the appearance of the nine states, and the phoenix has the appearance of the nine heavens. It is priceless." Liu Bang said bitterly.

Even Liu Bang himself couldn't let go of this Lishan jade.

Of course he didn't give it to Jinsi, but to his daughter.

Now that the deal is done, what if he steps in to stop it?

He could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, silently blessing his daughter.

I just hope she won't be bullied by Jin Si.

However, Ying Yinman held the Lishan jade and remained silent for a long time.

She vaguely remembered that her father also had the same gem.

When he was young, he once asked his father for Lishan Baoyu.

But now, why did it fall into Liu Bang's hands?

Now it's back in my hands again.

"Why is this jade pendant in your hand?"

"Daughter-in-law, let me tell you, your father's death is probably related to him."

When Liu Bang heard this, he was so angry that smoke arose from his orifices.

I'm fucking standing in front of you, how dare you slander me like this to my face?

Are you a human being?

Ying Yinman held Lishan Baoyu and burst into tears.

Liu Bang felt heartbroken when he saw his daughter. Although his daughter was right in front of him, he couldn't recognize her.


"Did you scream Yin Man?" Jin Si scolded: "If you scream again, I will pull out your tongue.


Liu Bang's eyes almost burst into flames.

Only Cui Ziwen looked puzzled.

At the beginning, he really thought that Liu Bang was obsessed with sex.

But the look in Liu Bang's eyes at this moment showed no lust or admiration.

But he was full of pity for Ying Yinman.

Could it be that Yingyinman is his species?

Stop making trouble, Liu Bang was an old gangster in the past.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still not capable of hating Ying Zheng.

And Jin Si is obviously the insider.

He just wanted to play with Liu Bang.

"Hey... that's all. I have something else to do, so I'll take the first step." Liu Bang sighed.

After all, I still didn't have the courage to tell the truth.

He vaguely felt that if he told the truth.

I'm afraid that my luck will completely collapse.

Over the years, he has become more and more aware of the theory of luck.

In the first few years, he lived in confusion.

One day, he met a gangster.

That gangster had no other abilities, but surprisingly he had the spirit of a true dragon.

Of course he couldn't let a person with the spirit of a true dragon live.

Although this gangster is said to have incredible luck, he has no real abilities.

And because he didn't have enough eyesight, he bullied Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng beat him to death with three punches and two kicks, and then Li wore the peach crown and bore Liu Bang's name on his back.

Strangely enough, many things that went wrong in the past suddenly started to go smoothly.

The career that was originally stagnant also made rapid progress in the following years.

To this day, the Han State he established can be compared with Xiang Yu's Western Chu.

Although the military strength is slightly inferior to that of Xi Chu.

However, the overall strength is far superior to Xi Chu, the leader of the reckless family.

He vaguely guessed that he was burdened with Liu Bang's name and Liu Bang's fate.

Of course, if you say that changing your name can bring luck, it's definitely not that simple. There must be other reasons.

In Ying Zheng's heart, the imperial hegemony still trumps the family ties between his children.

So now he can only be Liu Bang, not Ying Zheng.

After looking at Ying Yinman, Liu Bang turned around and left silently.

Ying Yinman looked at Jin Si with confusion on his face.

She wanted Jin Si to give her an explanation.

It's a pity that Jin Si has no idea of ​​​​explanation.

"Husband, that King of Han..."

"I can't tell. You can guess for yourself. If you guess, don't say it."

"Is there anything else you dare not say?" Cui Ziwen sneered.

He knew how daring and lawless Jin Si was.

Just like just now, the King of Han was so angry that he was so angry.

But he is just like a normal person.

Of course, Cui Ziwen mainly wanted to know.

What secret exists between the three of them.

"Jin Si, why don't you stay and assist the King of Han? With your magical powers, you will definitely be able to accomplish something great."

"No." Jin Si refused Cui Ziwen's request without thinking.

Liu Bang is Ying Zheng, assisting him? Then I was directly responsible for Ying Zheng from the beginning.

In fact, without Jin Si's help, the ownership of this world is already clear.

It's not destiny, but Xiang Yu is really not a wise master.

With his IQ, he really doesn't deserve to win the world.

To say that Xiang Yu has no capable ministers around him would be a lie.

But why is Xiang Yu still in that situation now.

The bottom line is that Xiang Yu is not a character who can listen to others' advice.

There is nothing wrong with a person being confident, but there is a problem if he is confident that his IQ is higher than others.

Xiang Yu is such a person, he thinks he is better than others.

The suggestions made by others are all nonsense.

If you are a real man, you should be straight forward.

Development and other things are things that only the weak need.

If a real man lacks anything, just grab it.

The current Xichu may be its final glory.

It won't be long before Xiang Yu personally takes the bitter pill he caused.

After all, his opponent is an experienced veteran.

Xiang Yu is not a qualified leader, nor is he even a good general.

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